
The youngest prodigy officer, who was admitted to the army at the age of 6, was able to reach thousands of troops during the war years

author:Historical tide river

Today I want to introduce you to a prodigy, she entered the army at the age of 6, is a scarce talent in our army, in the war years can reach thousands of troops, she is the Inner Mongolia prodigy Pan Jing.

When Pan Jing was a child, the kindergarten invited Ma Lixin, a master of abacus, to give a lecture to the children, hoping to make them interested in abacus and algebra. But those little dolls are all very lively, and they are not interested in the content of the lecture at all. Not long after Teacher Ma spoke, he found that most of the children were deserting, some chatting quietly, and some of them couldn't hold their eyelids.

The youngest prodigy officer, who was admitted to the army at the age of 6, was able to reach thousands of troops during the war years

But among this group of little naughty, there is a little girl who is particularly eye-catching, her name is Pan Jing. This little girl was different from other children, she listened very carefully throughout the whole process, her eyes were shining, as if she was full of longing for every word Teacher Ma said. When Teacher Ma saw it, he felt that this little girl was not ordinary, so he asked a few random questions to test her. Unexpectedly, Pan Jing's answers were fluent, and they were very accurate, and she didn't even use scratch paper. Everyone present was frightened by the little girl, and then won a full round of applause.

Teacher Ma's heart moved, and he felt that Pan Jing might be a rare mathematical genius. After class, he hurriedly found Pan Jing's parents and told them excitedly: "I have been teaching for so many years, and it is the first time I have seen such a talented child!" As long as you train well, it is possible to enter the national team in the future! ”

The youngest prodigy officer, who was admitted to the army at the age of 6, was able to reach thousands of troops during the war years

When Pan Jing's parents heard this, they were overjoyed and immediately enrolled their daughter in a special abacus training class. Pan Jing really didn't disappoint, it didn't take long to learn all the bead algorithms, and she studied very seriously and never got distracted. Half a year later, she is already a skilled abacus, and she is not a problem with complex addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

In order to test Pan Jing's learning results, her parents began to take her to various abacus competitions. This little girl also performed very well and won prizes every time.

The youngest prodigy officer, who was admitted to the army at the age of 6, was able to reach thousands of troops during the war years

Just in 2006, Pan Jing also participated in the National Abacus Competition. Because of her lack of competition experience, she was so nervous that she miscalculated a number in the written test, and finally only won the second place. But you know, she's the youngest of all the contestants, which is quite a remarkable achievement.

In 2007, there was a department in the army that wanted to recruit a group of abacus masters into the army, and as soon as Mr. Ma heard the news, he immediately recommended Pan Jing. It's a pity that because Pan Jing was only six years old at the time, the army felt that she was too young to want her. But Mr. Ma was not reconciled, and he wrote a letter of recommendation to the troops, writing down Pan Jing's honor and merits. When the head of the army saw it, he felt that this little girl was very good, and it was not easy, so he made an exception and gave her an opportunity to participate in the selection of the army.

The youngest prodigy officer, who was admitted to the army at the age of 6, was able to reach thousands of troops during the war years

In the selection process, Pan Jing still remained calm and confident in the face of so many excellent competitors. With her solid abacus foundation and excellent adaptability, she successfully stood out and won the recognition of the leaders. Soon after, she received an acceptance letter from the military school and officially became an army soldier. Her parents couldn't be happier, and they were proud of their daughter.

Although the life of the military academy was difficult, Pan Jing quickly adapted to the high-intensity study and training with her firm will and unremitting efforts. She studied culture during the day and was trained in abacus at night. Under the care and guidance of the leaders, she gradually grew into an excellent abacus warrior. She has also represented the army in many competitions at home and abroad to win glory for the country.

Many people may be curious: now that computers are so advanced, why do you need to learn abacus? In fact, beads are a cultural heritage left to us by our ancestors.

The youngest prodigy officer, who was admitted to the army at the age of 6, was able to reach thousands of troops during the war years

When the mainland developed two bombs and one satellite, it used an abacus to calculate the data. Although computers are now available, abacus can come in handy in special situations, such as when the battlefield is destroyed due to strong electromagnetic interference. Its fast memory function can play an important role in combat and support. And the abacus has a very important advantage, the abacus will never leak secrets, and the computer will be hacked and leak data.

Therefore, as early as 1994, the mainland army set up an abacus team and won many awards in domestic and foreign competitions. He has won a total of 189 awards, won the world mental arithmetic team and individual all-around championship for 3 consecutive times, and was awarded the honorary title of "Abacus Mental Arithmetic Pioneer" by the General Logistics Department.

The youngest prodigy officer, who was admitted to the army at the age of 6, was able to reach thousands of troops during the war years

You may have seen a report, that is, women are bored in confinement to decipher the top code? tells the story of Wang Xiaoyun, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who cracked the top code in the United States.

If a military computer is called, it takes 1 million years for the top password in the United States to be cracked, which shows that the abacus is no less than a computer.

The youngest prodigy officer, who was admitted to the army at the age of 6, was able to reach thousands of troops during the war years

Pan Jing, although she can't always be with her parents, she has been studying abacus and is ready to serve the country at any time. As Huang Xuhua, the father of nuclear submarines, said, loyalty to China is the greatest filial piety to parents, Pan Jing is still studying abacus, ready to serve the motherland at any time.