
Is Chen Xiao really leaving? took off the wedding ring and no longer avoided suspicion, and interacted with Liu Yifei to become generous

author:Beibei eats melons

Rumors about Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's divorce, although they spread several times a year. But it seems that this year there is a nose and an eye, and it is quite like that.

Although Chen Yanxi herself has been wearing a wedding ring, she looks the same.

Is Chen Xiao really leaving? took off the wedding ring and no longer avoided suspicion, and interacted with Liu Yifei to become generous

But those who are familiar with Chen Xiao should know that after getting married, he will have a "married man's consciousness" about taking over the play.

But in the past two years, he has not only frequently joined the group, but also contributed a role with the most kiss scenes since his debut in "Menghualu".

Is Chen Xiao really leaving? took off the wedding ring and no longer avoided suspicion, and interacted with Liu Yifei to become generous

However, at that time, Chen Xiao and the heroine Liu Yifei, although they cooperated very happily, they also believed that each other was rare and had a tacit understanding, and said: This kind of opponent can only be met by fate.

But when the two were on the same stage to promote, they still deliberately avoided suspicion. didn't even make eye contact, and at that time it was complained by netizens: the two are not at odds.

Is Chen Xiao really leaving? took off the wedding ring and no longer avoided suspicion, and interacted with Liu Yifei to become generous

Look at last night's Magnolia Night, when Chen Xiao and Liu Yifei won the "TV Drama Overseas Promotion Ambassador" together, not only did they go on stage together, but Chen Xiao also rarely lifted the skirt for Liu Yifei.

Is Chen Xiao really leaving? took off the wedding ring and no longer avoided suspicion, and interacted with Liu Yifei to become generous

When speaking on the stage, the two had a lot of "small actions". It can be seen that they may not be in contact often, but they still have an excellent tacit understanding.

Is Chen Xiao really leaving? took off the wedding ring and no longer avoided suspicion, and interacted with Liu Yifei to become generous

One look and one action can understand what the other party wants to express, and when two people speak, the other party will appreciate and agree with her point of view.

Is Chen Xiao really leaving? took off the wedding ring and no longer avoided suspicion, and interacted with Liu Yifei to become generous

Compared to couples and old husbands and wives, they are more like long-lost soul mates. It doesn't have to be love, but it's definitely very heartfelt.

Is Chen Xiao really leaving? took off the wedding ring and no longer avoided suspicion, and interacted with Liu Yifei to become generous

What's even more surprising is that when Liu Yifei stepped down, she naturally put on the arm handed over by Chen Xiao.

If I remember correctly, Liu Yifei rarely accepts "help" from an actor in public. Maybe it's because I'm scared by gossip, or maybe it's because I'm used to being independent.

But this time, both "unloaded" their "disguises". The picture is really beautiful!

Is Chen Xiao really leaving? took off the wedding ring and no longer avoided suspicion, and interacted with Liu Yifei to become generous

And this scene also made many fans of the drama who "look forward to brilliance" quickly wake up, and they have begun to look forward to their second match.

But then again, this time the two will see each other after two years, and it is indeed more natural and generous than when they were on the same stage after the cooperation was just over.

Is Chen Xiao really leaving? took off the wedding ring and no longer avoided suspicion, and interacted with Liu Yifei to become generous

In fact, this should be the case between actors, instead of blindly thinking about it in order to avoid fans thinking too much, and deliberately treating it as if they don't know each other. There is no interaction when they meet, but they lose the authenticity of an ordinary person.

As for Chen Xiao's marriage problem, this time he also noticed that the hands he used to hold the award on his hands were no longer the wedding ring that he had never left in his hand.

Is Chen Xiao really leaving? took off the wedding ring and no longer avoided suspicion, and interacted with Liu Yifei to become generous

And when I searched the Weibo of the two, I couldn't find any trace of each other's names. It's probably really gone, just wait for a suitable time to announce it.

After all, Chen Yanxi's new drama "I Wish People Were Long" is on the air, and she plays Teresa Teng, a generation of singers.

Chen Xiao also filmed "Big Businessman" in Hengdian, so he attended Magnolia with a bald head.

Is Chen Xiao really leaving? took off the wedding ring and no longer avoided suspicion, and interacted with Liu Yifei to become generous

Do you think the two of them are already separated?

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