
Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

author:Bad movie audience room


Xiao Qiao just finished watching "Customs Front", and Nicholas Tse is really handsome

It's really unfair why someone hasn't changed for more than ten years

Jacky Cheung and Wu Zhenyu are also in very good shape

I just want to ask you what is the secret of Hong Kong Star maintenance, why is it not old?

Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

There are three big scenes in the whole process, and Da Da Da Da is very explosive

There are a lot of dangerous actions, and I can't help but worry about Nicholas Tse in the process of watching it

After all, Brother Feng is notoriously desperate, and he has always gone into battle in person, without special effects

It is recommended that all actors in the filming scene come to learn and take off the fake muscles first

Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

Although the fighting scenes are very burning, there are also many blasting scenes

But most of Qiu Litao's movies are very poor, and this one is no different

Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

Directed by Qiu Litao

Li Min and Li Sheng co-wrote the screenplay

Nicholas Tse, Jacky Cheung, Lin Jiaxin, Liu Yase, Wu Zhenyu and other leading actors

Nicholas Tse served as a movement director for the first time

Douban has not yet opened a score, and the recommendation index is two stars

is being screened in theaters, and those who like action Hong Kong movies can watch it, and the play is very good

Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

It turns out that Jacky Cheung hasn't met everyone on the big screen for eight years

It turns out that nine years have passed since "Equator".

Looking forward to actor Jacky Cheung's next work

But Xiao Qiao didn't grab a concert ticket for singer Jacky Cheung, so I really want to go to see it

Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

There are spoilers to follow, so read with caution

However, the biggest attraction of this film is the fighting scenes and gunfights, which are all visual enjoyment

It doesn't affect Dada

Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

Nicholas Tse's role as Chow Ching-lai is a Customs Operations Police Officer

Zhang Yunnan, played by Jacky Cheung, is also a customs police officer and Zhou Zhengli's boss

They worked together for seven years, patrolling merchant ships in Hong Kong's waters

Check to see if they are smuggling and if they are carrying drugs

Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

Xiao Qiao hasn't seen a movie with this theme, but the opening paragraph is really good

Several of the leading actors are also good, much better than "Peacekeeping Anti-riot Team".

Organized, disciplined, and professional

During an ordinary patrol, a cargo ship was spotted that had intruded into Hong Kong waters without reporting

It was clear that it was a smuggling vessel containing lost arms from Thailand

Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

Nicholas Tse's fight scene on a kayak opened the curtain of the story

also laid the level of the film's play

Zhou Zhengli was always the first to rush to the front, and he punched this group of people twice

Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

Different leaders have different ways of dealing with this batch of munitions

But they all seem to want to take advantage of the opportunity

Guo Ziqiang, played by Wu Zhenyu, is Zhang Yunnan's direct boss and his classmate at the same time

He advocated "inaction", as long as the arms were kept, which was a sign of their customs

Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

Shao Yaying, played by Lin Jiaxin, is Guo Ziqiang's rival

At the same time, she is also Zhang Yunnan's underground girlfriend

She wants to give the arms back to Thailand

Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

The group of people who smuggled arms was simply not too arrogant and rushed directly into our territory

Armed with weapons of mass destruction to snatch the munitions

One of the two Interpols who came to hand over was also taken away

This is not only the evidence of arms or smuggling, but also the loss of face to a greater extent

Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

Ying, played by Nicholas Tse and Liu Yase, goes to the land of war to find the lost munitions

They weave through artillery fire, like NPCs on quests

But they found out that there were black police officers in Hong Kong Customs, but they didn't know who it was

Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

So I chose the most trusted Jacky Cheung

The character of Jacky Cheung is as hard to fathom as his network of connections

As a leading actor who has always played a high role, he committed suicide by jumping off a building in the middle of the process

Then there was a long reminiscence in the back

After watching the whole movie, it can be said that all the stories go to the character settings, just like the settings in the game

It's calm and unwavering, and it's a plot that can be guessed completely

It is purely for the sake of fighting, and it does not consider rationality at all

Some characters are purely going through the motions, but the protagonist does not have his own position

Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

Should the smuggled arms intercepted by the customs really be returned to the people casually?

To be honest, Xiao Qiao is on Wu Zhenyu's side

When you work in the government, you must have a political mindset

You want to write that Jacky Cheung has been pushed and scolded by the leader for a long time, but you didn't highlight this point

Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

And the final ending, did they really solve the case?

It seems that the mastermind behind the scenes has not been caught, and the bribes accepted by Jacky Cheung have not been handed over

The island was not disposed of either

The end is inexplicable, and the actors' performances are also overexerted

It can be said that there is nothing to see except for playing

Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

In the end, the fight scene in the submarine was unexpectedly beaten

It also depends on holding your breath to win

How to say it, I'm quite disappointed, Xiao Qiao feels that the core of the movie should be the script

Appraisal results: Fighting for the sake of fighting, the drama is intensive, and the literary drama is weak, it can be regarded as a bad movie!

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Nicholas Tse is very handsome and can play, but this film can't be boasted!

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