
Lin Gaoyuan: Tears! Marry a girlfriend outside the circle and get married! Life doesn't come in more than one shape!

author:Yu Shanli

I saw Lin Gaoyuan have a new magazine, and the picture is really very good-looking! The photo really captures Lin Gaoyuan's temperament, elegant and delicate without losing the true character of a trendy man, quite the warmth of a beautiful man in ancient costumes! This unique sense of atmosphere allows us to see the other side of Lin Gaoyuan, calm, restrained, and elegant. At the age of 29, after thousands of gains and losses, he will have a sense of calm crazy criticism when he competes!

Lin Gaoyuan: Tears! Marry a girlfriend outside the circle and get married! Life doesn't come in more than one shape!
Lin Gaoyuan: Tears! Marry a girlfriend outside the circle and get married! Life doesn't come in more than one shape!

I don't know when "Lin Gaoyuan" became synonymous with the "tragic hero" of national table tennis, but I really don't want your name to always be associated with regret, I believe that there are many people who feel full of positive energy from you, the resilience of not admitting defeat and giving up, the gentleness of tolerating all malice, the smile that always faces life positively, the low-key humility that never complains about the sky and the reason for always finding reasons in themselves, and the sincere ...... who still loves the arena all the way.

Lin Gaoyuan: Tears! Marry a girlfriend outside the circle and get married! Life doesn't come in more than one shape!
Lin Gaoyuan: Tears! Marry a girlfriend outside the circle and get married! Life doesn't come in more than one shape!

You made me see that not all bravery must be sharp, it turns out that there are really people who can be gentle and strong, "light but not dazzling, still water flows deep", I hope that people will mention you in the future, it can also be a symbol of light and hope. The dragon travels thousands of miles, although it is far away, he is so powerful, and no difficulty can defeat him. Our journey is a sea of stars, not just a certain place, so don't stop moving forward. At the end of the difficulty, there will be a beautiful goal waiting for us, from July 2022, that desperate Budapest, you were reversed by Zhang Benzhihe, when the ball landed, there was an uproar, from then on, some people began to forget that you have overcome all the obstacles along the way, and some people have completely negated all your efforts and progress with one mouth. Lin Gaoyuan, the voice is too noisy, no one can define you, listen to your heart, you will become yourself, a little more firm, a little more firm.

Lin Gaoyuan: Tears! Marry a girlfriend outside the circle and get married! Life doesn't come in more than one shape!
Lin Gaoyuan: Tears! Marry a girlfriend outside the circle and get married! Life doesn't come in more than one shape!

In this year's Macau World Table Tennis Championships, everyone is not optimistic about you, but you are very competitive, all the way to the runner-up, you say, no one to help me Qingyunzhi, I stepped on the snow to the top of the mountain, and the Paris Olympic list will be announced in May 2024, although you are not on the list, but we still support you, silently cheer for you, Gao Yuan, do you know, you save yourself from fire and water every time, when you are in the Taiyuan Challenge Men's Doubles Final, the fourth game is difficult to win 17:15, you shout loudly, Many people laugh at you for just winning the civil war, why celebrate so much, but I feel distressed at that moment, you must have too much resentment, unwillingness and grievances in your heart, you are so kind and humble, you are always the one who trains the hardest, but you always pass by opportunities, and competitive sports, once you miss it, you will miss it forever.

Lin Gaoyuan: Tears! Marry a girlfriend outside the circle and get married! Life doesn't come in more than one shape!
Lin Gaoyuan: Tears! Marry a girlfriend outside the circle and get married! Life doesn't come in more than one shape!
Lin Gaoyuan: Tears! Marry a girlfriend outside the circle and get married! Life doesn't come in more than one shape!

I remember the first time I heard him called General Kobayashi, I thought it was so suitable for him! I heard that the general's sword is not out of the sheath, the stars arch north, and the nine heavens are established, once the general's sword is out of the sheath, the gas runs through Changhong, and breaks through Kyushu! He is a speed player, I will be completely surprised by his speed, he is really smooth, and he will not be worthy of the title of General Kobayashi! That golden rain fell for you Since then, you have stepped on a bigger stage, and more people have recognized you. In fact, you have already proven yourself very well, to the second position in the world, when it comes to the speed flow play, you will definitely think of you, and the fake left hand can hit this position is already the ceiling level.

Lin Gaoyuan: Tears! Marry a girlfriend outside the circle and get married! Life doesn't come in more than one shape!
Lin Gaoyuan: Tears! Marry a girlfriend outside the circle and get married! Life doesn't come in more than one shape!

It's been six years. In the past year or two, the teammates who joined the team together have left the field one after another to embark on a new life journey, and only you choose to continue to play. In your words, you are the oldest in the team now except for Brother Long. As you get older, your form goes up and down, and the outside world never stops questioning you, but you still work hard, and the 2023 Bangkok Star Challenge is the men's singles championship after 1,420 days, and you have proved with persistence and hard work that you can continue to walk. Or, choose a girl who understands you and understands you outside the circle to get married, life is not only table tennis, success is not only one shape, the road of table tennis is destined to be a hard journey, I hope you are successful.

After a year, you're once again alone in Thailand, and hopefully you can defend your title and bring your final match of the Paris cycle to a successful conclusion!

(The photos in the article are all from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact the author to delete)

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