
Why can't babies say fat? What happens when you say that? Mom, don't be superstitious

author:The end of the baby's story

Hello everyone~ I'm Xiaoyu

Yesterday, a mother consulted me and said: Can't babies say fat?

A mother from Guangdong said: After the confinement, I also took the baby back to my parents' house, but after returning to my parents' house, I said that the baby was two pounds fatter than when I was born.

The mother said that children can't boast about being fat, because they are easy to get sick if they are fat, and they also said that they can't praise being fat.

According to the mother, the more you praise the baby, the more difficult it is to feed, is this a trace or superstition?

In fact, there is no basis for it, and mothers should not be superstitious. The reason why there is such a saying is also a folk saying.

Generally, babies love to grow meat when they are born, but with the growth of months, after the development of limb bones, fat will be slowly consumed, so many old people say that babies can not boast, a boast is the opposite.

Why can't babies say fat? What happens when you say that? Mom, don't be superstitious

In addition, there are also many folk sayings: the baby's praise of fat is also a kind of rhetoric.

In any case, mothers should have scientific parenting. Whether it is the mother's family or the mother-in-law's family, if you follow the words of the customs, it will also affect the baby, and mothers should not follow their words at will.

The feudal superstition of the elderly, mothers should also pay special attention, which has a great impact on the baby, especially the practice of feudal superstition.

Why can't babies say fat? What happens when you say that? Mom, don't be superstitious


"You can't blow the air conditioner, the baby is afraid of the cold"

For mothers and babies, many elderly people will give special instructions not to blow air conditioners and be afraid of cold.

If the mother herself is not assertive, she will suffer.

Both mothers and babies can blow the air conditioner, as long as they don't blow it.

Especially small month-old babies, this kind of group is more afraid of heat than our adults, after all, the baby's development is fast, the body metabolism is vigorous, if it is too hot in the summer, it is easy to have heat rash, but also easy to lead to heat stroke, heat cover syndrome.

Too hot not only affects the baby's sleep, diet, and poor mood, but also has a great impact on the baby's growth and development.

Why can't babies say fat? What happens when you say that? Mom, don't be superstitious


"The more boastful the baby, the more difficult it is to bring"

Many old people say that babies can't boast, and the more they boast, the more difficult it is to bring.

In fact, the baby should praise more, no matter what stage the baby is in, you should praise the baby more.

Although the baby can't understand the mother's meaning, it can promote the better development of the baby's brain through the mother's expression and tone.

Praising the baby can also make the baby feel safe and promote brain nerve activity.

After the age of one, praising the baby will also give the baby better self-confidence, and the benefits for the baby are very many.


"Eat peaches and set off cannons to drive away evil spirits"

In some places, superstition, babies love to cry, especially in the middle of the night crying, the old man will come up with such an idea that "eating peaches and setting off guns" will help drive away evil spirits.

However, the baby is so fragile that if you eat peaches, the baby's digestion ability will definitely not be able to keep up. It is also a burden on the intestines.

In the face of this custom, mothers should not be superstitious, which is extremely harmful to the baby.

Finally, I would like to ask you, what customs and superstitious sayings have you encountered that make you sigh?

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]

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