
3 details, it is very accurate to see whether a woman loves you or not

author:ALEX Talks about Growth

For men, they are actually very afraid of women, not sincere, and don't love themselves.

After all, as a man, you have to invest a lot for women, or for marriage and family.

So it's not too much to ask a woman about her sincerity, right?

In reality, the word sincerity is not just words, it is enough. It's about looking at behavior, looking at behavior over time.

These 3 details can clearly see whether a woman loves you or not, which is very accurate.

3 details, it is very accurate to see whether a woman loves you or not

01 Look at women, do they pay to you?

Whether you are a man or a woman, in fact, to judge whether you are in true love or not, you can see how much the other party has paid.

If a woman loves a man, then she will inevitably give something.

It's almost a natural rule.

For example, some men date women, often go out to eat together, buy a lot of good things for the woman, and spend a lot of money.

But in turn, the woman's pay, almost nothing. There is neither money, nor care and care.

So, what is the essence of this relationship, I'm afraid it's hard to say.

A woman can give a lot to the man she loves.

Including cooking and laundry at home, doing a lot of things. Even pay some network resources to help solve the problem. There are also those who are inclusive and considerate.

If you don't give at all, it's hard to say it's love.

3 details, it is very accurate to see whether a woman loves you or not

02 Love money more, or do you love you more?

As a man, you have to be clear: if a woman meets you and gets married, she gives priority to money.

Well, your personal charisma, in her, may not be worth mentioning. But the economic conditions are more important.

After your marriage, I am afraid that there will be a lot of disputes over money.

For example, some men and women don't know each other much, they just list each other's conditions, and then get married.

Maybe these two people are living together. Divide labor to earn money and take care of the family.

If you add that one party is more worshipful of money, then the element of true love in this family will be very low.

After marriage, there will be constant quarrels over money. It's as simple as that.

If a man wants to talk about love and care with a woman, it depends on the woman's attitude towards money. Is it from yourself, to get money?

Look for like-minded fellow travelers when it comes to money.

Otherwise, the feelings may not be obtained, and there will be a lot of troubles.

3 details, it is very accurate to see whether a woman loves you or not

03 Whether it tolerates you

Is a woman tolerant, or is she careful about everything. There is a clear difference.

If men and women want to love each other, and even want to live well together, it is inevitable that they need a lot of tolerance.

If a woman does not tolerate men in the slightest, but magnifies shortcomings and constantly quarrels. It's not love.

For example, what kind of things are placed by men, and what are small problems, we have to see if women can tolerate them?

Sometimes, for a little thing, the two sides quarrel and often have nothing to do.

It's annoying.

If a man wants to find a woman who loves him, he needs to understand:

Look at whether a woman pays for herself. See if she's accommodating. Also, looking at her attitude towards money, what is it?

Of course, the man himself must also have a full dedication in order to be sincere in exchange for sincerity.

If you don't give at all, it's hard to get any care and love.