
[Police Story 493] 3 times in half a year to go to the sea to save people!

author:Fujian Police

"My dad is trapped on the reef, please save him!" On the morning of June 7, on the shore of Baikeng Beach, Longjiao Township, Longhai District, Zhangzhou City, Mr. Zhang, a tourist from Sichuan, was fishing on the reef when he suddenly encountered the high tide and was trapped, and his condition was critical, and his daughter called the police for help in a hurry.

It turned out that Mr. Zhang and his daughter and son-in-law came to Baikeng Beach from other places to play, and when they saw this endless sea, Mr. Zhang, who loves fishing, couldn't help but bring his equipment and climb to the reef to fish. Due to his lack of understanding of the topography and tidal patterns, the reef, which was originally exposed, was surrounded by sea water after a while, and Mr. Zhang was trapped on the reef.

Less than 5 minutes after receiving the police, Huang Shifa, a police officer from the Houshi Police Station of the Longhai Branch of the Zhangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, rushed to the scene, and Mr. Zhang's daughter and son-in-law were anxiously trying to rescue him on the shore. Huang Shifa immediately stopped them, and at the current rate of high tide, the position at their feet would soon be flooded by the sea.

Time is of the essence. Huang Shifa skillfully prepared the life-saving tools and walked along the smooth reef. "The reef where the trapped people are located is only about 10 meters from the shore, and I tried several times without success." Huang Shifa recalled that due to the fierce rise of the tide, it took him nearly 10 minutes to swim to the reef where Mr. Zhang was trapped in a short distance of 10 meters.

[Police Story 493] 3 times in half a year to go to the sea to save people!

Seizing the tide of the tide, Huang Shifa finally climbed onto the reef, helped Mr. Zhang tie the safety rope, took Mr. Zhang into the water slowly, and returned to the shore with the help of the shore personnel. It wasn't until the surrounding people enthusiastically reminded him that Huang Shifa found that his thighs and calves were cut by reefs and bleeding in many places, but he smiled and said, "It's okay, it's just a small injury!" ”

[Police Story 493] 3 times in half a year to go to the sea to save people!

From the border police to the public security police, Huang Shifa has always worked in the Houshi Police Station. The coastline here is winding and beautiful, tourists are weaving, there are often tourists to play on the reef, fishing, lingering, and there are many police and dangerous situations that follow.

"In half a year, this is the third time I have gone into the sea to save people." Huang Shifa recalled. In the face of surging tides and dangerous reefs, Huang Shifa is not afraid of hardships and dangers, and with his rich rescue experience and excellent swimming skills, he has safely brought the trapped people back to the shore again and again.

On December 31, 2023, a tourist from Shaanxi Province who came to Zhangzhou by car forgot to take pictures on the reef outside Baikeng Beach, but was trapped on the reef by the high tide water. After receiving the alarm, Huang Shifa and his colleagues rushed to the scene and swam to the reef to successfully rescue the trapped people.

[Police Story 493] 3 times in half a year to go to the sea to save people!

At the end of January this year, a similar danger reappeared, three foreign tourists were trapped on the reef, and in an emergency, they called the police for help.

"Prevention is better than rescue." From the first time he encountered the distress police situation of tourists, Huang Shifa actively communicated and coordinated with the local government departments to set up fences and warning signs near the coast, reefs and dangerous beaches, and drove the village grid members and patrol members to become safety propagandists, and in the past six months, a total of more than 12,000 copies of publicity materials were distributed to tourists, and more than 200 tourists were discouraged, building a safety line for the beautiful Baikeng Beach.

[Police Story 493] 3 times in half a year to go to the sea to save people!

In the past five years as a police officer, Huang Shifa's work footprints have covered every inch of beach and every reef, deeply embedding the imprint of protection in this long coastline. Now, Huang Shifa has become a "general knowledge of the jurisdiction" and a "living map", and he knows the topography and landforms of the jurisdiction, the courtyards of the villages, and even some places that the local elderly may not know, he can tell them like a few treasures. "I like to draw a map in my head, so that when something goes wrong, I'm the first to be there." Huang Shifa said.

[Police Story 493] 3 times in half a year to go to the sea to save people!

The story of Huang Shifa's protection of the coastline is still being written. On Baikeng Beach, every wave witnesses his bravery and responsibility, and every reef records his perseverance and dedication.

Source: Zhangzhou Public Security

Editor: Lin Jiawei

Review: Zhang Jie, Yuan Hao

Approval: Chen Qingai

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