
Children grow slowly, eat more eight delicacies, high iron and high calcium and high nutrition, to help children grow taller

author:Sister Xiang said food

Hello everyone, this is Sister Xiang talking about food, sharing delicious home-cooked food every day. Today's children are picky eaters, only eating the dishes they like to eat, and not eating at all for what they don't like to eat, and over time there will be unbalanced nutrition, which affects physical health and height. If your child is also picky eater and grows slowly, it is recommended to eat these eight delicacies often, high iron and high calcium and high nutrition, children love to eat and are not picky eaters, and their children thrive, grow strong and grow tall.

1. Stewed chicken thighs with mushrooms and yams

Children grow slowly, eat more eight delicacies, high iron and high calcium and high nutrition, to help children grow taller

Ingredients: chicken thighs, fresh shiitake mushrooms, yams, ginger slices, goji berries, chopped green onions.


1. Clean the chicken thighs, cut a few knives on both sides, blanch the pot under cold water, skim off the foam after boiling, and then scoop them up and clean them.

2. Put fresh shiitake mushrooms in clean water, add salt and starch, soak for 10 minutes, then wash and drain. Peel off the skin of the yam, clean it and cut it into small pieces.

3. Put the chicken thighs, shiitake mushrooms, yam and ginger slices into the soup pot, add enough water, cover and simmer for two hours.

4. Ten minutes before the pot, sprinkle the wolfberries, add salt to taste, sprinkle the green onion out of the pot and serve it to the table.

2. Stir-fried shrimp with loofah

Children grow slowly, eat more eight delicacies, high iron and high calcium and high nutrition, to help children grow taller

Ingredients: loofah, shrimp, minced garlic, shredded ginger.


1. Remove the head and shell of the shrimp, open the back and remove the shrimp line, clean and drain the water, add ginger slices, salt and starch, grasp and mix evenly and marinate for 10 minutes.

2. Peel off the skin of the loofah, clean it and cut it into hob pieces.

3. Heat the oil, add the ginger shreds and stir-fry the fragrance after the oil is hot, then add the marinated shrimp and stir-fry a few times, stir-fry until it changes color, and then put it out for later use.

4. Add the bottom oil in the pot, add the minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add the loofah and stir-fry evenly, pour in water and simmer for two minutes.

5. After the loofah is boiled soft, add the shrimp and stir-fry evenly, add salt and chicken essence to taste, stir-fry evenly until the flavor is incorporated, and then it can be put out of the pot and put on a plate to eat.

3. Luffa beef soup

Children grow slowly, eat more eight delicacies, high iron and high calcium and high nutrition, to help children grow taller

Ingredients: loofah, beef, green onions.


1. Peel off the skin of the loofah, clean it and cut it into hob pieces. Wash the beef and cut it into thin slices.

2. Heat the oil, add the green onion and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the loofah and stir-fry a few times, stir-fry until it changes color, then add water and cook for five minutes.

3. After the loofah is boiled soft, add the beef and cook until it changes color, add salt and pepper to taste after cooking, stir evenly and cook until it tastes, and then you can eat it out of the pot.

Fourth, braised beef brisket with yuba

Children grow slowly, eat more eight delicacies, high iron and high calcium and high nutrition, to help children grow taller

Ingredients: beef brisket, bean curd, ginger slices, green onions, garlic.


1. Clean the brisket and cut it into small pieces, add ginger slices and green onions to remove the smell, skim off the foam after boiling, then scoop up the brisket, clean and drain the water.

2. Soak the yuba in advance, clean it after soaking, and then drain the water and cut it into small pieces for later use.

3. Heat the oil, add the ginger slices and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the beef brisket and stir-fry for a while, add tomato sauce and soy sauce to taste, stir-fry evenly until flavorful.

4. Then put in hot water and simmer for half an hour, cook until the brisket is soft and rotten, and then add yuba and simmer for 10 minutes. After cooking, stir-fry over high heat to reduce the juice, sprinkle with chopped green onions, and then put it on a plate and eat.

5. Morel mushroom and yam pork rib soup

Children grow slowly, eat more eight delicacies, high iron and high calcium and high nutrition, to help children grow taller

Ingredients: pork ribs, morels, yams, carrots, corn, ginger slices.


1. Clean the ribs and chop them into small pieces, blanch them in a pot under cold water, add ginger slices to remove the smell, skim off the foam after boiling, and then scoop up the ribs and clean them.

2. Peel off the skin of the yam and carrot, clean it and cut it into small pieces. Wash the corn and chop it into small pieces. Wash the morels, soak them in advance, and drain them after soaking.

3. Pour the pork ribs, morels, carrots, yams, corn and ginger slices into the water in which the morels are soaked and an appropriate amount of water, cover and simmer for 40 minutes.

4. When the time is up, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, stir evenly and cook until the flavor is incorporated, and then you can eat it out of the pot.

6. Steamed sea bass

Children grow slowly, eat more eight delicacies, high iron and high calcium and high nutrition, to help children grow taller

Ingredients: sea bass, sliced ginger, green onion, shredded green onion, shredded red pepper, shredded ginger.


1. Clean the sea bass, cut a few knives on both sides, put in the ginger slices and green onion segments and marinate for 10 minutes.

2. Boil the water, boil the marinated sea bass water and steam for 10 minutes.

3. Take out the sea bass after steaming, pour out the steamed juice, add shredded ginger, green onions, and red peppers, pour hot oil to stimulate the fragrance, and then pour in the steamed fish soy sauce to serve it to the table.

7. Stir-fried beef with mushrooms

Children grow slowly, eat more eight delicacies, high iron and high calcium and high nutrition, to help children grow taller

Prepare the ingredients: beef, mushrooms, sauce.


1. Sauce: Put light soy sauce, starch and a small half bowl of water in a bowl, stir well.

2. Clean the beef and cut it into thin slices, add ginger slices, soy sauce, starch and cooking oil, grasp and mix evenly and marinate for 10 minutes.

3. Put the mushrooms in clean water, add salt and starch, soak them for ten minutes, then clean them and cut them into thin slices, blanch them until they are broken, and drain them.

4. Heat the oil, add the beef and stir-fry after the oil is hot, stir-fry until it changes color, then put it out for later use.

5. Heat the oil again, add the garlic slices and fry until fragrant, then add the beef and stir-fry for a while, fry until it changes color, then put the mushrooms in the mouth until it is evenly fried.

6. Finally, pour in the sauce and stir-fry a few times until the sauce is thick, then you can put it out of the pot and start eating.

8. Soybean and kelp pork rib soup

Children grow slowly, eat more eight delicacies, high iron and high calcium and high nutrition, to help children grow taller

Ingredients: pork ribs, soybeans, kelp, ginger slices.


1. Clean the ribs and chop them into small pieces, blanch them in a pot under cold water, add ginger slices to remove the smell, skim off the foam after boiling, and then scoop up the ribs and clean them.

2. Clean the soybeans and soak them for an hour in advance. Soak the kelp, rinse and drain.

3. Put the pork ribs, soybeans and ginger slices into the soup pot first, add enough water, cover and simmer for an hour.

4. When the time is up, add the kelp and continue to cook for half an hour. After cooking, add salt to taste, stir well and cook until flavorful, and then you can take it out of the pot and eat.

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