
Changing from "D gear" to "S gear", do you have to apply the brakes? I learned the answer: It's dangerous, it's almost a joke!

author:Wang Ba car review

In the world of automobiles, each gear is like a secret word between the driver and the car, and "D gear" and "S gear" are undoubtedly the two most curious. Many car owners may have this question: in the process of driving, if you want to switch from the smooth "D gear" to the passionate "S gear", do you need to step on the brakes? Today, we will discuss this topic in depth, so that all car owners and friends not only know in their hearts, but also operate with ease.

Changing from "D gear" to "S gear", do you have to apply the brakes? I learned the answer: It's dangerous, it's almost a joke!

D and S gears

First of all, let's get to know this pair of "gear brothers". D-gear, affectionately known as "Forward Gear" as a resident guest of automatic transmission models, is like plain but indispensable water in daily life, which can meet most of the needs of daily driving. The S gear, on the other hand, is an energetic athlete with the full name "Sport Mode", which is designed to bring the driver a more passionate driving experience. In S mode, the car delays gear changes to keep the engine at a high speed and ready to deliver power, especially when overtaking or challenging steep hills.

Changing from "D gear" to "S gear", do you have to apply the brakes? I learned the answer: It's dangerous, it's almost a joke!

Direct gear shifting, no braking required?

Getting back to the point, do you need to apply the brakes when switching from D to S while driving? The answer is: no need to deliberately apply the brakes. This is a point that has made many car owners suddenly realize. In most automatic transmission models, the D-to-S conversion is designed to be quite user-friendly, without the need for complex operating processes, and can be completed with a simple flick of the gear. In this way, it will not cause damage to the gearbox, nor will it affect the driving safety, which can be said to be fast and convenient.

Changing from "D gear" to "S gear", do you have to apply the brakes? I learned the answer: It's dangerous, it's almost a joke!

Of course, if you have a trace of concern in your heart and are worried that direct gear change will hurt your car, you can also take the tip of "release the throttle in seconds and change gears quickly". That is, quickly release the accelerator pedal at the moment of shifting, and accelerate immediately after the shift is completed, although this practice is not necessary, but for those who want to change gears more delicately, it is a kind of psychological comfort.

Changing from "D gear" to "S gear", do you have to apply the brakes? I learned the answer: It's dangerous, it's almost a joke!

Misunderstandings and consequences of stepping on the brakes

Some car owners may be unable to help but tap the brakes when changing gears because of the habit of driving manual transmissions in the past, or psychological effects, thinking that this can make the gear shift smoother. In fact, this step is purely redundant and may even cause unnecessary strain on the gearbox. Imagine that when you apply the brakes to slow down and at the same time reduce the speed of the car further by changing gears, it is tantamount to a "double speed reduction" of the car, which is not only unnecessary, but can also pose a potential threat to the health of the transmission.

Changing from "D gear" to "S gear", do you have to apply the brakes? I learned the answer: It's dangerous, it's almost a joke!

The correct way to open the S file

Finally, it's worth mentioning that while the S gear gives you the thrill of speeding, it's not meant to be used for long periods of time. Staying in S gear for long periods of time means that the engine will continue to run at high revs, which not only increases fuel consumption, but also can reduce the life of the engine. Therefore, while enjoying the speed and passion, you should also remember to return to D gear at the right time, so that your car can also take a breather and rest.

Changing from "D gear" to "S gear", do you have to apply the brakes? I learned the answer: It's dangerous, it's almost a joke!


After learning this knowledge, I believe that many car owners will sigh: "I see, I almost did unnecessary operations because I didn't understand!" "It's true that having the right gear shifting skills not only improves the driving experience, but also better protects your car. The next time you switch from D to S, just remember to shift gears directly to make every journey more confident and calm. Isn't the joy of driving all about the exploration and discovery of these subtleties?

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