
After watching the 12th episode of "Spending the Year of China", I felt like a fish in my throat, not vomiting or unhappy

author:Little Tea Commentary

After watching the 12th episode of "Spending the Year of China", I felt like a fish in my throat, not vomiting or unhappy.

After watching the 12th episode of "Spending the Year of China", I felt like a fish in my throat, not vomiting or unhappy


About the lines

"Spending the Year of China" has been controversial since its inception, and the most prominent of them is the lines of this show.

(1) Cracking

Some of the lines of "Du Hua Nian" are really very modern, the king is not like the king, the minister is not like the minister, and it is difficult to substitute at the same time, there is also a sense of separation.

Modern lines are paired with ancient costumes, and many modern words can be seen in this drama, such as "little white face", "girlfriend", "spending money to buy resources", "you are playing with fire", ......

The costumes of Wei and Jin give people the feeling of filming a power plot, but as soon as they open their mouths, they are all vernacular, lengthy and noisy, and they are ancient costumes but have no ancient charm.

After watching the 12th episode of "Spending the Year of China", I felt like a fish in my throat, not vomiting or unhappy

However, not only is the screenwriter's skill not good, but the ability of some actors to read their lines is also very poor, and the accent and tone are not in place.

Finally, I want to mention that Li Rong's lines are clear, and the original voice is okay, but there are really a lot of sighs, and you have to sigh once when you read a line, and her mouth is slightly open all the time, which is a bit of a drama.

(2) Stunning

Although the lines in this drama are generally in the vernacular, there are also eye-catching classic sentences.

For example, Li Rong's attitude towards feelings, her attitude towards her rivals, and her attitude towards her other half.

Pei Wenxuan couldn't see his feelings for Qin Zhenzhen clearly, but Li Rong could see it clearly, Pei Wenxuan asked her, why don't you wait for me?

Li Rong said: "I'm not a rag collector, why should I wait for you?" ”

After watching the 12th episode of "Spending the Year of China", I felt like a fish in my throat, not vomiting or unhappy

She said: "If a woman hates her rival, she feels that she has no chance of winning in the competition of relationships. So she hoped that the other party was disgusting, that her lover was blind. ”

Although Li Rong's line is a bit abrupt and a bit of a sense of forcible value, you have to say that this line is a little sober, a little thorough, a little heart-piercing, a little real, and a little realistic.

For example, Pei Wenxuan's attitude towards the fate of others.

He said, "Everyone has a cobweb, and this cobweb will pull other people, and if you exceed the established boundaries of activity, which way you go will cause pain to the other side." ”

After watching the 12th episode of "Spending the Year of China", I felt like a fish in my throat, not vomiting or unhappy

To put it simply, it is to let go of the plot of helping others and respect the fate of others.

This line is also a foreshadowing of the fate of the Qin family, it is precisely because Li Rong prevented the emperor from marrying Qin Zhenzhen and Li Chuan, and changed the result of Li Chuan's choice of concubines, that the family will aim their hands on the Qin family, causing the Qin family to be framed.


About the plot

There are no major omissions in the plot of "Du Hua Nian", the only drawback is that it is casual, casual and surprising, and a little outrageous in sloppiness.

Pei Wenxuan went to see the critically ill emperor, did not kneel or salute, and went straight to the topic: "Your Majesty, do you have anything to stay?" Then he took out the decree he had brought with him from his bosom.

After watching the 12th episode of "Spending the Year of China", I felt like a fish in my throat, not vomiting or unhappy

Although Pei Wenxuan is a prime minister, will this be too casual? Without kneeling and not saluting, he took out a holy decree from his bosom and said that I had brought it here, who knew my shock.

The same casual plot also appears in the fifth episode, where Yang Quan is killed.

In broad daylight, Yang Quan, the son of a general, brought a few people to intercept and kill Pei Wenxuan, this drama made me doubt Yang Quan's IQ, would someone really be stupid enough to intercept and kill the court officials in broad daylight?

After watching the 12th episode of "Spending the Year of China", I felt like a fish in my throat, not vomiting or unhappy

More casual is the process of Pei Wenxuan killing Yang Quan.

Yang Quan went to the carriage to look for him, Pei Wenxuan suddenly appeared on the roof of the carriage, stabbed down with a knife, and stabbed Yang Quan in the back.

Yang Quan came out of the carriage and was killed by Pei Wenxuan before he could make two moves.

Pei Wenxuan is just a civil servant, and he can actually kill a military general? How easy could it be? Isn't this too casual, too sloppy.

After watching the 12th episode of "Spending the Year of China", I felt like a fish in my throat, not vomiting or unhappy

The key is that if you look at this posture, it doesn't look like it's very good at martial arts......

There is also episode 12 of the continuous random plot, where the Qin Mansion is framed.

Let's not talk about it, when the grandfather of the Qin family helped Qin Zhenzhen escape from the Qin Mansion, how fake were those two fights, whose general held the sword downward?

After watching the 12th episode of "Spending the Year of China", I felt like a fish in my throat, not vomiting or unhappy

Not to mention, Qin Zhenzhen's pretentiousness and exaggeration when she was injured, it was obvious that the officers and soldiers had already cut her blood bag with the first knife, and she didn't find out that she was injured until the second knife.

After watching the 12th episode of "Spending the Year of China", I felt like a fish in my throat, not vomiting or unhappy

Not to mention, when Li Rong led people to the Qin Mansion to help, the four maidservants who escaped from the Qin Mansion that she met on the road, the four of them were two in front of the other and two behind, tightly together, not like running for their lives, but like a drill.

After watching the 12th episode of "Spending the Year of China", I felt like a fish in my throat, not vomiting or unhappy

In the end, he said that the Qin Mansion was blocked by officers and soldiers, and it was not difficult for Qin Zhen to escape with martial arts, so how did these four maids escape, running all the way and shouting all the way to lure the officers and soldiers over? Shouting people everywhere for help, the will of the Criminal Department, who do they expect to save the Qin family?

After watching the 12th episode of "Spending the Year of China", I felt like a fish in my throat, not vomiting or unhappy

First, they didn't know Li Rong, and second, they didn't know Li Rong's identity, so they casually revealed the location where Qin Zhenzhen was hiding, did this save her or harm her?

Such a plot design is casual and outrageous.



After watching the 12th episode of "Spending the Year of China", I felt like a fish in my throat, not vomiting or unhappy

Every time, when it comes to the modern and heavy lines of "Du Hua Nian", some people say that the original work is like this, and this is to restore the original work.

But I personally believe that restoring the original work is to restore its idea, its highlights, and its characters' souls, rather than its dross, and to restore the original work should also take its essence and remove its dross.

The director said that "Du Hua Nian" is a drama that has been carefully polished for three years, and to be honest, I can't see any traces of it being polished for three years in this drama.