
The United States also "can't step on the brakes" and has sent troops to evacuate overseas Chinese, and Israel wants to hit another neighboring country?

author:Ploughing cattle

After the United States proposed a cease-fire, Israel recently reduced the intensity of its strikes in the Gaza Strip, and if the good offices of all parties are effective, it is possible to achieve a cease-fire, but before people have time to rejoice, the Israeli war machine is targeting another neighboring country, Lebanon, and the most obvious action is that the United States is ready to evacuate its nationals.

According to reference sources, the Pentagon is moving forces closer to Israel and Lebanon in order to evacuate American citizens in the event of an escalation of the conflict between the two sides. It is alleged that the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp and the 24th Marine Expeditionary Group have entered the Mediterranean Sea to rendezvous with the USS Oakhill dock landing ship and another warship, ready to carry out "military-assisted evacuation" and other tasks.

The United States also "can't step on the brakes" and has sent troops to evacuate overseas Chinese, and Israel wants to hit another neighboring country?

Previously, the US side had clearly told Allah in Lebanon that "do not think that the United States can stop Israel from launching an attack on Lebanon." This means that even the United States will not be able to step on the brakes for Israel, which has entered a state of madness. What should we think about this? Let's talk about three topics.

First, is the "US evacuation" a signal that a major war is coming?

Basically, it can be said that before the expansion of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the United States also carried out the evacuation mission ahead of schedule, and after that, Israel's military operation against Gaza was completely unfolded, and American citizens had already fled the "Gaza hell" while other countries were still asking Israel. As an ally of Hamas, after the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Lebanese Allah Party has never stopped harassing Israel in the north, hoping to relieve the pressure of war faced by Hamas.

Now that the United States has come up with a ceasefire agreement, the hostage issue is expected to be resolved, and Israel has admitted that "it is impossible to completely eliminate Hamas", so a ceasefire is expected in Gaza.

Such a background, if you look at it from another angle, is equivalent to Israel freeing up its hands, and the probability of launching a war against Lebanon is also increasing, because Israeli Defense Secretary Gallant, who visited the United States, made it clear when he left that the Israeli army has the ability to "send Lebanon back to the Stone Age" in any battle with Allah, which is a bit of a "declaration of war".

The United States also "can't step on the brakes" and has sent troops to evacuate overseas Chinese, and Israel wants to hit another neighboring country?

Against this background, the fact that the United States began to send troops to Lebanon in preparation for the launch of the "evacuation operation" is indeed a bad omen.

Second, is it possible for Israel to attack Lebanon?

I have to say that this is completely possible. First, Allah is an ally of Hamas, and there is no big difference between fighting Allah and fighting Hamas, both of which are weakening Israel's "opponents" and Iran's "partners." I am afraid that Israel will not be soft on this. In Yemen and the Red Sea region, the United States and Britain have not stopped attacking another ally of Hamas, the Houthis in Yemen.

Moreover, Lebanon is a small country, even smaller than the territory currently occupied by Israel, which was occupied during the Middle East war. Now, if Gaza cannot completely get its hands on it, it is developing in the direction of Lebanon, and I am afraid that Israel is also looking for a "balance".

The United States wants a ceasefire in Gaza, and Israel will give the White House this face because it has military aid from the United States, but you can't stop me from fighting Lebanon, right? Allah has been harassing Israel, and Israel can also use this as a reason to launch a "self-defense" operation against Lebanon.

The United States also "can't step on the brakes" and has sent troops to evacuate overseas Chinese, and Israel wants to hit another neighboring country?

Moreover, Israel also hopes to drive Allah away, because the southern Lebanon in which they operate is not only adjacent to Israel, but also adjacent to Syria, and next to the Syrian Golan Heights occupied by Israel, which is related to Israel's strategic security, because from the Golan Heights, you can see the Mediterranean Sea at a glance; Second, the Golan Heights is also a matter of water security for Israel. Therefore, Allah and the Syrian resistance group have been operating in this area, and I am afraid that Israel has long regarded it as a "thorn in the side".

Third, the United States really can't stop Israel?

I'm afraid not. When the international community called for a ceasefire in Gaza, the United States was still providing military assistance to Israel, still preventing the ceasefire agreement from being adopted by the Security Council, and Israel did not implement the United Nations ceasefire resolution, and the United States did not give any explanation. In the context of a new round of conflict in the Middle East, the United States has no intention of really stopping Israel, and its proposal of a "cease-fire plan" is also because it is isolated by the international community and needs to "decompress."

The United States also "can't step on the brakes" and has sent troops to evacuate overseas Chinese, and Israel wants to hit another neighboring country?

If the United States really wants to step on this brake and calm the Middle East, it only needs to do two things: first, stop sending military aid to Israel; The second is to support the Security Council's sanctions against Israel because it does not implement the ceasefire agreement. Only, will the United States do this? To say that "Israel cannot be stopped" is probably to put pressure on Allah and hope that Lebanon will make concessions.

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