
When I was 54 years old, I suddenly discovered that women who are rich and do not look old have three qi, and the more the better

author:Sister Nuan Rice Grains

In a woman's life, all experiences will be engraved in her appearance, and the old man often says that if a woman is doing well, she will know by looking at her face. I have observed that women whose days are getting smoother and smoother have three qi, and everyone can appreciate them.

When I was 54 years old, I suddenly discovered that women who are rich and do not look old have three qi, and the more the better


Women are like flowers, so they are charming when they release their fragrance. There is no resentment on the face of a scented woman, and there is no accumulation of grievances. The countenance is stretched.

The aroma comes from a clean diet. Strict daily management of yourself, will not eat indiscriminately, and there is less garbage in the red channel. When the body is pure, the body will emit a faint fragrance.

The aroma also comes from the high-quality husband and wife relationship, women are most afraid of getting angry, when they are angry, the muscles and veins are blocked, and the garbage is easy to settle in the body, so the woman with a good relationship between husband and wife is radiant and will not have a turbid image.

The aroma comes from daily care, the skin is clean, the hair is clean, the oil secreted by the body is cleaned up in time, the pores will not be blocked, and the excretion channels of the body are unblocked, giving people a body fragrance. After bathing, use the body lotion in time, the aroma is mixed with the heat of the body, exuding a light fragrance, very feminine.

When I was 54 years old, I suddenly discovered that women who are rich and do not look old have three qi, and the more the better


A woman's highest temperament comes from tranquility. A woman with a quiet heart, the years will not be like. It's beautiful at any age.

Tranquility comes from internal cultivation, a woman with a strong core and high energy, who is not in a hurry or impatient when encountering problems. Don't let your mood affect your goals, it's all about your thinking. Such a woman is very remarkable.

We have a financial beauty in our company who exudes beauty. In fact, she doesn't look very good-looking, but the overall performance is good-looking. Her good looks come from her posture, from her knowledge, and from her inner strength.

I have worked with her for seven years, and I have never seen her angry, and she always greets her with a smile, giving people the impression that she is steady, generous, and decent.

The stillness on the woman's body adds a very thick sense of preciousness. Don't dare to be disrespectful.

When I was 54 years old, I suddenly discovered that women who are rich and do not look old have three qi, and the more the better


A woman should be like a woman, and she can't do everything by herself. I went to Beijing last month to see an art exhibition, and I saw a beautiful woman on the bullet train, she gave people the impression that she was very squeamish, and her husband asked her husband to open the water bottle and give it to her. The fruit was peeled and handed to her by her husband. I couldn't get used to seeing women like this before. I feel hypocritical.

But now I appreciate this kind of woman, such a woman is hurt and loved, the aging speed is slow, and the life is sweet, this is an ability.

There is a neighbor in my old building, she doesn't work, but her husband is very pampered, can't cook, can't do housework, every time she plays mahjong, her husband sends fruit. It is the envy of many people. A woman who can make a man willing to pay and be squeamish, even after the age of fifty, really doesn't look old, because life is too comfortable.

A woman's squeamishness also represents an ability to win in intimate relationships, indicating that she is very wise. Therefore, the more squeamish the woman in the marriage, the smoother the life. Not only the wealthy are good-looking. Everyone said that this is not the case.

I am Sister Mi Li, a post-70s generation who loves to share, I like to share, remember to like and support to show encouragement. Thank you!

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