
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference

author: View Handan

On June 27th, our school held the 2024 college enrollment consultation meeting, from Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, University of Science and Technology of China and other more than 60 domestic 985, 211 double first-class universities and Hebei Provincial backbone universities came to the scene, Hao Zhanwei, the leader of our school, and other 2024 graduates, parents and graduating class teachers of the North and South Campus of our school (Handan Hengyi Middle School and Hengyi Yonghua Middle School) participated in the event.

Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference

Group photo of leaders of our university and university leaders

The consultation meeting was crowded and very lively. Students and parents came to the booths of the colleges and universities they wanted to know more about the professional employment situation and the estimated admission score that they were most concerned about. The teachers of the admissions team of each college are enthusiastic to answer questions for the majority of candidates and parents, patiently and seriously explain to candidates and parents about the enrollment policies, enrollment plans, major settings, admission score lines and employment directions of each major, and provide on-site guidance to fill in the volunteers, and solve the questions of candidates and parents in one stop.

Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference
Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference

At the meeting, leaders of Nankai University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Chongqing University and other universities spoke highly of our school and its graduates. Hunan University gave a report to the students and awarded our university a high-quality student base.

Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference

Hunan University Expert Presentation

Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference

Hunan University awarded our university a high-quality student source base

Our school successfully held the 2024 High Recruitment Consultation Conference

Adhering to the principle of "recruiting well, teaching well, and delivering well", our school is committed to building a broad platform for students and building a bridge of communication with colleges and universities. This high-level recruitment meeting allows candidates and parents to have "zero distance" contact with the person in charge of the university, introduce enrollment information for candidates and parents, and carry out voluntary filling guidance, so that every point is "worth the money". Since 2019, our school has held high recruitment consultation meetings and college campus activities for six consecutive years, and will continue to stay true to our original intention and escort the growth of students in the future.

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