
The fastest way to ruin a person: wine

author:Soul Library

There is a good saying: "No matter how much money you have, you can't resist death; No matter how beautiful she looks, she can't please Hades; No matter how big the power is, you can't escape the parting of life and death, in this life, look at the point, see through the point, look down, live is victory, the world is yours, and it is mine, but in the final analysis, it belongs to those who are in good health and live a long time! Life is like the moon in the western mountains, and wealth is like frost on the grass. In this life, birth, old age, sickness and death are inevitable, and in a limited life, living happily and happily is the most important thing. ”

No wealth is worth as much as the body. No success is more valuable than health. Only when we are healthy can we have a beautiful life and support a happy mind. Life is a journey about experience, and being healthy and happy is the best state of a person.

Some people indulge in alcohol and abuse their bodies wantonly, causing them to lose their health, lose their spirits, and live a chicken feather. Quitting alcohol is the top self-discipline for adults.

The fastest way to ruin a person: wine

On the wagon

The Lancet, a leading medical journal, found that the claim that drinking alcohol in moderation is good for your health is completely false, and that any drop of alcohol can cause damage to the body. Only abstaining from alcohol is a healthy way to live.

Drinking alcohol can not only destroy a person's body, but also destroy a person's spirit, causing serious consequences.

During the Three Kingdoms, there was a huge battle called the Battle of Guandu. Cao Cao's black nest looted grain, so that Yuan Shao's hundreds of thousands of troops lost their logistical support, so that they were in chaos without a fight, and suffered a great defeat.

In fact, Yuan Shao knew the importance of Wuchao and sent the general Chun Yuqiong to lead a heavy garrison. Chun Yuqiong is very alert, excellent in martial arts, and an excellent general, but he likes to drink very much, and he will get drunk whenever he drinks. When Cao Cao's troops arrived at the Black Nest, Chun Yuqiong was drunk, lying unconscious in bed, unable to deal with the sudden crisis, so Cao Cao burned the Black Nest and succeeded in his plan.

There is also Zhang Fei, Liu Bei entrusted him with the important task of defending Xuzhou, but he was drunk and let Lu Bu sneak attack the city and flee by himself.

There are many examples of drinking and mistaking things, and there are also some people who drink excessively, which causes a series of diseases in the body, and even dies.

Wine is a poison that pierces the intestines, and it will kill you slowly, silently. Quitting alcohol is the best way to treat yourself.

The fastest way to ruin a person: wine

Martial colors

The kidneys are the foundation of innateness, and if a person indulges lust, it will lead to a deficiency of kidney essence. If this is done for a long time, the kidneys will be overwhelmed, and they will be severely damaged, and various problems will arise in the internal organs. Because the human body is an ecosystem, one link is seriously damaged, and the whole system is in danger of collapsing.

Lu Dongbin wrote a poem:

The twenty-eight best people are like crisps, and the sword at the waist slashes ordinary people. Although I don't see anyone's head falling, I secretly teach the monarch to have dry bone marrow.

The ancients had a word called happiness and sorrow. Lust is the highest pleasure that human beings can experience, and if this pleasure is left unchecked, it can lead to tragedy. Indulging lust is very refreshing, but he also consumes the most energy, the more times he indulges, the life energy is exhausted, and he is riddled with diseases, weak physique, and sluggish, and at worst, he is dying.

The average life expectancy of ancient emperors was only 31 years old, while the average life expectancy of the eunuchs around them was as high as 72 years old.

Abstaining from color is the inevitable way to preserve life energy and prolong life.

The fastest way to ruin a person: wine


Wine is a poison that pierces the intestines, and the color is a steel knife that scrapes bones.

If the wine is not drunk, everyone is drunk, and if the color is not charming, everyone is obsessed with themselves.

Wine gives people pleasure and solace to an empty life, but he will be happy and sad, leading to the inevitable tragedy of life.

Therefore, to quit alcohol is to avoid tragedy and live your life in a positive and healthy way.