
Sony has made the PS5 controller user guide into a brand new game

author:You Research Club

This week, we got an early taste of the new Cosmic Robot series through an offline trial.

Most players' impression of this series comes from the PS5 bonus game "Space Robot: Wireless Controller User Guide". Although it is a giveaway to help players familiarize themselves with the features of the PS controller, this game is full of family atmosphere and gameplay, making it a regular on the "PS5 must-play list".

The new work of "Cosmic Robot", which will be released on September 6, is no longer a free creative sketch, but has evolved into a serious game with a full volume.

Sony has made the PS5 controller user guide into a brand new game

In less than an hour of gameplay, we were able to experience two maps, a boss level, and two challenge levels at the beginning of the game. Even though it was short and not enjoyable, it gave me a sense of the great 3D platforming feel of the genre and the wonderful sense of déjà vu of playing "Sony's own Mario".

About half of the hour's time was spent on the two challenge levels. The two levels, one to test the ability to jump, and the other to test the application of the "time stop" prop, should be additional challenges that do not affect the unlocking of the main story. Many media friends present were stuck in this level, and some simply gave up the challenge, which shows that this generation of games also leaves enough room for hardcore 3D platform jumping players to challenge.

Sony has made the PS5 controller user guide into a brand new game

It's a bit of a pity that in the demo part of "Cosmic Robot", it is difficult to see the original "Cosmic Robot: Wireless Controller User Guide" to show the PS5 DualSense controller function in a whimsical way.

By removing the responsibility of "displaying the maximum number of controllers", the new Cosmic Robot is free from the constraints of hardware characteristics, and the level and ability design appears to be more free and easy, but it also lacks the feeling of "still being able to do this" when playing the previous game - I hope it is only the demo part that has not included these contents.

Sony has made the PS5 controller user guide into a brand new game

And the part that I look forward to the most about this "Cosmic Robot" is actually some glimpses in the cutscenes, and I haven't been able to actually play it yet.

For example, after completing the boss level, the little robot protagonist was rescued by Kui Ye and his son, and then flew to a level with the theme of "God of War 4/5", but the trial process ended here.

Although we didn't get to experience the God of War-themed levels, in the previous trailer, we have seen that Kui Ye will throw his axe to the protagonist, and we have also seen a level that is very similar to the new God of War world in a map montage. There is already enough evidence that players in this level will most likely gain a new ability based on the Kuiye Axe, and experience a platform-jumping God of War experience in Cosmic Robots.

Sony has made the PS5 controller user guide into a brand new game
Sony has made the PS5 controller user guide into a brand new game

What's more, in addition to "God of War" in the trailer, there are also a number of levels suspected of being "Uncharted" in the flashing scenes, and Drake also has an appearance, all of which clearly indicate that "Cosmic Robot" will be linked with Sony's first-party games.

Sony has made the PS5 controller user guide into a brand new game

In "Cosmic Robot: Wireless Controller User Guide", in fact, a large number of characters from Sony's games have long appeared, but they all exist as easter eggs in the process, and now there are obviously more in-depth combinations.

Sony has made the PS5 controller user guide into a brand new game

When it comes to integrating its IP into a game, the first thing that comes to many people's minds is "Super Smash Bros. Smash Bros." next door. Nowadays, many large companies are also trying to give full play to their copyright advantages and put multiple well-known characters into one game, most of which are still copying the template of "Ren Dou".

And this time, Sony's "Cosmic Robot" is also like "The Avengers" is to Marvel, allowing players to deepen their impression of multiple games in one game.

Can this little robot take on the responsibility of connecting the "Sony Game Universe"? It will only be revealed when the game is officially launched.

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