
Yue Yunpeng pulled a banner to celebrate Liu Yan's group! wiping their faces and fighting, the two interact very lovingly

author:Making money is the truth
Yue Yunpeng pulled a banner to celebrate Liu Yan's group! wiping their faces and fighting, the two interact very lovingly

The classic line "Swallow, my swallow, how can I live without you......" sounded again, but not on the movie screen, but in real life staged a warm friendship drama.

Yue Yunpeng pulled a banner to celebrate Liu Yan's group! wiping their faces and fighting, the two interact very lovingly

Liu Yan finally formed a group with his own efforts and tenacity in "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves". This "Sister Drag" has proved with her strength that she is not just a vase, but an all-round artist. In the show, she showed amazing perseverance and talent, from not being favored at the beginning, to successfully advancing in the end, Liu Yan's growth path is touching.

Yue Yunpeng pulled a banner to celebrate Liu Yan's group! wiping their faces and fighting, the two interact very lovingly

And at the moment when Liu Yan celebrated her success, her friend Yue Yunpeng brought an unexpected surprise. Regardless of his image, the cross talk actor personally pulled up a banner that read, "Welcome Sister Liu Yan to return in a group". Not only that, but he also prepared a red ribbon with the word "Goddess" prominently written on it. Yue Yunpeng carefully draped the ribbon on Liu Yan's body, and this scene was so warm that people couldn't help laughing.

Yue Yunpeng pulled a banner to celebrate Liu Yan's group! wiping their faces and fighting, the two interact very lovingly

The two met many years ago in the movie "Love Saint", when the character played by Yue Yunpeng was infatuated with the "swallow" played by Liu Yan. Unexpectedly, after eight years, the two were on the same stage again, but they met as sincere friends. This kind of contrast between inside and outside the play makes people sigh at the wonder of fate.

Yue Yunpeng pulled a banner to celebrate Liu Yan's group! wiping their faces and fighting, the two interact very lovingly

At the recording site of "Best Friend's Weekend", Liu Yan was young and beautiful in a "Xiaoying outfit", while Yue Yunpeng looked a little restrained. When the two stood together for a group photo, Liu Yan was lively and generous, while Yue Yunpeng looked at the camera blankly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a smile in his eyes. This scene seems to make people dream back to the "swallow" plot of the year, but with the warmth of the precipitation of the years.

Yue Yunpeng pulled a banner to celebrate Liu Yan's group! wiping their faces and fighting, the two interact very lovingly

However, the festivities didn't last long. While attending a local bonfire festival, the two experienced a "blackening" with other guests. Liu Yan humorously posted on social platforms: "One second it was still celebrating warmly, but the next second it was hacked." It turned out that they followed the local customs, participated in local traditional activities, and smeared their faces with black charcoal.

Yue Yunpeng pulled a banner to celebrate Liu Yan's group! wiping their faces and fighting, the two interact very lovingly

In the photo, several guests are wearing national costumes, their faces are dark, but they are smiling very happily. In particular, Pang Bo's constant poking out of his head adds a bit of unique joy to this photo. This contrasting and cute effect made netizens ridicule: "This time it was really hacked!"

Yue Yunpeng pulled a banner to celebrate Liu Yan's group! wiping their faces and fighting, the two interact very lovingly

Yue Yunpeng was not to be outdone, and joked on social platforms: "I'll surprise you, you frighten me, and find evidence that you smeared me." The interaction between the two made people feel a sincere friendship. Even Liu Yan's studio couldn't help but get involved, praising Yue Yunpeng as a "good friend".

Yue Yunpeng pulled a banner to celebrate Liu Yan's group! wiping their faces and fighting, the two interact very lovingly

This reunion, which spans eight years, not only shows the deep friendship between Liu Yan and Yue Yunpeng, but also allows people to see the sincere emotional side of the entertainment industry. From the on-screen couple of the year to the best friends today, the evolution of the relationship between the two is touching.

Yue Yunpeng pulled a banner to celebrate Liu Yan's group! wiping their faces and fighting, the two interact very lovingly

Although Yue Yunpeng and Liu Yan seem to be people from two different worlds, it is this contrast that makes their friendship even more precious. In this variety show, not only the two of them, but also the other guests get along with each other full of warmth and joy.

Yue Yunpeng pulled a banner to celebrate Liu Yan's group! wiping their faces and fighting, the two interact very lovingly

From the stage of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" to the gathering of "Best Friend's Weekend", Liu Yan proved himself with his strength and gained sincere friendship. And Yue Yunpeng used his own unique humor to send the most sincere blessings to his friends.

Yue Yunpeng pulled a banner to celebrate Liu Yan's group! wiping their faces and fighting, the two interact very lovingly

This story teaches us that sincere emotions and friendships are the most precious, both in front of the camera and in life. Just like Liu Yan and Yue Yunpeng, although they come from different fields and have very different personalities, they can become important friends in each other's lives. In the complex environment of the entertainment industry, such friendship is undoubtedly a clear stream, which makes people feel the warmth and beauty of human nature.

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