
"Sauvignon Blanc" or "Tearing Looks", Thinking Willow or "Tearing Willow"?

author:Little Tea Commentary

The drama "Sauvignon Blanc" has just been finalized, and it has not yet started broadcasting, and a new round of mutual tearing is coming again, for the heat, for the highlights, for the famous scenes, for the scenes, drama fans, actor fans, book fans, and original fans are arguing.

I was forced into an information cocoon, swiped a lot of strange remarks, my heart gradually changed from calm to irritable to angry, and finally had to throw down my phone and rely on deep breathing to relieve the anger in my heart.

"Sauvignon Blanc" or "Tearing Looks", Thinking Willow or "Tearing Willow"?

Sauvignon Blanc, thinking of the willow, but now it has become, the appearance is torn, the phase is torn?

From the "domestic violence man" and violent man when it was first broadcast last year, to the current "crying grave", from the characters to the audience, from the plot to the setting, it is difficult to escape the excessive judgment and malicious interpretation of some netizens.


Sang-ryu's "righteousness"

As a fan of Xiang Liu's books, I never thought that one day, Xiang Liu's righteousness would also be questioned and misinterpreted by some drama fans.

Some people say that Sang-yanagi's "great righteousness" is ungrateful, and that he disregarded the wishes of the soldiers and the worries of the soldiers' families, and insisted on fighting to the death, which is a kind of personal heroism.

"Sauvignon Blanc" or "Tearing Looks", Thinking Willow or "Tearing Willow"?

Some people say that Xiang Liu started a war against Hongjiang, bullied the weak everywhere, let the hairballs eat the hairballs, and when he died, poisoned the trees of the entire island with poisonous blood, and regarded all creatures as grass mustard.

"Sauvignon Blanc" or "Tearing Looks", Thinking Willow or "Tearing Willow"?

Some people say that Xiangliu assassinated Xuanxuan and abandoned the people of the Great Wilderness, which was against the sky, poisoned Fenglong, and had no loyalty to the Chenrong clan, and was the revenge of the general, and the righteousness of Xiangliu was the shame of the righteousness of the world and the humiliation of the military teacher......

"Sauvignon Blanc" or "Tearing Looks", Thinking Willow or "Tearing Willow"?

I think that the person who can make such a comment has neither watched the drama nor read the book, and just blindly wants to step on the role of Sangyanagi.

So Xuanxuan can kill Xiangliu, but Xiangliu can't resist? Chen Rong was invaded, and Chen Rong still had to surrender? Fenglong represents the Chenrong clan, so what does Hongjiang represent?

Paper people are also human beings, you can't just put anything dirty on him because he can't speak, it's really ridiculous.

"Sauvignon Blanc" or "Tearing Looks", Thinking Willow or "Tearing Willow"?

They only saw Xiang Liu repay his father-in-law's kindness, but did not see the pain and reluctance when he burned the corpse of Pao Ze with his own hands, did not see the recruits who continued to join the Chen Rong Army, and did not see the Chen Rong soldiers who would rather die than give in.

Xiangliu once said that the best ending for a general is to die on the battlefield, but they are all blaming him for why he didn't surrender?


Aiyanagi's nine lives

Some people say that Xiang Liu saved Xiaoyao's two lives, one was to change a mountain for his father-in-law and the rebels as a place for his soul to return, and the other was to change a batch of medicine for his father-in-law and the rebels and a promise to get 37 years of food and grass supplies.

"Sauvignon Blanc" or "Tearing Looks", Thinking Willow or "Tearing Willow"?

also said that Xiang Liu's two lives to save Xiao Yao were all what he should do, and the reason why Merlin was killed was that Xiang Liu changed Xiao Yao's red clothes, which led to the killing.

The solution to the Gu is also because Xiang Liu caught Min Xiaoliu in the mountains and whipped him, there was a plague among the soldiers of Chenrong, and Xiao Yao planted it in order to get medicine for their cousin.

I have to say, this sophistic logic, strange thinking, in the end, Xiang Liu gave Xiao Yao two lives to atone for her sins, for profit, Xiao Yao was killed not because he was Chi Chen's daughter, but because Xiang Liu changed her red clothes.

So, Xiao Yao's life is only worth a mountain? Or is it a blank check, a mountain that can be unilaterally reversed?

"Sauvignon Blanc" or "Tearing Looks", Thinking Willow or "Tearing Willow"?

The funniest thing is not that they are not their behavior of only looking at the result and not looking at the process, but that they call the remnants of Chenrong, and the old country is called a rebel, and the rebels who resist the invasion of other countries and swear not to surrender are called rebels by them.

Xiang Liu is guarding the remnants of Chenrong, and he is unwilling to turn his back on his original country, so why did he become a rebel? They are only loyal to Chen Rong, where did the betrayal come from.


Ice crystal balls

It is not enough that righteousness and dedication have been misinterpreted, and now even the meaning of the ice crystal ball has begun to be misinterpreted.

Some people say that the male merman that Xiao Yao is calling in the ice crystal ball is Tu Shanjing who she put down because of the breakup, and what Xiao Yao sealed is the love between him and Tu Shanjing.

also said that the ice crystal ball is a symbol of Xiao Jing's love, and it is the last poison that Xiao Yao gave to Xiang Liu, and the use of Tu Shan's carriage is also to stimulate Tu Shanjing and force Tu Shanjing to respond to her.

"Sauvignon Blanc" or "Tearing Looks", Thinking Willow or "Tearing Willow"?

Seeing this, I just want to say, perhaps, this is not the most poisonous poison that Xiaoyao gave to Xiangliu, this is the most poisonous poison that some fans give to book fans.

Xiangliu's righteousness has been misinterpreted, the dedication has been denied, and now even their relationship, the ice crystal ball, a love token, has to be taken away.

Before, it was just an argument, who was waiting on the stone pile in front of the dragon bone prison before Xiao Yao and Feng Long got married, but now it's okay, there is no need to argue at all.

The ice crystal ball has become a symbol of love for Yao Jing, and Yao Liu has become a bystander of this relationship, which is really interesting.


These recent comments about Xiangliu are really to the extent that every Xiangliu book fan reads it to the extent of a heart attack.

They removed the rumors that Lao Mu said, "It is rumored that he is a nine-headed demon, born with nine lives, nicknamed Nine Lives, and his methods are very ruthless"; Speak of righteousness as personal heroism, say that hairballs eat misty as bullying, and say that self-explosion is that all things are born of nothing.

What's even more ridiculous is that they call the audience's sadness and reluctance, moving and distress before Xiang Liu's death "crying grave".

Is this drama called "Sauvignon Blanc" or "tearing", is it thinking of Xiangliu or "tearing" Xiangliu?