
Family style imprint: Filipino overseas Chinese family style and family motto

author:Entrepreneur Daily

On May 30, 2024, the unveiling ceremony of the Filipino Chinese Overseas Chinese Family Style and Family Motto Cultural Origin Museum was held in the East Sea Palace Restaurant in Manila, Li Jianzhong, military attache of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, Li Jingsheng, executive director of the Chinese Origin Culture Research Center of the Chinese People's Association, evaluation expert of the China One Township One Product Industry Promotion Plan, and director of the Cultural Communication Center of the Origin of the Place, Wang Yongyi, head of the Philippine Overseas Chinese Volunteer Service Group, and Cai Shaohuang, head of the delegation jointly unveiled.

Family style imprint: Filipino overseas Chinese family style and family motto

Unveiling ceremony

Director Li Jingsheng said that the launch of the Filipino Chinese Overseas Chinese Family Style Family Motto Cultural Origin Museum aims to tell the story of China's origin, let China's origin culture go to the world, and let the world understand China; The origin of the Chinese family style and family motto culture is the first to go to sea, promoting the family style and family motto, and the Chinese sons and daughters around the world have the same roots, the same culture, the same ancestry, and the same lineage, and work together to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind in the new era. Ms. Meng Xiaohong, Honorary Curator, talked about the significance of the Cultural Origin Museum of Overseas Chinese Family Style and Family Motto, inheriting and promoting Chinese culture: Family style and family motto is an important part of Chinese culture, containing rich historical and cultural values. Through the establishment of the Family Style and Family Discipline Cultural Origin Museum, these cultural heritages can be effectively preserved, and more people can understand and learn Chinese culture, and promote the inheritance and development of culture.

Mr. Wang Yongyi serves as the director of the Museum of the Cultural Origin of the Chinese Family Style and Family Motto of the Filipino Chinese.

Family style imprint: Filipino overseas Chinese family style and family motto

Director Wang Yongyi

Family style imprint: Filipino overseas Chinese family style and family motto

Awarded the Quanzhou Liaison Office

Ms. Luo Yasi served as the director of the Quanzhou Liaison Office of the Filipino Overseas Chinese Family Style and Family Motto Cultural Origin Museum, responsible for contacting and communicating with overseas Chinese at home and abroad, presiding over the work of the Quanzhou Liaison Office, and establishing and appointing the personnel of the Liaison Office.

Family style imprint: Filipino overseas Chinese family style and family motto

Director of Quanzhou Liaison Office, Luo Yas

In the inheritance and promotion of Chinese culture: family style and family motto is an important part of Chinese culture, containing rich historical and cultural values, enhancing the cultural identity of overseas Chinese, and promoting cultural exchanges and understanding. The world's first Chinese and overseas Chinese family style and family motto cultural origin museum was inaugurated in Manila.

After recommendation, two deputy curators were elected: Mr. Wu Junren served as the deputy curator and Mr. Chen Haitao served as the deputy curator. Responsible for assisting the curator and in charge of the work of the Origin Museum.

Family style imprint: Filipino overseas Chinese family style and family motto

The list of positions in the Origin Museum of Overseas Chinese Family Style and Family Training Culture in the Philippines is being recommended and assessed in an orderly manner, and the list of members of the Origin Museum will be announced one after another, and the work of the Origin Museum is also in progress.

(Filipino Chinese Overseas Chinese Family Style Family Motto Cultural Origin Museum News)

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