
Dawn of the Stars: Experience Server Qualification Sneak Peek, take you to explore the interstellar adventure early!

author:Sword Wind King Small Class

Hello everyone, I'm Jian Feng. Recently, "Dawn of the Stars", a new game derived from Honor of Kings, has attracted huge attention in the player circle. Many players are looking forward to being the first to enter this new world for the gaming experience. So, how can I get the experience server qualification for Dawn of the Stars? Today, I will bring you the answer to this question.

Dawn of the Stars: Experience Server Qualification Sneak Peek, take you to explore the interstellar adventure early!

On the official website of "Dawn of the Stars", the official provides a channel for everyone to apply for the qualification of the experience server. All you need to do is fill out the questionnaire on the website and submit it. The application process is not complicated, but it should be noted that the official will review the submitted questionnaire, and not everyone will be able to qualify for the experience server. Therefore, I suggest that you fill out the questionnaire carefully when applying, and try to provide real information to improve the success rate of your application.

Dawn of the Stars: Experience Server Qualification Sneak Peek, take you to explore the interstellar adventure early!

In addition, there is a faster way to qualify for the trial server, and that is through the in-game "Squad Shake" feature. All you need to do is find a friend who already has the demo server qualification, and then ask him to invite you into the game, and you can have the demo server qualification immediately. Please note, however, that this method requires you and your invited friends to have an intimacy of at least level 10 in Honor of Kings. If you haven't already, you'll need to interact more in the game to increase intimacy.

Dawn of the Stars: Experience Server Qualification Sneak Peek, take you to explore the interstellar adventure early!

In general, whether you apply through the official website or through a friend invitation, it is an effective way to qualify for the "Dawn of the Stars" experience server. If you can't wait to experience this new Honor of Kings spin-off, Dawn of the Stars, then act fast!

I'm Jianfeng, if you have any questions about Dawn of the Stars, you can tell me and I'll do my best to help you out. We look forward to meeting you in the world of "Dawn of the Stars" and exploring this interstellar world full of unknowns together. See you in the stars!

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