
Imperial Examination Record: If you fail to take the exam, you will be counted at Longmen; Jinshi and the first, the name of the wild goose pagoda.

author:Little Creek Academy

In the ancient Chinese imperial examination system, countless scholars studied hard in order to seek fame and fortune, in order to be inscribed on the gold list.

"Kindergarten Qionglin" has such words that vividly describe two completely different results in the imperial examination, that is, "the examination is lost, which is called the dragon gate point; Jinshi and the first, called the name of the wild goose pagoda. ”

Imperial Examination Record: If you fail to take the exam, you will be counted at Longmen; Jinshi and the first, the name of the wild goose pagoda.

How do you understand this? What are some of the stories worth reading? If you are interested, you must insist on reading my articles.

"Gantry Amount"

The "examination and reliction" in "taking the examination and seeing the loss" refers to failing to succeed in the imperial examination, that is, failing to make the list. The imperial examination was the main way to select officials in ancient China, and candidates had to go through layers of selection, and only a few were able to pass in the end.

Imperial Examination Record: If you fail to take the exam, you will be counted at Longmen; Jinshi and the first, the name of the wild goose pagoda.

And "Dragon Gate Point" is an allusion, derived from an ancient legend.

Legend has it that if the carp in the Yellow River can jump over the dragon gate, it can become a dragon. But if you can't jump over, you will "point" back, that is, you can't jump when you hit the dragon gate, and you can only return to the original place.

The "dragon gate point" here is used as a metaphor for those who fail in the exam, they are like carp, although they try hard, but in the end they do not succeed.

Imperial Examination Record: If you fail to take the exam, you will be counted at Longmen; Jinshi and the first, the name of the wild goose pagoda.

Therefore, this sentence means that the test is not taken, just like the carp did not jump over the dragon gate and returned after touching the forehead, so it is called "dragon gate point amount".

"Wild Goose Pagoda Inscription"

"Jinshi and the first, called the name of the wild goose pagoda", the "Jinshi and the first" refers to the highest achievement in the imperial examination, that is, to become a jinshi. Jinshi was the highest rank in the ancient imperial examinations, and those who could pass were very good.

Imperial Examination Record: If you fail to take the exam, you will be counted at Longmen; Jinshi and the first, the name of the wild goose pagoda.

"The name of the wild goose pagoda" is also an allusion. In the Tang Dynasty, the new scholars and their successors would gather at the Big Wild Goose Pagoda of Ci'en Temple in Chang'an to celebrate their honors and achievements.

This tradition has since continued and has become an important ritual in the imperial examinations. Therefore, the "Wild Goose Pagoda Inscription" is used as a metaphor for those successful Jinshi, who finally achieved honor and success through hard work.

"Jinshi and the first, called the name of the wild goose pagoda" means that the Tang Dynasty Jinshi and the first, the name was written on the wild goose pagoda of Ci'en Temple, and the descendants called Dengke "the name of the wild goose pagoda".

Imperial Examination Record: If you fail to take the exam, you will be counted at Longmen; Jinshi and the first, the name of the wild goose pagoda.

According to records, in the Tang Dynasty, almost five or six thousand of the more than 8,000 Jinshi left their names on the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. These talents feel that they can write an inscription on the Big Wild Goose Pagoda to see the relics, which is called the Dragon Gate Point; Jinshi and the first, called the name of the wild goose pagoda. , it's like stepping on the road of green clouds, and the future is immeasurable.

When it comes to inscribed on the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the most famous of them is Bai Juyi. At the age of 27, he was admitted to the Jinshi, and he was so happy that he wrote a poem directly on the tower: "The place where the name is left under the Pagoda of Mercy, the young man is the most proud." This sentence wrote out the joy of his youthful ambition, and also made future generations remember him as a great poet.

Imperial Examination Record: If you fail to take the exam, you will be counted at Longmen; Jinshi and the first, the name of the wild goose pagoda.


Friends, "I should take the test and see the loss, which is called the dragon gate point; The sentence "Jinshi and the first, called the name of the wild goose pagoda", vividly depicts the failure and success in the imperial examination through the two allusions of "Longmen point" and "wild goose pagoda inscription".

Imperial Examination Record: If you fail to take the exam, you will be counted at Longmen; Jinshi and the first, the name of the wild goose pagoda.

In ancient times, to put it bluntly, failing to pass the exam was like a carp not jumping over the dragon gate, which was a bit of a loss of face; If you are admitted to the Jinshi, you will have the name engraved on the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, and you will have face! And he can be added to the rank and enter the knighthood and embark on a career in office.