
Dog days are coming, remember to "eat 3 melons, 3 beans and 3 meats", clear away heat, reduce fire and dispel dampness, and cultivate a healthy and good complexion

author:Think more

Dog days are coming! There is a steady stream of yang between heaven and earth, and it is the time of the year when the yang energy is the fullest, and you can clearly feel the heat steaming. The so-called "spring and summer replenish yang, winter diseases and summer treatment", seize this critical time to drive away cold and dampness, improve physical fitness, prevent all kinds of diseases, miss it and wait for another year!

Dog days and bitter summers prevail, pores are open, heat is high, metabolism is fast, and appetite is reduced. Remember to "eat 3 melons, 3 beans and 3 meats", seize this 40-day health preservation, and cultivate a healthy and good complexion!

Dog days are coming, remember to "eat 3 melons, 3 beans and 3 meats", clear away heat, reduce fire and dispel dampness, and cultivate a healthy and good complexion

Eat three melons: loofah, winter melon, and bitter melon. "Eat roots in winter and melons in summer" eat three melons on dog days.

1. Winter melon: remove moisture

Recommended recipe: Winter melon pork rib soup

Ingredients: 500 grams of pork ribs, 500 grams of winter melon, 3 slices of ginger, appropriate amount of wolfberry, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of chives


1. Wash the ribs, cut them into pieces, blanch them in boiling water, remove the blood foam, and remove them for later use. Peel and seed the winter melon and cut into cubes. Wash the wolfberries and soak them until soft for later use.

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add pork ribs, ginger slices and cooking wine, bring to a boil, turn to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Add the melon cubes and continue to simmer for 20 minutes until the melon is tender.

3. Add the wolfberries and simmer for 5 minutes. Season with salt, sprinkle with chives and serve. This winter melon pork rib soup is light and delicious, making it perfect for the whole family.

Dog days are coming, remember to "eat 3 melons, 3 beans and 3 meats", clear away heat, reduce fire and dispel dampness, and cultivate a healthy and good complexion

2. Bitter gourd: defeat the fire

Recommended recipe: Hakka stuffed bitter gourd

Eating bitter gourd in summer not only clears heat and reduces fire, appetizes and consumes food, but also goes well with rice, which is suitable for an old snack. Stuffed bitter gourd is simple and easy to make, and even kitchen novices can get started

Ingredients: bitter gourd, pork, dried shiitake mushrooms, leeks, salt, cornstarch, light soy sauce


1. Chop the pork, soak the dried shiitake mushrooms and chop them, wash and chop the leeks, stir all the fillings and seasonings in one direction, and mix well

2. Wash and cut the bitter gourd, dig out the middle of the cup, and soak it in salt water for another 5 minutes if you are afraid of bitterness

3. Start to stuff the bitter gourd, stuff the filling into the middle of the bitter gourd, and press it a little harder

4. Fry the bitter gourd at both ends in hot oil, and then put it flat and fry it all around, fry it until it is slightly golden, cover the surface of the bitter gourd with water, add salt and simmer over medium heat for 25 minutes

Dog days are coming, remember to "eat 3 melons, 3 beans and 3 meats", clear away heat, reduce fire and dispel dampness, and cultivate a healthy and good complexion

3. Loofah: hydration

Recommended recipe: loofah smooth white mushroom


1. Cut the loofah into strips and soak it in salted water in advance, because the old-fashioned loofah I bought is easy to black, and the white jade mushroom is washed and set aside

2. Blanch the white jade mushrooms first, boil the mushrooms in water, and the mushrooms become slippery and soft, and then you can take out the water control for later use

3. Heat the lard in the pot, add the loofah, stir-fry over high heat, add a little salt to taste, turn to low heat, stir-fry the water slowly, add the blanched white mushrooms, and stir-fry evenly. At this time, the soup will be more, add a little chicken essence, and finally add a spoonful of dry starch to collect the soup

4. The old-fashioned long loofah likes to turn black, so I soaked it in salt water in advance, about forty minutes, that is, the loofah is the kind that is supported by the edges, and the white jade mushroom is blanched in advance.

Dog days are coming, remember to "eat 3 melons, 3 beans and 3 meats", clear away heat, reduce fire and dispel dampness, and cultivate a healthy and good complexion

Eat three beans: red beans, mung beans, and black beans.

1. Black beans

Recommended recipe: Tangerine peel and black pork rib soup

Ingredients: 250 grams of pork ribs, 80 grams of black beans, 30 grams of five-finger peach, 1 slice of Poria cocos, 1 clove of Xinhui tangerine peel


1. Clean all the ingredients, soak the tangerine peel in Xinhui for 15 minutes, scrape off the white pulp, and blanch the pork ribs with ginger slices and cooking wine

2. Put all the ingredients into the pot, add the water that has just not passed the ingredients, boil for 1 hour, then turn to low and cook for 30 minutes, and add an appropriate amount of salt to taste before drinking the soup

3. Black beans can be fried before going into the pot, so that the soup will have a heavier milky taste, if you use high-aged tangerine peel, even if you don't shave the white flesh, there will be no bitter taste, and the tangerine peel will taste more fragrant. This soup is super delicious, with the addition of Xinhui tangerine peel, the taste is fresh and not greasy, and when the weather is hot, you will feel particularly relieved of the heat!!

Dog days are coming, remember to "eat 3 melons, 3 beans and 3 meats", clear away heat, reduce fire and dispel dampness, and cultivate a healthy and good complexion

Second, mung beans

Recommended recipe: mung bean soup

Ingredients: a bowl of cleaned mung beans (the proportion of one pound of boiled mung beans is 50g), a bag of rock sugar (add according to your taste), a casserole or glass pot (must not use an iron pot), the same amount of mineral water


1. Soak the prepared mung beans in water for about 10 minutes, which will make the boiled mung beans easier to get out of the sand

2. Pour the mineral water into the pot and boil the water over high heat, put in the soaked mung beans, cover and cook (you must not open the lid halfway!! )

3. Boil the mung beans in the pot for about 50 minutes, add rock sugar, and cook for another 10 minutes (according to yourself, you can add a little lemon juice to make the color brighter) and then you can get out of the pot!!

4. Put the boiled mung bean soup in the refrigerator after cooling, and you can eat it after refrigeration, so that the mung bean soup can not only produce sand, but also the color of the soup will not be red and brighter.

Dog days are coming, remember to "eat 3 melons, 3 beans and 3 meats", clear away heat, reduce fire and dispel dampness, and cultivate a healthy and good complexion

III. Red red beans

Recommended recipe: Powdered kudzu red bean dace soup

Ingredients: 1~2 dace (depending on the size), 250 grams of lean meat/pork bones, 500~800 grams of powdered arrowroot, a handful of chicken bone grass, 20 grams of red adzuki beans, a red radish (optional), a candied date, a piece of tangerine peel, two slices of ginger.


1. Soak the beans 30 minutes in advance. Other ingredients are also washed and set aside.

2. Add water to a pot and bring to a boil, and while boiling water, clean and peel the kudzu and red radish and cut them into pieces.

3. Clean and wipe off the dace, put ginger slices in the hot pan and fry the dace until golden brown on both sides. (Dace has a lot of fine bones, so it is recommended to use a clean soup bag and put the fish in the soup bag.) )

4. Put all the ingredients together into a pot of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes on high heat, then turn to low heat for 60 minutes, and finally add salt to taste.

Dog days are coming, remember to "eat 3 melons, 3 beans and 3 meats", clear away heat, reduce fire and dispel dampness, and cultivate a healthy and good complexion

Eat three kinds of meat: duck, chicken, and pig's trotters. As the saying goes, eat more duck in bitter summer to remove humidity and cool off.

1. Chicken: It helps digestion and absorption, and helps replenish physical strength

Recommended recipe: Pepper chicken

Tender and juicy chicken thighs, every bite is full of happiness! The slightly spicy taste is just right, and people can't help but take one bite after another. Moreover, even if this dish is not served with rice, it can be eaten with relish!


1. Cut the chicken into cubes, add salt, pepper, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, marinate it, add a little corn starch to starch it, and then seal it with sesame oil

2. Prepare the bell pepper and slice the garlic

3. Fry the chicken first, fry the chicken until golden brown, fry the pepper until it is broken, and set aside

4. Then add a little garlic and tempeh sauce to the pot, stir-fry until fragrant, add a little light soy sauce, oyster sauce, add chicken and bell peppers, stir-fry evenly

Dog days are coming, remember to "eat 3 melons, 3 beans and 3 meats", clear away heat, reduce fire and dispel dampness, and cultivate a healthy and good complexion

2. Pig's trotters: supplement vitamins and improve the body's immunity.

Recommended recipe: Mom's hoof flower

The pig's trotters are soft and deboned, melt in the mouth, the soup is milky white and rich, full of collagen, with soul dipping sauce, amazing!


1. Chop the pig's trotters and soak them in water for 3 hours; Blanch cooking wine, ginger and green onion in a pot under cold water for 10 minutes, remove and wash off the blood foam with warm water.

2. Wash the kidney beans, soak them in water for 1 night, and remove them for later use.

3. Put the processed pig's trotters in, pour green onions, ginger, peppercorns, white pepper, add boiling water to cover the pig's trotters, cover and stew for 1 hour; After 1 hour, put the soaked kidney beans into the pot, cover and simmer with the pig's trotters for 2 hours; Put salt and chicken essence to taste before cooking, add a little bit of chicken essence is enough, and the dishes will be fresher a lot, and the main flavor will not be covered!

4. Dipping sauce: Put minced green onion and garlic, oil and spicy seeds, add light soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, pepper and sesame oil in a bowl to adjust a soul sauce

Dog days are coming, remember to "eat 3 melons, 3 beans and 3 meats", clear away heat, reduce fire and dispel dampness, and cultivate a healthy and good complexion

3. Duck meat: dehumidification to cool off

Recommended recipe: Ginger fried duck

Ingredients: duck, green and red millet spicy, ginger, garlic


1. Sliced ginger, millet spicy cut in half, millet spicy green and red are a little good-looking, you can buy one of them, it will not be very spicy when fried, duck meat has the aroma of chili peppers, and the taste of Erjingtiao is general, and you can mix it with spicy.

2. Meat code flavor, add salt, green onions, ginger, cooking wine, grasp and mix evenly, put it for more than half an hour for later use, you can add sweet potato powder if you like to be tender, I like to dry a little without adding.

3. Pour a little more rapeseed oil into the pot, pour the duck into the hot oil, burst dry, and wait until the oil color is clear, this process is relatively long, be patient, use a spatula to keep turning in the process to avoid pasting the pot, add garlic halfway to fry together, and the seasoning is light soy sauce and salt seasoning.

4. After the duck is dried, add millet spicy and fry together, add ginger after the pepper is broken, stir-fry a few times and add chicken essence to put it on a plate and take it out of the pot.

5. The duck is selected as a duck, and the old duck can't eat it. The duck meat is more fragrant when it is dried, and you must wait until the oil color becomes clear before adding chili. The chili pepper is made of millet spicy to enhance the flavor.

Committed to using the simplest ingredients to share the most delicious dishes for you, the 9 food practices shared above, have you all learned, learn to try to make it at home,! Welcome to like, follow, retweet and favorite, thank you for your support! We'll see you next time.