
North Korea also has the father of the nuclear bomb, who gave up his foreign treatment and resolutely returned to China, and is still alive today

author:Historical tide river

During World War II, the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, and the power of them made the world shudder. World War II ended with the advent of the atomic bomb, but the global race for the atomic bomb began.

In order not to be deterred by nuclear weapons, the mainland has launched a two-bomb and one-satellite program. Batch after batch of scientists of the older generation have devoted themselves to research incognito, and have successfully developed atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs belonging to the Chinese.

North Korea also has the father of the nuclear bomb, who gave up his foreign treatment and resolutely returned to China, and is still alive today

Our neighbor Korea was in a similar situation to China, and the United States repeatedly clamored for the use of atomic bombs against it. In order to protect his country, North Korean leader Kim Il Sung made a big decision: "Although the DPRK is small, other countries should have everything, including the atomic bomb." ”

One person has to be mentioned in this plan, he is the national treasure scientist of North Korea, the father of North Korea's nuclear bomb, Seo Sang-kook (identity is confidential, no public photos).

North Korea also has the father of the nuclear bomb, who gave up his foreign treatment and resolutely returned to China, and is still alive today

In 1955, North Korea, which had just ended the war, was indeed unable to develop an atomic bomb, so it approached its big brother, the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union promised to help North Korea carry out atomic bomb research, including North Korea sending students to study in the Soviet Union.

More than 300 North Koreans went to the Soviet Union to study atomic bomb making technology, the most famous of which is today's protagonist Seo Sang-kook.

Seo Sang-kook is a leading figure in leading North Korea's nuclear weapons research and is also the main developer of the Taepodong-1 missile.

North Korea also has the father of the nuclear bomb, who gave up his foreign treatment and resolutely returned to China, and is still alive today

Xu Xiangguo was a genius scientist who received his doctorate in the Soviet Union at the age of 28. Not only did North Korea value this genius, but the Soviets also wanted to keep him and offered him preferential treatment, including the ability to become a Soviet citizen.

Xu Xiangguo politely rejected the Soviet Union's kindness, and after graduation, he resolutely chose to return to China and devote himself to nuclear weapons research. After returning to China, Xu Xiangguo trained a large number of North Korean scientists, and according to South Korean intelligence, Xu Xiangguo trained at least 3,000 scientists.

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 was a crucial period for North Korea. Many Soviet scientists lost their jobs, so North Korea offered them favorable terms to go to North Korea to study nuclear weapons.

North Korea also has the father of the nuclear bomb, who gave up his foreign treatment and resolutely returned to China, and is still alive today

Due to the chaotic situation at the time, neither Russia nor Ukraine investigated these scientists, and many of them disappeared overnight, and it is speculated that they most likely went to North Korea.

Despite these talents, North Korea still lacks a key thing, and that is uranium enrichment technology, which has not been able to break through, and since it can't break through, it has to find a way to ask others for it.

At this time, one person was mentioned, and he was the North Korean general Chun Byung-ho (died in 2014). In the '90s, he acted as an intermediary between North Korea and Pakistan to acquire vital uranium enrichment technology.

North Korea also has the father of the nuclear bomb, who gave up his foreign treatment and resolutely returned to China, and is still alive today

It was precisely because of this technology that North Korea quickly fell out with the United States, and North Korea withdrew from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. This is also equivalent to announcing to the world that North Korea wants to build its own nuclear weapons, and no one will be able to do it.

In 2005, North Korea announced that it had successfully built its own nuclear weapons, and many countries were skeptical. In 2006, North Korea conducted a nuclear test that caused a 3.6-magnitude earthquake that scared South Korea and Japan to the core.

Just three years later, in 2009, North Korea conducted an intercontinental missile test, making it the ninth country in the world to possess nuclear weapons.

North Korea also has the father of the nuclear bomb, who gave up his foreign treatment and resolutely returned to China, and is still alive today

The successful development of North Korea's nuclear weapons is inseparable from the efforts of Xu Xiangguo, who is also known as North Korea's Qian Xuesen, who is still alive at the age of 85.

He helped North Korea successfully develop nuclear weapons under tremendous international pressure, increasing North Korea's own international deterrent. Although the West has imposed economic sanctions on North Korea, North Korea has never been afraid of any country.

North Korea also has the father of the nuclear bomb, who gave up his foreign treatment and resolutely returned to China, and is still alive today

It also recently signed an agreement with Russia to send troops to the battlefield in Ukraine to support the Russian army. Being able to go abroad has proven the strength of this army.

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