
How do you create a sense of atmosphere?

author:Babbling about photography


How do you create a sense of atmosphere?

Taking atmospheric photos is a coveted skill for many photography enthusiasts. However, there are very few photographers who can truly capture stunning atmospheric photos. Why is this so? Because most people fall into the misconception that the atmosphere is created through post-production color grading and filters.

In fact, a true sense of atmosphere comes from life, from your perception and understanding of the world around you. If you want to shoot a sense of atmosphere, you must first learn to feel every moment in life with your heart. The early morning sun shines through the dappled leaves, the reflection on the streets after the rain, and the figures of people under the neon lights at night...... These seemingly ordinary scenes all contain a unique atmosphere. The key is whether you are able to capture these moments and convey them to the viewer through your lens.

How do you create a sense of atmosphere?

Many people may say that I live in an ordinary city and there is nothing worth photographing around. But, as the master photographer Robert Frank said, "When I move, the things I see come to me, and I don't have to chase them." In other words, beauty is all around you, and the key is that you learn to discover it.

In today's fast-paced society, we often ignore the beauty around us. But it's these overlooked details that are the key elements that build the atmosphere. However, it's not enough to just discover these scenes, it's how to record these moments with your camera is the real challenge. This requires us to master some basic photography skills. First and foremost, light is key. Different lights create different atmospheres.

How do you create a sense of atmosphere?

Secondly, composition is also a factor that cannot be ignored. Many people think that atmospheric photos are all about blurring the background and highlighting the subject. But in fact, sometimes a composition that contains more information about the environment actually conveys the overall mood better. And sometimes "imperfection" can create a stronger sense of atmosphere. As Nobuyoshi Araki said: If the photo is too perfect, it will be boring,

Speaking of which, I have to mention the "film style" that is very popular now. In pursuit of this retro atmosphere, many people spend a lot of money to buy a film camera or use a variety of filters that simulate film. But what I'm trying to say is that the real sense of atmosphere isn't about what equipment or filters you use, it's about how you see the world. As the master photographer Alfred Stiglitz said, "It seems to me that you are not taking pictures with your camera, but with your heart." "

How do you create a sense of atmosphere?

In conclusion, taking atmospheric photos is a process that requires constant practice and exploration. Don't expect it to happen overnight, and don't get bogged down by other people's work. Everyone's understanding and feeling of the atmosphere is different, and your unique perspective is the most valuable.