
Du Hua Nian: It wasn't until Li Chuan's special fetishes on the bed were exposed that Shangguan Ya knew that she had been pitted miserably

author:Ye Xiaoxian chases dramas

I want to be indecisive, I want to be naïve, I want to be kind, I want to be careless.

Li Ming, who fell on the sickbed, said to Li Chuan that as long as he destroyed the Shangguan family, he could give him the Yulin Army. However, Li Chuan refused.

In his previous life, Li Chuan compromised too many times for the sake of the overall situation. In his previous life, Li Chuan married a crown princess and four side concubines. But in the end, all five women were killed.

Li Chuan did not have a qualified emperor or any qualities, so in the years when he was in charge of the government, the people were struggling to make a living, and local uprisings continued. All fell victim to the imperial power.

Shangguan Ya

Su Ronghua studied under Gu Zixiao, who is a rare outlier in the family. When he was young, he was quite well-behaved and quite talented, so he became Su Ronghua's teacher.

Du Hua Nian: It wasn't until Li Chuan's special fetishes on the bed were exposed that Shangguan Ya knew that she had been pitted miserably

Later, Gu Zixiao eloped with a poor woman and was expelled from the family. Su Ronghua, who was taught by Gu Zixiao, announced at the age of eleven that he would not inherit the position of head of the family in the future.

In the fifteenth year of Yuan Hui, Su Ronghua became the teacher of Su Wang, the son of Concubine Rou.

In the eighteenth year of Yuan Hui, Su Ronghua met Shangguan Ya in the gambling house, and later the two gradually fell in love with Shangguan Ya in the middle of getting along.

Su Ronghua received three hundred court rods from Shangguan Ya, and at that time, Shangguan Ya finally entered the palace.

Shangguan Ya values the family more than love. The Shangguan family has given her decades of glory and wealth, and she also has to bear family responsibilities for the Shangguan family.

However, after Li Chuan ascended the throne, the contradictions between him and the family became deeper and deeper, and his opinion on Shangguan Ya became bigger and bigger, and it was difficult for him not to blame Shangguan Ya for the setbacks he suffered in the court.

Du Hua Nian: It wasn't until Li Chuan's special fetishes on the bed were exposed that Shangguan Ya knew that she had been pitted miserably

At that time, Li Chuan's first Northern Expedition failed, followed by floods in the south. So when he saw Shangguan Ya, he thought of the local family that embezzled military salaries. In addition, Li Chuan and Qin Zhenzhen's relationship is getting deeper and deeper, and every time he has sex with Shangguan Ya, he feels that he has turned his back on his lover. He had no way to have any impulses towards Shangguan Ya.

You opened your mouth to talk about him, he also felt guilty, he knew in his heart that the Shangguan family supported him to take the throne in order to be a prince, and Shangguan Ya was also innocent, so His Majesty later took medicine, every time he went to see Shangguan Ya, he took medicine in advance, and when he came back, he began to vomit.

But Shangguan Ya is not favored, and the Shangguan family will put pressure on Shangguan Ya. Li Chuan's ascension to the throne was inseparable from the support of the Shangguan family, and at that time, Li Chuan's decree harmed the interests of the family, and he could not do without the support of the family. So he could only go to Shangguan Ya after taking the medicine.

And not only Li Chuan dislikes Shangguan Ya, Shangguan Ya is also very disgusted with Li Chuan, she doesn't rely on medicine, and she can't have any impulses towards Li Chuan.

Later, Li Chuan knew that Shangguan Ya was also taking medicine, so he found Shangguan Ya. Li Chuan told Shangguan Ya that he could give her power or make her queen, but he hoped that they could let each other go.

And the day after Li Chuan said these words, Qin Zhenzhen was pregnant.

Du Hua Nian: It wasn't until Li Chuan's special fetishes on the bed were exposed that Shangguan Ya knew that she had been pitted miserably

The poor family supported by Li Chuan can see that Li Chuan likes Qin Zhenzhen, who was born in a cold family. So he faked miracles, and the child was still in the womb, so he asked Li Chuan to seal Qin Zhenzhen's unborn child as the crown prince.

So Shangguan Ya sent a letter to Shangguan's family, telling them that she needed a child. At this time, the Shangguan family found Su Ronghua again. Because of the matter of confusing the royal bloodline, the Shangguan family did not dare to do it. But these families are also unwilling to watch Qin Zhenzhen's son ascend to the throne.

Just like back then, the family couldn't tolerate Concubine Rou's son ascending to the throne. At that time, Li Chuan's reputation had been extremely bad, and the family still sent troops to help Li Chuan ascend the throne.

The Shangguan family used this child to form an alliance with the Su family.


Two months later, Shangguan Yacha found out that she was pregnant, and in the same year, Su Ronghua joined the office, and he was the leader of the year.

At that time, Li Chuan didn't know that Shangguan Ya and Su Ronghua were having an affair, and he also intended to ease the relationship with the family. He intends to leave Shangguan Ya's son as the crown prince.

However, most of the poor officials under Li Chuan were born in poverty, so they had little experience in fighting. So they forged miracles one after another, and wrote to establish Qin Zhenzhen's son as the crown prince.

Du Hua Nian: It wasn't until Li Chuan's special fetishes on the bed were exposed that Shangguan Ya knew that she had been pitted miserably

Li Chuan and Qin Zhenzhen both knew very well that this was to roast Qin Zhenzhen on the fire. Qin Zhenzhen even wanted to write a letter asking Shangguan Ya's son to be crowned the crown prince. But before the twist and turn, a strange bird landed at the door of the Baoguo Temple, and everyone said that this was a phoenix, a sign of the abolition.

Su Ronghua took Shangguan Ya's position and killed Qin Zhenzhen. He originally wanted to kill Li Ping, but Qin Zhenzhen regarded Li Ping as if he were eyeballs, eating and living together, every mouthful of water, every mouthful of food, Qin Zhenzhen had to eat first. So Qin Zhenzhen found out that he was poisoned first.

And Xiangmei is a very special poison, only if you eat two medicines together, you will be poisoned.

After Qin Zhenzhen's death, the family asked Shangguanya's son to be crowned the crown prince in front of Qin Zhenzhen's mourning hall. Li Chuan directly agreed.


After Qin Zhenzhen died, Li Chuan figured out that only by becoming evil ghosts could he fight against them. So he doesn't care about the people, war, justice, he just wants to overthrow the family.

Under his rule, the country has been in turmoil, and the people are struggling to make a living. Taxes were excessive, the people were miserable, and uprisings broke out. Li Chuan used heavy taxes to support Qin Lin's army.

Not everyone in the family is evil, not only corrupt, but many of them even have a higher moral standard.

Like the Su family, they persuaded the monarch and appeased the people, scattered countless wealth, rescued the people, and suppressed the rebellion.

The strength of the family has also been consumed in this counterinsurgency.

Du Hua Nian: It wasn't until Li Chuan's special fetishes on the bed were exposed that Shangguan Ya knew that she had been pitted miserably

In the seventh year of Dexu, Li Chuan found out that Qin Zhen was really killed by Su Ronghua. So in the eighth year of Dexu, he framed King Su for rebellion and asked the Su family to quell the rebellion. The Su family stood up to mention King Su to speak, and was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason.

The daughters of the Su family were exiled, and the men were all sentenced to palace punishment, except for Su Rongqing, the rest of the Su family chose to commit suicide.

Shangguan Xu was killed by Li Chuan, and the Queen Mother Shangguan Yue also chose to commit suicide in order to protect Shangguan Ya. The Shangguan clan and half of the clan were wiped out.

At that time, the family's patience with Li Chuan was at its limit, and there were not less than twenty families ready to rebel, and even Li Rong joined forces with these families.

However, Li Chuan suddenly announced that he asked God to ask, and without asking the imperial court, he handed over the government to Li Rong.

Write at the end

After chasing the original book, the most uneasy thing is that Li Ming lived too short. But if you live a few more years, you will completely press Li Chuan down. No matter who ascends the throne, it is better than Li Chuan.

Li Chuan is a good person, he is too emotional, and too cowardly. As a member of the family, he is a very nice person. But he was not fit to be an emperor.

He said he wanted to go on a northern expedition, but the army was out of his control. He said that he wanted to suppress the family, but he relied on the family to ascend the throne. He wants love, but his marriage is a transaction.

He wanted everything, but these things, he had already given them in order to ascend the throne.

Li Ming is reluctant to see Li Chuan ascend the throne, not because he is the same as the family, but as long as he ascends the throne, it will strengthen the power of the family.

Because Li Ming was also the crown prince of the Shangguan family, his mother and wife were also from the Shangguan family. But King Su's accession to the throne is different, he is not born in the same camp as the family.

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