
Frozen steamed buns can't be eaten, it will breed aflatoxin and cause cancer? Let's take a look before you decide

author:Zhang Xuejun, a cardiologist
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have not been marked in the article, please be aware.

"You can't eat frozen steamed buns, you may get cancer if you eat them!"

Aunt Zhang is 66 this year, and she has been thrifty all her life, whether it is in terms of diet or clothing, she follows four words - if you can save, you will save, which has also developed her habit of often eating leftovers and frozen food.

After all, in Aunt Zhang's mind, if you can't finish the food and put it in the refrigerator, it is equivalent to keeping it fresh, and it is absolutely impossible to be bad!

But recently, when Aunt Zhang's daughter went home to visit her parents, she found that there were a lot of steamed buns on the lower floor of the refrigerator.

No, the steamed buns are put for five days.

Frozen steamed buns can't be eaten, it will breed aflatoxin and cause cancer? Let's take a look before you decide

After hearing this, Aunt Zhang's daughter made a gesture to take the steamed bun out, and wanted to throw it into the trash, saying the opening sentence while taking it.

Aunt Zhang was naturally unwilling, so she hurriedly stopped what she was doing, rushed up to save her steamed buns from her daughter's hands, and said angrily: "It's a pity that this good steamed bun is lost, don't listen to those words on the Internet, what kind of cancer can you eat steamed buns, it's all nonsense!" ”

As a result, pulling and pulling, the steamed buns in the refrigerator were still "bailed" by Aunt Zhang, and her daughter looked at her as if she didn't eat oil and salt, and she was very depressed, so she invited a doctor friend to come the next day to popularize whether frozen steamed buns will cause cancer!

After listening to the story of their mother and daughter arguing over steamed bread, the doctor smiled helplessly and said: "The carcinogenic nature of steamed bread mainly depends on whether it has mildew, and when the steamed bread is moldy, aflatoxin will appear, which is the key ······· carcinogenesis."

Frozen steamed buns can't be eaten, it will breed aflatoxin and cause cancer? Let's take a look before you decide

Are frozen steamed buns really rich in aflatoxins? Can we still eat it?

After listening to the doctor's explanation, the two finally figured out the truth about "steamed buns cause cancer", and the relationship eased.

Steamed bread is a kind of refined pasta, the main nutrient is starch, which is a high carbohydrate, and the role after ingestion is mainly to provide energy for the human body.

Normally, there are three ways to store steamed bread at home, or hang the steamed bread in a ventilated and cool place to ensure that the steamed bread can always be exposed to fresh air, but this preservation method is more likely to breed bacteria and microorganisms;

Secondly, most families will choose to put the steamed buns in the refrigerator for refrigeration, many people will choose this way to keep fresh after eating them at one time, but this preservation method is also easy to breed bacteria, and there are many bacteria and microorganisms in the refrigerator;

Frozen steamed buns can't be eaten, it will breed aflatoxin and cause cancer? Let's take a look before you decide

Finally, refrigerator freezing should be a safer way to keep fresh in the minds of the public, put the steamed bread just made in the refrigerator to freeze, can extend the shelf life of the steamed bread to a certain extent, and the possibility of mildew is not as high as the above two ways, which is a relatively healthy way to preserve steamed bread.

The steamed bread is stored in the freezer layer of the refrigerator for 5 days, which belongs to certain sealing conditions, and there will be no aflatoxin. Because the aflatoxin breeding has a temperature requirement, it should be about 12~45 °C.

In other words, once the food surface exceeds this temperature, aflatoxins will grow. The temperature of the freezer layer of the refrigerator is below zero, which does not belong to the temperature requirement for aflatoxin breeding at all.

Frozen steamed buns can't be eaten, it will breed aflatoxin and cause cancer? Let's take a look before you decide

After all, the growth and reproduction of microorganisms will be inhibited in the long-term frozen state of steamed bread, and if the steamed bread is not placed for a long time before freezing, and no deterioration occurs, then mildew will generally not occur after freezing, and it is unlikely to cause cancer.

But be wary of this: if the steamed bread has spoiled before freezing, or has been stored in the environment of bacteria for too long to cause spoilage, then, the risk of mildew will be great, and long-term consumption of spoiled food, especially moldy food, will significantly increase the risk of cancer.

As a class of carcinogens, it is widely found in moldy foods, such as moldy grains, nuts, etc., and even some small workshops may also have aflatoxins in self-pressed oil.

Frozen steamed buns can't be eaten, it will breed aflatoxin and cause cancer? Let's take a look before you decide

There are many types of aflatoxins, among which aflatoxin B1 is the most carcinogenic. Aflatoxin B1 is a heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, which is metabolized as epoxide in the liver, which can cause point mutations in the tumor suppressor gene p53 and lose its activity, affecting the function of P53, which may increase the probability of cancer cells and lead to the occurrence of liver cancer.

At the same time, aflatoxins are very heat-resistant, and the toxin will not be completely removed after heating water at 100°C for 20 hours, so it is basically impossible to remove aflatoxin from moldy steamed bread by high-temperature distillation.

However, the production of aflatoxin is also required, and the temperature range suitable for the growth and toxin production of Aspergillus flavus is 12-42 °C, and it cannot produce toxin below 0 °C.

Therefore, after sealing the fresh, uncontaminated steamed bread, put it in the refrigerator and freeze it, so you don't have to worry too much about the production of aflatoxins.

Frozen steamed buns can't be eaten, it will breed aflatoxin and cause cancer? Let's take a look before you decide

Note! The following foods are best not to be kept in the refrigerator for a long time, or they may be counterproductive!

Although the refrigerator is an electrical appliance that is convenient for life, it is not omnipotent, and the following foods are not suitable for long-term storage in the refrigerator, which will not only reduce the original value of the food, but also may breed bacteria and viruses, which is not good for the human body

1. Starchy foods

Starchy foods such as steamed buns, flower rolls, and bread are stored in the refrigerator for a long time, which is easy to accelerate the speed of drying and hardening, and the bacteria in the refrigerator air will also quickly attach to the electric starch food.

As a result, when taken out of the refrigerator and eaten, a large number of bacteria are still present in the food, and with ingestion, they enter the human body, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs.

Frozen steamed buns can't be eaten, it will breed aflatoxin and cause cancer? Let's take a look before you decide

2. Chocolate

When chocolate is stored in the refrigerator for a long time, the heat in it is easy to change the crystal form of fat crystals, and these crystals will destroy the internal structure of chocolate, resulting in poor taste;

In addition, when stored in the refrigerator, which is suitable for bacteria to grow, chocolate that has suffered structural damage can easily increase the rate of bacterial multiplication, which is likely to pose a health threat when ingested.

It is recommended to store chocolate at a temperature of 5°C-18C, if the room temperature is too high in summer, you can seal the chocolate in a plastic bag and then store it in the refrigerator.

When taking it out, do not open the plastic bag immediately and wait for the chocolate to rise to room temperature before serving.

Frozen steamed buns can't be eaten, it will breed aflatoxin and cause cancer? Let's take a look before you decide

3. Fish

The fish in the refrigerator should not be stored for too long, the temperature of the refrigerator used at home is far from the appropriate storage temperature of aquatic products, under normal circumstances, when the storage temperature of the fish does not reach -30 °, the tissue cells will be dehydrated or other changes, such as crucian carp is prone to rancidity when refrigerated for a long time, the meat quality changes, and it is inedible.

Aquatic food is dangerous to spoil, it may produce amines and odors, commonly known as "dead fish gas", and fish meat may have a large number of bacteria multiplying and producing pathogenic microorganisms and toxins, which can lead to poisoning after ingestion.

Frozen steamed buns can't be eaten, it will breed aflatoxin and cause cancer? Let's take a look before you decide

4. Traditional Chinese medicine

Compared with Western medicine, the storage of traditional Chinese medicine is more stringent, not suitable for a long time in the refrigerator, the refrigerator that has not been professionally sterilized, contains a large number of bacteria, these bacteria will erode the Chinese herbal medicine, in the medicinal materials "shadow", lurking waiting for the opportunity to damage the human body;

In addition, if it is placed in a cold and humid refrigerator for a long time, it is easy to get damp and destroy the medicinal properties of Chinese herbal medicines, and after the medicinal properties are destroyed, ingestion will not play a pharmacological role, which may aggravate the development of the disease and is not conducive to controlling the disease.

In short, when placing food in the refrigerator, you should also pay attention to cycle and hygiene, control the storage time and method, and prolong the life of food!

Frozen steamed buns can't be eaten, it will breed aflatoxin and cause cancer? Let's take a look before you decide

Extension: Eating more lactoferrin foods may help reduce the damage of aflatoxins to the intestines!

Since aflatoxins are so toxic, are there any foods that can reduce their carcinogenicity and avoid damage to the intestines?

In fact, lactoferrin can prevent aflatoxin carcinogenicity to a certain extent, and in 2022, scholars from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences conducted relevant research on the effect of aflatoxin-induced intestinal damage.

Frozen steamed buns can't be eaten, it will breed aflatoxin and cause cancer? Let's take a look before you decide

By analyzing the mechanism of lactoferrin on AFM1-induced damaged intestinal barrier, it was found that lactoferrin in milk ingestion can be used as a bioactive protein to debacterial and anti-inflammatory, and regulate immunity.

To further confirm this hypothesis, the researchers used lactoferrin alone and AFM1 and a combination of the two to be exposed to mouse and differentiated Caco-2 cells, respectively, to assess their function on the intestinal barrier.

Frozen steamed buns can't be eaten, it will breed aflatoxin and cause cancer? Let's take a look before you decide

During the evaluation, they found that in vivo and in vitro lactoferrin interventions could alleviate AFM1-induced intestinal barrier dysfunction, and that lactoferrin's protective effect on AFM1 was related to intestinal epithelial cells and intestinal epithelial related pathways, especially the signaling molecules INSR, CYFIP2, DOCK1, and RRM2 were involved in lactoferrin protection.

As a result, it has been confirmed that lactoferrin may indeed be able to resist aflatoxin's intestinal damage, and eating more lactoferrin-rich foods can also play a role.

However, lactoferrin is mainly found in breast milk, and the amount of lactoferrin can also be found in milk and some dairy products is relatively small, but some common foods contain a certain amount of iron, which can supplement the body with lactoferrin, such as fish, legumes and green leafy vegetables.

Frozen steamed buns can't be eaten, it will breed aflatoxin and cause cancer? Let's take a look before you decide

Doctor's advice: daily intake of about 400g of fish per week, about 150g of soy products per week, and green leafy vegetables are recommended to be eaten every day, and it is better to ensure daily intake of 300g. #头条首发大赛#


1. Li Xungang. Is it good to keep these foods in the refrigerator? Sunset,2015,(7):26.

2. Lactoferrin has been found to have a protective effect on aflatoxin M1-induced intestinal injury.2022-07-12.

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