
High temperature evaluation: 6 kinds of flowers suitable for balcony cultivation in summer, the plant size is small, but it is heat-resistant and easy to raise

author:Qiantang sells flowers

People who like to raise flowers can't stand the days when they don't have flowers to appreciate, no matter what season it is. Especially in the hot summer, the heart is impetuous, and more needs flowers and plants to calm down. So what to raise? I selected 6 kinds of flowers and plants that are suitable for summer balcony maintenance, although they are small, they are all heat-tolerant and easy to maintain. These flowers have undergone high temperature evaluation in summer, and there is no need to be afraid of the high temperature of about 40 °C, so please rest assured that you can maintain them.

High temperature evaluation: 6 kinds of flowers suitable for balcony cultivation in summer, the plant size is small, but it is heat-resistant and easy to raise

Jasmine that is more fragrant than perfume

If you want to raise flowers in summer, jasmine is a must-raise flower for everyone. You don't need too many reasons to choose it, just rush it to the floral scent. What's more, it is not only full of floral fragrance, but also has a particularly long viewing period, which can bloom until the end of October. As long as there is enough light, frequent pruning, and more fertilization, it will continue to bloom. Jasmine loves strong light and is not afraid of heat at all in summer, so you don't have to worry about it being afraid of the sun when maintaining it on the balcony, but you should pay attention to ventilation.

High temperature evaluation: 6 kinds of flowers suitable for balcony cultivation in summer, the plant size is small, but it is heat-resistant and easy to raise

Bursting periwinkles

Don't look at the periwinkle plant is not big, if it is raised well, it will easily burst pots. Under the sun, summer is one day at a time. The more sunlight there is, the more flowers bloom and the more flowers there are. Although it is herbaceous, the trunk is lignified. Some flower friends can grow small periwinkles into "trees", which is very remarkable. Periwinkle is particularly easy to raise, it likes light, is not afraid of the sun in summer, and is suitable for balcony maintenance with sufficient sunlight. There is no difficulty in maintenance, just be careful not to accumulate water when watering, and you can dry and water thoroughly.

High temperature evaluation: 6 kinds of flowers suitable for balcony cultivation in summer, the plant size is small, but it is heat-resistant and easy to raise

Sunflowers that are not afraid of high temperatures

Sunflower, the most typical grass flower in summer. If you are hesitating about what flowers to raise in the summer, then it is recommended that you get sunflowers. Whether you are a ground plant or a potted plant, you can be satisfied. It is not afraid of heat and can be maintained in the open air, not to mention the balcony. As long as there is enough sunlight and good ventilation, it is also very good to keep a few pots of sunflowers of different colors on the balcony at home. It's quite solid and easy to raise, and it can't be raised at all in summer.

High temperature evaluation: 6 kinds of flowers suitable for balcony cultivation in summer, the plant size is small, but it is heat-resistant and easy to raise

Colorful peppers that are not inferior to flowers

If you don't like flowers, you can also consider raising a pot of ornamental peppers, which are no worse than some flowering plants. The colorful chili peppers are very strange and beautiful, especially for families with young children. The key is that it is very easy to raise, you don't have to worry about its flowering period, it can fruit until the end of autumn, which is relatively long. Put it on the balcony for maintenance, you only need to be responsible for watering, a very worry-free plant.

High temperature evaluation: 6 kinds of flowers suitable for balcony cultivation in summer, the plant size is small, but it is heat-resistant and easy to raise

Echinacea blooming in summer

We know that chrysanthemums are generally bloomed in autumn. There aren't many chrysanthemums that bloom in summer, but echinacea is one of the few plants in the Asteraceae family that bloom. It gets its name from the fact that its flowers resemble pine cones. Echinacea is not afraid of heat and can be planted outdoors or potted on the balcony, as long as the sun is good. It is particularly leathery and drought tolerant. Maintenance is not difficult, and the flowers bloom all summer.

High temperature evaluation: 6 kinds of flowers suitable for balcony cultivation in summer, the plant size is small, but it is heat-resistant and easy to raise

Tiger thorn plum that blooms in all seasons

Known as the "flowering machine", the flowering period is really long. From spring, it can be opened until winter. In the south, it blooms all year round and never stops. The plants are not large and suitable for balcony maintenance. As long as the light is good enough, it will continue to bloom. As a "succulent", it does not like water and is relatively drought tolerant, so even if it is watered in summer, it should not be overly diligent, and it is very easy to maintain. Do you like it?

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