
A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

(Disclaimer: This article is purely a fictional story, not my own experience, the names of people and places in the article have nothing to do with reality, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read rationally, the pictures in the article are from the Internet)

"Ina, why are you going out to work now, is it because your husband doesn't support you?"

"No, Mom, Lin Feng is very good to me, and there will be no shortage of food and clothing in the family."

After the Indian girl Yina married in China, she didn't do anything at home every day, just lay at home to spend money on online shopping and enjoy life in China.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

After seeing Ina's state, the husband thought that he was too loser, so he kept scolding his wife and even kicked Ina out to work.

Is Ina, an Indian girl who married far away from China, happy, and why would an Indian mother say that the guy doesn't support his wife?

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

Rich Indian girl

Ina was born in an Indian family and lived in an excellent environment since she was a child, so she can be described as a rich girl raised by a child.

Ina grew up rich, and since she was a child, both her vision and the things she has been exposed to have been much more than ordinary people in India.

So in the process of browsing the video, Ina also learned about China "next door" to India.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

After an in-depth understanding, Ina fell in love with China, a "different" country.

A place that is completely different from India, but with great respect for women.

Wanting to go to China to learn Chinese and learn more about Chinese culture has also become a seed planted in Yina's heart.

Therefore, during her college years, Ina constantly contacted Chinese through the Internet and social software to understand the humanistic customs.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

It was on social software that Ina met the Chinese man Lin Feng.

The two were matched and added to each other's contact information, and after understanding, they knew more and more about each other.

During the chat, Ina liked Lin Feng who respected women.

Even though Ina was born into a wealthy Indian family and is much better off than most Indian women, the phenomenon of male superiority and inferiority in the family still exists.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

When my father went out to play cards and didn't come home, the family couldn't eat when they were hungry, and even sometimes the food was not appetizing, and they would beat my mother from time to time.

Therefore, for Lin Feng's various behaviors, Yina was shocked and sighed in her heart, the happiness of women born in China.

The news contact between the two is becoming more and more frequent, even if they have not met, it makes the two often worry about each other.

After a work trip, Lin Feng deliberately changed his itinerary and came to India to find Ina.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

After the two met, Ina was attracted by Lin Feng's gentlemanly attitude.

In Ina's eyes, Lin Feng and the man in his fantasy were exactly the same, and the two also expressed their emotions to each other after a dinner.

This brief meeting also made Ina want to live in China even more.

So after half a year of long-distance love, the two finally planned to get married.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

But when Lin Feng came to Ina's house to propose, the Indian father didn't like this Chinese son-in-law very much.

Ina's father thinks that if his daughter marries in a foreign country, it may be difficult to even meet in the future, and he is afraid that it will be bitter in the future, and he will have to swallow it if he breaks his teeth.

In order to satisfy Ina's father, Lin Feng can be said to be fully prepared to convince his father-in-law.

For this reason, Lin Feng also showed his sincerity and bought "hardware" for Yina as a guarantee for Yina's future life.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

Seeing that Lin Feng was fully prepared, he had even thought about Ina's future life.

His daughter also had to follow this Chinese man, and the Indian father was also relieved and agreed to the marriage of the two.

Indian fathers have also married a lot for their daughters, and the two also held a wedding with the blessing of their families.

After getting married, Ina followed Lin Feng with joy and went to China, which she had longed for since childhood.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

Quarrels after a distant marriage

After marrying in China, Ina followed Lin Feng to live in her hometown in the countryside, and at first Ina was very unhappy.

Because in Ina's eyes, rural China is like the slums of India, dirty and dilapidated.

But when Ina arrived at Lin Feng's house, she looked at the self-built two-story courtyard in front of her, as well as the beautifully decorated home.

It made Ina have a different feeling about China in her heart, and even said that China's rural areas are too developed.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

Ina who marries far away in China will often be watched by neighbors, and relatives who have never been abroad also want to see what a real foreigner looks like.

In addition, Ina is fluent in Chinese, so many people will ask Ina about her life in India.

Gradually, Ina also met a lot of friends in the countryside, including unmarried girls and daughters-in-law who have already married a family.

We often talk about food, makeup, and other fun places together.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

As a result, Ina learned to shop online, and often buys all kinds of food and clothes online.

At first, the family didn't care, but slowly, Lin Feng found that the things that Ina bought online were basically not used at home.

Some things look good online, but they are useless when you buy them home, so you can only sit aside.

Because of this incident, Lin Feng also explained to Ina more than once, but Ina saw something suitable in the video, so she still bought it at home.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

The things that Ina buys online every time are not cheap, and seeing that the useless things at home are piling up more and more, Lin Feng finally couldn't help but chat with Ina at all.

But the situation of the chat was not optimistic, and the two even had a big quarrel, and Ina thought that because of a trivial matter, Lin Feng had been blaming herself.

But Lin Feng believes that these mountains of goods have no use and cannot be converted into money.

even thought that these things were just the most daily expenses, and disliked Lin Feng for being too stingy.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

The two had completely different ideas, no matter how Lin Feng explained it, Ina thought that she had done nothing wrong.

In a fit of anger, Lin Feng yelled at Yina, asking Yina to go out and make money by herself, to pay for what she likes, I have to spend my own money all the time.

Ina looked at Lin Feng's attitude, and was even more angry in her heart, in order not to suffer the accusations of Chengri, Ina decided to go out to look for a job.

So Ina asked someone from the same village to help introduce her, and finally Ina came to the shoe factory to help carry it.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

Ina who has never done much work is still a little uncomfortable with the heavy work of moving things.

After a day of hard work, Ina was vain, and she was a little unsteady when she even walked, and she wanted to faint.

But in order to prove herself, Ina never said a word of hardship.

On this day, the Indian mother called and said that she missed Ina very much and wanted her daughter to come home and see her.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

After receiving a call from her mother, Ina told her mother that she would take time to go back and have a look, but now that the factory is very busy, she may not be able to take time off.

When her mother heard Ina's answer, she was shocked and asked Ina, why did she go out to work?

Ina truthfully told her mother that she and her husband had some quarrels, so she decided to go out to work to earn money.

After hearing Ina's words, your mother was even more angry and said that this was a symbol of Lin Feng's reluctance to raise Ina.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

Mother-in-law's questioning

But Yina never felt anything in her heart, so she could only keep explaining to her mother that she was just arguing with her husband.

On the other hand, the Indian mother is also worried about her daughter's life, after all, she has not done any tiring work since she was a child, and now she is suffering alone in a foreign country.

Eventually, the Indian mother planned to travel to China to see her daughter's real life.

A few days later, when the Indian mother appeared at home, Lin Feng and Ina were extremely shocked, but they didn't expect Lin Feng to speak, and the Indian mother immediately scolded.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

said that he trusted Lin Feng and married his daughter to China, but now Lin Feng is unwilling to support his daughter and wants Yina to go out to work.

No matter how Lin Feng explained, the Indian mother recognized Lin Feng and let her daughter come to China to suffer grievances.

Lin Feng, who had no choice, could only take his mother-in-law to the storage room and let her mother-in-law take a look at everything you had purchased.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

Seeing that the whole room was full of useless toys, clothes, and even kitchen supplies, the Indian mother-in-law was particularly shocked.

Lin Feng could only explain to his mother-in-law that because he had no way to change Ina's mind, he let Ina's go out to work during the quarrel.

But this matter is indeed his fault, so Lin Feng is also extremely guilty, but he has never said a word about not raising Yina.

Ina stood aside and kept explaining to her mother that the family had never been short of food and clothing, and Lin Feng also admitted his mistake to himself.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

The Indian mother on the side was particularly shocked to hear that her son-in-law would take the initiative to admit his mistake.

From Ina's words, it is not difficult to see that Lin Feng is a careful and self-reflective man.

Thinking that he had lived in India all his life, he had never seen a man who would bow his head, so Lin Feng's attitude was particularly important.

Seeing her daughter's life at home, she doesn't need to do anything, she just goes to work and does a job.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

When she got home, her mother-in-law prepared everything, and even when she came home at night, she had a hot meal, and Ina's mother was relieved.

Ina even told her mother that she felt very happy to have a job in China.

And Ina has already looked for a new job and helped to do Chinese-Indian translation at the translation place, so it won't be very tiring.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

Listening to her daughter's goal-oriented plan, her mother-in-law did not prevent Ina from going out to work, and she never accused Ina even in her words.

During the few days they lived in China, Lin Feng and his wife not only took their mother-in-law to visit the mall, but also took her out to taste more Chinese food.

In just a few days, Indian mothers have gained a lot of weight visibly with the naked eye.

A rich Indian girl married far away from China and was taken to work by a young man, mother: Doesn't your husband support you?

The only requirement in the Chinese family is for Ina to give birth to a child as soon as possible, and even boys and girls don't care.

The mother-in-law at home also said that she would take care of her baby as her own, and asked Ina not to be overly entangled, not necessarily to give birth to a boy.

Looking at her daughter's life in China, with the love of her son-in-law and the care of her mother-in-law, the Indian mother is also very glad that she married her daughter to China.

(Disclaimer: This article is purely a fictional story, not my own experience, the names of people and places in the article have nothing to do with reality, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read rationally, the pictures in the article are from the Internet)

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