
China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes! The BRICS has stopped accepting new people, and the mistakes made by NATO and the EU must not be repeated

author:Discussion of the law
China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes! The BRICS has stopped accepting new people, and the mistakes made by NATO and the EU must not be repeated
China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes! The BRICS has stopped accepting new people, and the mistakes made by NATO and the EU must not be repeated
Disclaimer丨The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have not been marked, please be aware.

On June 25, local time, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met with the President of the House of Republics of the Belarusian National Assembly, Kochanova, who was also visiting Minsk, during his visit to Minsk, during which Lavrov delivered a speech:

The BRICS group voted to suspend the BRICS expansion for the time being, and the next focus will be on integrating new members.

This is undoubtedly a painful blow to countries such as Thailand and Turkey, which are still lining up to enter the BRICS. So, why did the BRICS suddenly "brake"?

China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes! The BRICS has stopped accepting new people, and the mistakes made by NATO and the EU must not be repeated

For Russia, which is currently committed to breaking through the sanctions imposed by European and American countries, the benefits brought by the BRICS group if it continues to "expand" will be huge.

Moreover, since the development of the BRICS, the number of full member countries has increased by 5, and the number of countries interested in applying for membership has also reached 34.

China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes! The BRICS has stopped accepting new people, and the mistakes made by NATO and the EU must not be repeated

It can only be said that this is the unanimous decision of the BRICS vote, and based on a long-term perspective, this decision is really far-sighted!

After all, with the "failures" of NATO and the EU in front of them, the BRICS countries cannot let history repeat itself.

China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes! The BRICS has stopped accepting new people, and the mistakes made by NATO and the EU must not be repeated

"Brake" - suspend the expansion of the staff

This year, Russia, as the rotating chair of the BRICS, has given new thinking in the face of the 34 countries that have newly applied for "membership".

Looking at the current international situation, the hegemony of the United States and Western countries is no longer the only one, and the Fed's interest rate cut crisis is frightening.

Based on this, 34 countries such as Thailand, Turkey, and Colombia have submitted "applications for joining the group", but for the already growing BRICS, if they blindly expand, they will inevitably be counterattacked.

China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes! The BRICS has stopped accepting new people, and the mistakes made by NATO and the EU must not be repeated

The international situation is unpredictable, the problems between Russia and Ukraine, Palestine and Israel are still unending, and the BRICS countries have shown their talents and can flexibly respond to most attacks by the United States and Western countries.

For example, in response to the "Russia-Ukraine" peace summit in Ukraine, the Chinese side "did not participate" based on its own principles, but India's handling of it was even more sharp, not only being invited to the summit, but also claiming at the meeting that "the solution requires sincere and pragmatic engagement between the two sides of the conflict".

India's speech sounded "impartial" at first glance, but when placed at this Ukraine peace summit, which has lost its balance since it was held, it is simply a blatant "justification" of Russia.

China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes! The BRICS has stopped accepting new people, and the mistakes made by NATO and the EU must not be repeated

Another example is the many atrocities committed by Israel against "Palestine and Israel", because of their "sensitive status", China and Russia can only provide international solidarity and send supplies. But the South African side directly stepped forward and prosecuted Israel for "genocide"!

The world is a huge stage, and no country can say that it is incomparable, and the multipolarization of the world is an inevitable trend in the future development.

The list goes on and on, and in a sense, since the BRICS group exists, it must maximize its interests.

China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes! The BRICS has stopped accepting new people, and the mistakes made by NATO and the EU must not be repeated

It can be found that although the BRICS countries have absorbed Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran and other countries as new full members in recent years, they have not played a very big role in international confrontations.

How to better integrate them with the original BRICS countries? It is an issue that Russia urgently needs to consider during its current duties.

So, on the fast track of multilateral cooperation, why don't the BRICS countries absorb a group and integrate them together? In fact, there is another factor that has to be considered!

China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes! The BRICS has stopped accepting new people, and the mistakes made by NATO and the EU must not be repeated

Reject the repetition of the mistake

Since Sweden joined NATO in March this year, NATO has 32 full members; In comparison, the EU has a slightly smaller number of member states, with only 27 member states.

What is the impact of the increase in the number of member states on them – the cost of communication has risen, the efficiency of decision-making has plummeted, and even there have been divisions within the member states.

However, when these contradictions appeared, the United States, as a key player in them, made very little effort to "reconcile", and over time, it naturally became a "case of failure."

China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes! The BRICS has stopped accepting new people, and the mistakes made by NATO and the EU must not be repeated

The lessons of NATO and the EU are still there, and we cannot say whether the wrong footprints will have new followers. However, the new decision of the BRICS countries to "stop accepting new people" will inevitably circumvent the wrong course.

What's more, at this stage, the dust of the U.S. election has not yet settled, and Obama's latest expression of strong support for Biden will have an impact on the original vote, and the world pattern is still changing......

In a negative way of predicting, if the BRICS countries continue to absorb other countries without considering the consequences, it will be self-inflicted if a new bloc confrontation arises.

China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes! The BRICS has stopped accepting new people, and the mistakes made by NATO and the EU must not be repeated

If we imagine it with a positive attitude, the future of the BRICS countries does not depend on the number of member countries at all, and each member that has joined it will have closer and more substantial cooperation with each other, which is the real meaning of the existence of the BRICS group.

In addition, Russia, as a "sensitive player" in the international community, will inevitably undergo repeated tests for newly absorbed countries.

After all, even the most powerful power will be suspicious of countries that have been subject to the United States to sanction them.

China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes! The BRICS has stopped accepting new people, and the mistakes made by NATO and the EU must not be repeated

However, considering the future development of the entire country, the Russian side naturally knows how to weigh the pros and cons, whether it is a "grass on the wall" or really "turning back", and I believe that the Russian side will make the most sensible decision after assessment.

Now, we should focus on Saudi Arabia, Iran and other countries, as new members, what kind of ripple effect they will have on the hegemony of the dollar, the import and export of military weapons, etc., this is what we should wait and see.

Information sources: 2024-06-27 Lavrov: The BRICS countries have voted to temporarily suspend the expansion in order to focus on integrating new members
China and Russia decisively stepped on the brakes! The BRICS has stopped accepting new people, and the mistakes made by NATO and the EU must not be repeated

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