
Chinese AI Summit-2021 Chinese AI Summit

author:BM Xiaowei
Chinese AI Summit-2021 Chinese AI Summit
Chinese AI Summit-2021 Chinese AI Summit

Silicon News

On August 9, the "Chinese Artificial Intelligence Summit" hosted by the Xiamen Municipal People's Government was grandly held, and Silicon Valley Intelligence was invited to attend the summit as a representative of outstanding enterprises in the field of artificial intelligence industry applications.

Sima Huapeng, founder and CEO of Silicon Valley Intelligence, participated in the roundtable forum on "How to Expand the Depth and Breadth of Technology Application" as a guest with experts and enterprise technical representatives from Peking University, Beijing Institute of Technology and other related fields, and discussed directional topics such as "data islands in the field of artificial intelligence technology", "specialization and generalization in the development of artificial intelligence", and "role setting of government, enterprises and users in the development of artificial intelligence industry".

Sima Huapeng pointed out in the discussion of "Specialization and Generalization in the Development of Artificial Intelligence" that the development of artificial intelligence is first of all the mature process of general technology, and secondly, the professional construction of general technology when it penetrates into the industry; Finally, the general application technology is formed within the scope of the industry and matures and develops on a large scale, showing a spiral development form. He took automobile tire manufacturing as an example, explained in simple terms, and his views were unanimously recognized by the experts attending the meeting.

Chinese AI Summit-2021 Chinese AI Summit
Chinese AI Summit-2021 Chinese AI Summit



Since its establishment in August 2017, Silicon Technology has been standing on the shoulders of general AI technology, combining in-depth exploration and analysis of customer marketing pain points in different industries, unremitting research, meticulous service, and optimized application, and has become a leading enterprise in the industrialization of AI voice interaction, and the depth and breadth of AI technology applications are far ahead of the industry.

With the rise and rejuvenation of China, the rapid growth of the mainland's economy, politics, military, and science and technology has attracted global attention, and the development of scientific and technological AI is at the world's leading level in terms of scientific research investment, investment and financing, and industrial penetration. The rise of silicon-based life represented by AI smart products has also made up for the disappearance of the demographic dividend brought about by the rise of women's initiative. "Human beings specialize in 1% of intellectual thinking, and let silicon-based life bear 99% of the sweat and sweat" is no longer a theory. Silicon-based intelligence will unswervingly lock in the research and development of AI artificial intelligence, continue to explore breakthroughs, and truly realize "liberating the human brain and returning to the value of people!" ”

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