
Artificial Intelligence Questions - Artificial Intelligence Questions and Answers Essay

author:BM Xiaowei
Artificial Intelligence Questions - Artificial Intelligence Questions and Answers Essay
Artificial Intelligence Questions - Artificial Intelligence Questions and Answers Essay
Artificial Intelligence Questions - Artificial Intelligence Questions and Answers Essay

Editor's note: The 2024 Anhui Provincial New College Entrance Examination Chinese subject test ended on the morning of June 7. College entrance examination essay topics are the focus of social attention as always. We invited some front-line high school teachers to complete the college entrance examination essay with the essay topic of the new curriculum standard 1. See how they would write this essay while sitting in the college entrance examination room. At the same time, we also used AI to create an essay to see how AI writes.

New Curriculum Standard 1

Read the following materials and write the following as required. (60 minutes)

With the popularity of the Internet and the application of artificial intelligence, more and more questions can be answered quickly. So, will we have fewer and fewer problems?

What associations and ideas do you have triggered by the above materials? Please write an article.

Requirements: choose a good angle, determine the theme, clarify the style, and write your own title; No plagiarism or plagiarism; not to disclose personal information; No less than 800 words.

What is the answer?

Internet AI Artificial Intelligence

With the popularization of the Internet and the application of artificial intelligence, the speed of information dissemination is getting faster and faster, and the ways and speed of people's access to knowledge and information have also greatly increased and accelerated. The answer seems to be at your fingertips. But remember, instead of letting the internet and artificial intelligence provide the answers, you can enjoy the process of sharing knowledge and solving problems while exploring.

It is undeniable that the development of the Internet and artificial intelligence has changed the way we live and the speed of learning, and the way to access information, understand news trends, and expand knowledge has changed from books to a powerful Internet. This does provide us with convenience and speed, but it also makes us reluctant to think and habitually rely on it. Just like the theory in developmental psychology that "the more advanced the tools, the more likely the human body functions to degenerate", convenience allows us to gradually degrade our thinking ability. In life, when we encounter a slightly more complex problem, our first reaction is to search for the answer on the Internet, rather than thinking about it carefully. Maybe in the end we do get the answer we want, but we lose the opportunity to think for ourselves and our minds become dull. Imagine one day in the future, what would we do without these handy tools?

At the same time, the convenience of the Internet has also brought about intellectual property problems, and cases of academic plagiarism and paper plagiarism have emerged in an endless stream. We seem to have forgotten the sacredness of knowledge, and only focused on seeking answers, while neglecting our own exploration and research of knowledge. The British philosopher and educator Whitehead once said: "The meaning of knowledge lies in its application, in people's active mastery of it, that is, wisdom." "But we're drowning in a sea of answers, and we can't help ourselves.

While the development of the internet and artificial intelligence has given us answers, they have not helped us get everything. Stephen Hawking once predicted: "In the future, robots may replace humans." "This is not an exaggeration. Today, robots have appeared in many industries, and they can write articles, translate, draw, and even beat the top Go masters. One day, they may write code that takes search technology to the extreme, and thus truly becomes the master of the "answers". What should we do then?

In this era of information explosion, what we need more is to pursue the philosophy of "loving wisdom". The ancient Greek philosopher Protagoras once said, "Man is the measure of all things." "We need to measure whether our quest for knowledge is superficial, whether it is limited to seeking answers without thinking. We must always maintain the pursuit and thirst for knowledge, and maintain our curiosity and imagination about the world, so that we can continue to explore and enjoy the fun of exploration.

Convenient tools are not the only answer, they are just a medium for us to pursue knowledge. If we want to go further on the road of knowledge, we need to thirst for knowledge, love knowledge, and pursue knowledge. Only in this way can we truly gain knowledge; Only in this way can we enjoy the unique pleasure of exploration and reap the fruits of wisdom!

Break the superstition of intelligence and bravely explore the no-man's land

Huaiyuan No. 1 Middle School Zheng Yawen

There is a common theme in science fiction: a few years later, technology will develop rapidly, artificial intelligence will be the general trend, and human civilization will gradually enter the AI era. A large number of artificial intelligence has replaced everything that humans can replace. Humans, on the other hand, revel in the fruits of artificial intelligence and eventually suffer the consequences, triggering behaviors similar to the "robot revolution".

Some of the things that have happened in recent years seem to be getting closer and closer to the "future" that science fiction writers write. Previously, Go genius Ke Jie was defeated by the artificial intelligence "AlphaGo", and recently ChatGTP can generate articles, paintings, PPTs, etc. based on keywords. The scope of application of artificial intelligence is becoming more and more extensive, and it seems that all work can be done by computing massive amounts of data.

In this case, it is inevitable that everyone will have a question: as the Internet becomes more and more popular, more and more problems can be solved faster. Will we have fewer and fewer problems?

I don't think there's any need to worry about that. Socrates once said to his students, "The more I know, the more I realize my own shallowness and ignorance." The students were puzzled, so Socrates drew two circles, inside the circles were what everyone already had, and outside the circles was what they didn't know. The more knowledge you have, the more you will be exposed to the unknown. The same goes for artificial intelligence, the more problems we solve, the more unknowns there will be as new areas are developed.

Robot vacuum, autonomous driving technology, and "AlphaGo" that can play Go...... Even the legendary ChatGTP is essentially the result of algorithm stacking and data. And where does the data come from? It is the accumulation of hard work of generations of predecessors, and even the data model relies on human writing. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, only eliminates the need to flip through and find information, speeding up calculations. In addition, artificial intelligence has made many jokes since its inception. Suddenly, a smart toilet that sings like no one around, a robot vacuum cleaner that sweeps dirt more and more...... It seems that there are fewer and fewer technical problems and more and more innovation problems. There are too many areas that cannot be touched by artificial intelligence, and humans are the only agents of the historical process.

What is the most fundamental reason why humanity has become the center of the world? Humanity has long explored the answer to this question: emotions. It does not refer to narrow emotions such as affection, love, friendship, etc., but refers to all human emotions such as trust, jealousy, pride, admiration, or positive or negative emotions. As long as emotions do not die, as long as civilization exists, humanity will never fall into the dead end of science fiction. We will always use our wisdom to break new ground, just as people imagine artificial intelligence and bring it to life.

Intelligence is limited, wisdom is infinite

Cui Jianxin of Huaiyuanbao Middle School

The development of science and technology is changing with each passing day, in today's network technology, artificial intelligence is the new favorite of the times, it can answer various questions with super intelligence, it can be said that it is the universal "little helper" of human beings, but its intelligence is created by human wisdom, intelligence is limited, wisdom is unlimited.

The uses of AI are vast and diverse. Nowadays, people are amazed by the powerful ability of AI to answer, no matter how difficult or simple the question is, as long as you type in the question, the answer will be quick and accurate, and it seems to give people the feeling that AI knows everything and can do anything. Whether in production or life, artificial intelligence has its place. It is like a learned teacher, answering people's doubts; It's like timely rain to solve people's urgent needs.

Stephen Hawking once said of artificial intelligence: "Artificial intelligence is the greatest tool in human history, it can help us solve the most difficult problems, it will change our lives in unimaginable ways." "It's an indisputable fact that AI is powerful and versatile.

The disadvantages of artificial intelligence cannot be ignored, artificial intelligence can answer all kinds of questions, so will there be fewer and fewer human problems, or even no problems? In my opinion, the answer is definitely no. How did artificial intelligence come about? It is the culmination of human ingenuity, and Stephen Hawking only called it a tool. As long as human beings are thinking, problems will always exist, and new ones will continue to emerge. Where does the answer come from? Nature is set by humans. Nowadays, the widespread application of artificial intelligence has also created more and more problems. As Pavlov said: "Scientific and technological progress is the embodiment of human wisdom, but it is also the beginning of human self-challenge." "People now have a strong reliance on artificial intelligence. This makes humans think less and less. When humans stop thinking, there are naturally fewer and fewer problems. At the same time, human intelligence will slowly weaken with the dependence on artificial intelligence. Without wisdom, human beings will no longer have the spirit of innovation, and the tools we used may slowly become masters who enslave themselves. Engels said, "The most essential difference between human beings and animals is that human beings have the ability to make and use tools." "As a powerful tool for human beings, artificial intelligence is justified by and for human beings. But now it is hindering the development of human thinking ability, and human beings are trapped by artificial intelligence and slowly lose their creativity. As Albert Einstein said, "When humanity realizes that it is not as capable as the tools it has created, then humanity is in crisis." ”

AI is created by humans, and it can answer many questions, but the answers to all questions are input by humans themselves. Although artificial intelligence can give answers, it has no human emotions, and cold answers cannot give people warm feelings. While it brings convenience and efficiency to human life and production, it is also slowly eating away at human beings, and even makes more and more people feel an inexplicable sense of crisis and fear. As human beings, we should always remember that the development of the times and the progress of science and technology are all created by human wisdom, and we must not let our wisdom be enslaved by artificial intelligence.

Young people should trust their own wisdom and not rely on artificial intelligence for everything. Wisdom should be moderate, and wisdom is inexhaustible and inexhaustible. Artificial intelligence is finite, while human intelligence is unlimited. Don't limit yourself to intelligence, but use your own wisdom.

Reason dances with the Internet to bring you and me closer

Hou Peiying, Anhui Province Longkang Farm Middle School

Bill Gates said: "The Internet is changing the way people live. "At present, the Internet crosses oceans and mountains, making the world close and interconnected; Artificial intelligence is sparking imagination and igniting vast unknowns. Internet-based communication is very popular, and the circle of friends, video chat, etc., virtually crosses the barriers of time and space and shortens the distance between people. We are setting sail in the age of the Internet, but the gains and losses are intriguing.

In the past, people would look far away and expect the phone to be answered. As time passed, people piled up the scent of ink, arranged letters without dates haphazardly, and stuffed the drawers, nourishing the garden of memory. However, with the progress of the times, the popularization of mobile phones, and the collection of pen and ink, people finally no longer wait. The moment your fingertips dance on the screen, you are a close friend and a neighbor within the four seas.

But slowly, the flood of information drowns out our passion to express our sincere feelings to each other. In parks, subways, and windowsills, people are looking down and enjoying the magical world of the Internet. The names in the address book are held in my hand one by one, and the email will not be yellowed and rolled up with time, but those names and strings of characters gradually become blurred, and they have been forgotten by you and me before they are deleted, and the subtle feeling of waiting has disappeared. The speed of the internet has given us so much convenience that we no longer have to wait and no longer have to wait.

Some people say that the Internet has no memory, but is that really the case? With doubts, I searched for memories in the traces of the Internet, flipped through the letters exchanged with relatives and friends, and felt as if I had secretly returned to my former garden on a rainy night. The branches and leaves that had been knocked down by the rain and soaked in the soil still showed green life, and I picked them up one by one, but I could no longer be the farmer who planted rice on the wasteland like before. I suddenly woke up, I don't know how long it has been since I sat at my desk and meditated quietly as before, telling my family and friends about my joys and sorrows, and expressing my feelings? It seems that I have been lost in the Internet for a long time and have forgotten how to write my thoughts. However, after all, this cannot be blamed on the network, when can the rationality of the tool become the instrument of rationality? Perhaps only you and I can answer. Thinking of this, I opened the keyboard, sent an email to my friends and family, and waited for a reply, the network wouldn't let me wait too long, but I was still waiting in my heart.

The Internet has made the world smaller, and artificial intelligence is like a wise old man, tirelessly answering people's questions. However, there is one question that only we can answer, and that is the distance between your and my hearts.

In the Internet era, we should not make interpersonal emotions cold and alienated because of the fast Internet speed, we should stop chasing technology in time and pay attention to the people around us, because they are still where you started, we should dance with the Internet rationally, as a conscious behavior, so as to shorten the distance between you and me, and make the world warmer and more harmonious!

Learn to choose and become the master of artificial intelligence

Wang Jingmei of Huaiyuan Education Middle School

With the rapid development of the Internet and the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, we seem to be in a world where we can answer questions at any time, and the answers will appear immediately with just a few clicks. This convenience makes us marvel at the greatness of technology. However, when we bask in the joy of instant gratification, we can't help but wonder: With the quick answers to our questions, are we less and less suspicious?

In the era of convenient Internet, we have to admit that most people have become lazy, and when they encounter problems, they want to find answers online, and they don't have time to think independently. Although Internet artificial intelligence has brought us great convenience and helped us solve many problems, I think our problems will also increase.

With the explosion of information, the problems we face have become more complex and diverse. From the perspective of knowledge acquisition, the Internet and artificial intelligence have opened up an ocean of knowledge for us. But the vastness of the ocean also means that we need to put more effort into exploring and selecting. When we are faced with a large amount of information, how to select valuable questions, how to think deeply and study have become new problems that we need to face.

In addition, the application of artificial intelligence, while improving the efficiency of problem-solving, also brings new challenges. On the one hand, over-reliance on AI can deprive us of the ability to think for ourselves, and when the problem becomes simple and straightforward, we may lose sight of the deeper meaning and complexity behind it. On the other hand, the rapid development of artificial intelligence also raises ethical and moral issues. How can we ensure that AI is thought in terms of human values? This is a question that we must think deeply about while enjoying the convenience of technology. Therefore, I believe that with the popularization of the Internet and the application of artificial intelligence, the problems we face have not decreased, but have become more complex and diverse. We should not only cherish the convenience of being able to answer questions at any time, but also be wary of the challenges and risks behind it. We need to think and explore harder to deal with this uncertain world.

In the process, we can draw on the wisdom of some sages. For example, Confucius said: "If you learn without thinking, you will be reckless, and if you think without learning, you will die." This quote tells us the importance of learning and thinking. In the era of the Internet and artificial intelligence, we must not only acquire knowledge, but also learn to think and deal with problems. On the contrary, we should cherish this era full of opportunities and challenges, strive to explore the unknown world, and face the challenges of the future with a more open and inclusive attitude. In the age of the Internet, we should learn to sift through and select information, and think more. To be a wise man in the age of wisdom and to be the master of "AI".

Artificial Intelligence Questions - Artificial Intelligence Questions and Answers Essay

-- Education is rooted in love --

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