
Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!

author:Matsuko says education

"Three-point test, seven-point report" and "seven-point test, three-point report", these expressions are to show that it is very important to apply for volunteers. To be honest, for all candidates and parents, filling in the college entrance examination is almost a one-time application, and everything will be fine after the application.

Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!

For some network anchors or institutions that specialize in guiding volunteers, they are evergreens, they are soldiers of the iron-clad battalion, and after years of hard work, they have also figured out some ways to fill in the volunteers, so some people began to clearly mark the price to help candidates apply for volunteers. According to my understanding, the cost of volunteering is generally several thousand yuan or even tens of thousands of yuan. It should be said that spending some money is not bad if you can be successfully admitted to a university. However, in order to make 100% of the candidates admitted, some people's principle is to guarantee the bottom, and when filling in the volunteers, they can find those colleges and universities with great certainty to fill in, resulting in missing the opportunity to "rush".

Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!

According to my understanding, many high school class teachers can volunteer to help their students provide volunteer references, but they will not completely help students apply for volunteers, because they are afraid of responsibility. A few years ago, there was a head teacher on our side who kindly helped students apply for volunteers, of course, in order to complete the college entrance examination tasks assigned by the school, he picked some private universities for students to fill in, and was admitted. Instead of being grateful, the parents approached the school and complained to the class teacher. The reason is that the annual tuition fee of the private school that was admitted is too expensive for a rural family to afford. Therefore, when filling in the volunteers, others only provide some references, and it is you who really make the idea.

I am a teacher in Shandong, and here I take Shandong candidates to fill in the volunteer as an example, and briefly analyze how to apply for the volunteer, which can be regarded as throwing bricks and attracting jade.

Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!

How to apply for the general category of candidates in the summer college entrance examination

Step 1:

First, through the official website of the Shandong Provincial Education Admissions Examination Institute, you can find a one-point and one-paragraph table for candidates in relevant subjects in 2024, a one-point and one-paragraph table for candidates in the spring college entrance examination, a one-point and a one-paragraph table for art candidates, a one-point and a one-paragraph table for physical education, and a one-point and one-paragraph table for general classes.

Whatever type of candidate you are, find a one-point and one-paragraph chart of which category. For example, if you are an art candidate, after clicking on the link of "2024 Undergraduate Art Unified Examination Comprehensive Score Segmentation Table of Each Category", you will find that the pop-up page is very rich in content: art and design, calligraphy, dance, music (music performance - instrumental music), music (music performance - vocal music), music (music education), broadcasting and hosting, acting (directing) (drama, film and television performance), acting (directing) (drama, film and television directing), Table (director), acting (costume performance direction) and other sub-categories of a one-paragraph table.

Here, I will take the voluntary filling of ordinary candidates (summer college entrance examination candidates) as an example to briefly explain.

Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!
Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!

Step 2:

Open the "2024 Summer College Entrance Examination Cultural Score One-point and One-Paragraph Table", which is a one-point and one-paragraph table for ordinary candidates. THIS IS AN EXCEL SHEET THAT YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD AND SAVE. Then open the spreadsheet and you'll see something like this:

Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!

On the far left of the table are the bands, with the highest score being 696 and the lowest score being 150. The scores of the top 45 students were hidden. Through this table, you can check the number of entrants for each band in the relevant subject. However, these data are of little significance to most candidates.

What do we look for when we apply for volunteering?

The leftmost fraction + the number of people in this section + the cumulative number of people. This "cumulative number" is the provincial rank of the candidates in a certain score range. For example, there are 14 candidates in the province with a score of 689, and the provincial ranking in Shandong Province is 166th. The college entrance examination score is 444 candidates, and there are 2,338 candidates in the province, and the ranking of the province is 318935.

Step 3:

Continue to find a data on the official website of the Shandong Provincial Education Admissions Examination Institute: Shandong Province 2023 General Class Regular Batch 1st Voluntary Submission Table, this is also an Excel spreadsheet. Once opened, the interface looks like this:

Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!

What kind of form is this? It is the general class regular land grant 1 voluntary application form for all universities enrolled in Shandong Province in 2023.

This table is presented in the format of "Majors + Colleges", with the number of pitch plans and the lowest rank of pitch. Seeing this, some officials may ask: If there is a first volunteer pitch, is there also a second volunteer? Hehe, I really let you say, the second volunteer submission is mainly a junior college, of course, there are also a small number of undergraduates, and it is the second time that the school is not full for the first time to solicit volunteers. Not just a second time, but a third time! We'll leave it at that.

Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!

Step 4:

According to the provincial ranking, check the colleges and universities that can apply for the examination. When applying for the exam, many netizens know that there is a conventional principle: rush, stabilize, and guarantee.

Rushing is to hold the attitude of "give it a try", jump hard, and see if you can reach the "peach" at a high place. Every year, there are always some "lucky ones", that is, those students who are called "spillers", with a relatively low score, to be admitted to a good university. To be stable is to fill in some universities with a relatively large grasp. Guarantee, is to find some universities that can guarantee the bottom, don't just think about rushing and steady, if there is no guaranteed university, there is also the possibility of slipping.

It is generally believed that on the basis of its own provincial ranking, it is a relatively prudent way to float up 10,000 places and extend 25,000 places downward.

For example, Zhang Xiaoming's score in the college entrance examination in 2024 is 567 points, and he learned that his provincial ranking is 52916 through a one-point and one-paragraph table. So, which colleges and universities can he fill in? He can fill in the universities between (52916-10000) and (52916+25000).

Step 5:

Filter out eligible universities. You can filter the ranking range of the province through the "Shandong Province 2023 General Class Regular Batch 1st Voluntary Submission Table":

Open the spreadsheet→ mouse over the title bar→ find "Filter" in the menu bar→ set the filter conditions in the "Lowest Position", set the filter conditions→ number filter→ custom filter → greater than or equal to 42916, less than or equal to 77916.

Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!

In this way, you will be given a list of 3,051 universities that meet the conditions of the band range. However, it is not intuitive enough, and you also need to sort the data in the column of "lowest position", sort it from low to high, and you can more intuitively see the universities and their majors in this ranking range between 42916 and 77916. As a reminder, you need to copy the table selection to another sheet before sorting.

Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!

I guess that's not the answer you'll need in the end, because there's still one thing missing, which is what you like and what you don't like. However, the operation is also very simple, you can find your favorite major and university in the "Major" column on the far left side of this table.

According to my understanding, there are many styles of this table, and it can be said that the eight immortals cross the sea to show their magical powers. Teachers or institutions will use various resources to improve these forms, and get some more complete forms, which are more targeted when choosing a college of choice.

Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!
Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!

Finally, I would like to remind you that when selecting the target universities, you must find out whether there are any restrictions on the subjects selected for certain majors in a certain university. Otherwise, if you apply for a certain major in a university, if the subject you are limited to take is not the subject you choose, it will be a waste of feelings.

How to apply for the art candidate's application

The method of applying for the volunteer application for art students is very similar to the method of filling in the volunteer application for general candidates in the summer college entrance examination.

Step 1:

Find the "2024 Undergraduate Art Unified Examination Comprehensive Score Segmentation Table for Each Category" on the official website of the Shandong Provincial Education Admissions Examination Institute, click on this link, and continue to click on the link "2024 Undergraduate Art Unified Examination Art and Design Comprehensive Score Segmentation Table". This table is Excel, which is the data information for "both professional qualification and cultural online candidates".

Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!

The far left is the comprehensive score band, and the far right is the cumulative number of people in each score band, that is, the provincial ranking of the art candidates in the corresponding score band.

The method of finding your provincial ranking according to the comprehensive results of the college entrance examination (art major + cultural class scores) is the same as the one mentioned above, and it will not be repeated here.

Step 2:

On the official website of the Shandong Provincial Education Admissions Examination Institute, find the "Shandong Province 2023 Art Undergraduate Batch Examination 1st Voluntary File Table", and find the "Shandong Province 2023 Art Undergraduate Batch Examination Art Class 1st Voluntary File Table" from this link. The data in this table is the relevant information for admission in 2023. We can use last year's admission data as a reference for this year's application.

Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!

However, there is one thing that needs to be reminded, the "Shandong Province 2023 Art Undergraduate Batch Examination Art Class 1st Voluntary File Table", the data in it only has comprehensive results, not the provincial ranking. In this case, we also need to do a conversion of the grades.

Use the position corresponding to the 2024 college entrance examination score to find the college entrance examination score corresponding to the 2023 position. For example, Li Ruhua's comprehensive art score in 2024 is 535 points, and the corresponding provincial ranking is 2744.

Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!

In the "2023 Undergraduate Art Unified Examination Fine Arts Comprehensive Score Segmentation Table", according to the rank of 2744, we found that the corresponding comprehensive score is 581.5 points, that is to say, 535 points in 2024 is equivalent to 581.5 points in 2023.

Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!

Step 3:

Next, we will process the relevant data of the "Shandong Province 2023 Art Undergraduate Batch Examination Art Class 1st Voluntary Submission Table".

Filter the column "Lowest Score (Overall Score)". The method of selection is the same as the above method, but the scores of art students fluctuate up and down.

According to a teacher who has many years of experience in applying for the examination, the application of art students is also carried out in line with the principle of "rushing to ensure stability". Generally speaking, on the basis of their comprehensive score, they will float up by about 2 points as "rushing" colleges, and extending about 10 points downward as "guaranteed" colleges.

According to Li Ruhua's comprehensive score of 535 points in fine arts in 2024, we found that the corresponding comprehensive score in 2023 is 581.5 points, so that the corresponding universities between 561.5 and 601.5 points are all universities that Li Ruhua can choose. After filtering, copy it out and sort the "Comprehensive Score" column.

In this way, we can find the corresponding list of 438 colleges and majors on the "Shandong Province 2023 Art Undergraduate Batch Examination Art Class 1st Voluntary Submission Table":

Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!

Then, you can apply to universities selectively according to your interests and hobbies.

Of course, there are many data tables about art colleges, and here is an example for your reference:

Spend money to find someone to volunteer? Hehe, don't spend money in vain, the teacher will teach you a trick, and you can learn it too!

The above table contains some very important information, such as subject selection restrictions, tuition fees, study duration, etc. However, candidates and parents do not have this kind of form at hand, so don't worry, you can just flip through the thick reference books for voluntary filling in the various schools.

In fact, the seemingly advanced voluntary filling is not very complicated, as long as you read this article carefully, it won't take long for you to master the method.

The commonly used methods for volunteering also include the line difference method, the equal proportion method, etc., which are all similar principles.

No matter which method is used, you must refer to the admission data of several years, generally speaking, at least the admission data of the college entrance examination in the last 3 years, and finally select the intersection part to ensure the success rate of admission.

Disclaimer: The above content is only for the reference and reference of voluntary filling.

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