
A month after Gu Shunzhang's arrest, a female beggar broke into the contact point, and Li Kenong cried bitterly after hearing the news

author:Brother History

When it comes to Li Kenong, some people may not be very clear about who he is. However, Li Kenong is by no means an unknown person, but has made extremely important contributions to the mainland of our party.

Li Kenong, born in 1899, a native of Wuhu, Anhui Province, never led the army to fight in his life, but Chairman Mao personally awarded him the title of "General". Although he is not fighting on the front line, he is active in a bloodless hidden front, that is, the underground intelligence front, and Li Kenong is the leader of the "special party group".

Under the instruction of Premier Zhou Enlai, Mr. Li Kenong sent a large number of outdated party documents to the headquarters of the Kuomintang Investigation Department in Nanjing, successfully won Xu Enzeng's trust and appreciation, broke into the Kuomintang intelligence center, and made great contributions to our party's victory over the first and second encirclement and suppression of the Kuomintang.

A month after Gu Shunzhang's arrest, a female beggar broke into the contact point, and Li Kenong cried bitterly after hearing the news

And the most thrilling and fearful of all Li Kenong's actions was Gu Shunzhang's rebellion. Not only is the safety of his wife and two children unensurable, but more seriously, if he misses the slightest omission, it is likely to change the direction and destiny of China in the future.

However, in terms of the country, Li Kenong has a heart for blood, but in his heart, he often feels indebted to his family, and sometimes he can't help but burst into tears.

It turned out that after Li Kenong was betrayed by Gu Shunzhang at that time, what he first did was to transfer the Party Central Committee with Premier Zhou Enlai, and then immediately arranged for the transfer of his comrades-in-arms and their families, and even did not have time to transfer his family.

Li Kenong's wife, Zhao Ying, found that her residence was surrounded by Kuomintang spies, and secretly escaped from the back door with her two children, Li Zhi and Li Lun, so she was not caught by the Kuomintang, otherwise she didn't know what kind of treatment she would suffer.

A month after Gu Shunzhang's arrest, a female beggar broke into the contact point, and Li Kenong cried bitterly after hearing the news

Zhao Ying couldn't contact Li Kenong, so she could only take her children to live on the streets, living by picking up garbage from the vegetable market, looking like a beggar, and such a life was really miserable. But Zhao Ying knew that her husband must have something important doing this, otherwise she and the child would not be left behind.

Due to the particularity of their profession, Li Kenong's sons and daughters don't know what their father does, and why they have been unable to see their father for so many years.

Fortunately, in the end, the secret party organization in Shanghai finally found Zhao Ying and her two children, so that they were safely transferred, so that they were not afraid all day long and did not have enough to eat.

And Li Kenong couldn't help but shed tears when he heard the news.

A month after Gu Shunzhang's arrest, a female beggar broke into the contact point, and Li Kenong cried bitterly after hearing the news

After Li Kenong was urgently transferred, he couldn't get news of his wife and children, and he was anxious, but for the normal operation of the party and follow-up work, he had to force himself to look like an iron face.

This news at this time is undoubtedly a huge piece of good news, and he finally doesn't have to worry about his wife and children suffering outside. Rao is iron-clad, and he has to shed tender tears at this moment, if he was reckless before and didn't want his comrades to be affected, then now he is completely relieved of his heart.

However, his children still don't know who their father really is and where he is. It wasn't until 10 years later, when Li Kenong withdrew to Yan'an, that the family was finally reunited, and Chairman Mao personally told his children that their father was a big spy and a big hero. Only then did they know what kind of man their father really was, and they were extremely proud and honored about it.

Later, when Li Kenong's youngest son Li Lun got married, Li Kenong said: "I have 5 children, your sister and brother are married, I am not around, you were raised by the organization, the party and the organization are your parents, with the party and the organization, you are where you are today." Although I am not a qualified father, you have a party and organization that trains you to grow up. ”

A month after Gu Shunzhang's arrest, a female beggar broke into the contact point, and Li Kenong cried bitterly after hearing the news

However, not all spies are as loyal to the party as Li Kenong, and the culprit who caused Li Kenong to be forced to separate from his family and almost ruined our party's hard work, Gu Shunzhang, was also a member of the Communist Party, even higher than Li Kenong's official rank, but what he did was simply outrageous.

Gu Shunzhang, born in 1904 in Baoshan, Jiangsu Province (now part of Shanghai), struggled to survive in Shanghai when he was young, learned martial arts and was good at countering violence with violence, and later organized a strike in the May Day Movement, which was appreciated by the Party Central Committee. After the counter-revolutionary coup d'état of April 12, Gu Shunzhang became Premier Zhou Enlai's right-hand man and served as the chief of the special section.

After escorting the dignitaries to Wuhan, Gu Shunzhang did not listen to Premier Zhou Enlai's advice to "act cautiously", but instead performed magic tricks in Hankou under the pseudonym "Hua Guangqi" to earn money. Gu Shunzhang liked to play tricks or something when he was young, but this time he got into a big disaster because of magic.

Due to Gu Shunzhang's complacency, the CCP traitors arrested him in Wuhan. What's even more unexpected is that Gu Shunzhang didn't resist in the slightest, and the enemy didn't even have time to punish him, so he naturally chose to defect immediately. And on his body, he even found a letter written by Gu Shunzhang to Chiang Kai-shek, which is really "Today's people look like people, and the heart of a beast is predictable"!

A month after Gu Shunzhang's arrest, a female beggar broke into the contact point, and Li Kenong cried bitterly after hearing the news

Fortunately, since ancient times, evil has always prevailed over good, and these treacherous people have made three fatal mistakes.

First, Gu Shunzhang wanted to connect with Chiang Kai-shek directly, and sold a pass without saying all the hidden personnel, so as to obtain the greatest benefits; Second, some Kuomintang officials were anxious to invite merit and directly sent six telegrams to Nanjing; Third, Comrade Qian Zhuangfei, a spy of our party, had long been aware of the Kuomintang telegram and deciphering the code.

Qian Zhuangfei urgently sent his son-in-law Liu Qifu to inform Li Kenong of the mutiny, and then Li Kenong found Chen Geng to inform Premier Zhou Enlai after several twists and turns.

In the end, under the extremely tight time, Premier Zhou Enlai made a decisive decision to transfer and protect the main responsible persons of our party and call in new people to fill the vacancy, abolishing the confidential working methods known to Gu Shunzhang, and also dealing with the relationship that Gu Shunzhang could use, which was indispensable with the assistance of Li Kenong.

It was precisely because of these important matters that Li Kenong threw himself into work without having time to inform his wife and children.

A month after Gu Shunzhang's arrest, a female beggar broke into the contact point, and Li Kenong cried bitterly after hearing the news

Li Kenong knows that if he pursues his own personal affairs, he will ruin China's future. So he gritted his teeth, swallowed his personal emotions into his stomach, and put the future of the country on the tip of his heart.

In the end, thanks to the concerted efforts of party members at all levels, we successfully defended the party Central Committee and all major important organs, and did not allow our party to be wiped out in Shanghai, so that our party was able to continue, the mainland was able to win the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and the broad masses of the people were liberated.

Li Kenong, Qian Zhuangfei, and Hu Di were also called the "Three Heroes of Longtan" by Premier Zhou Enlai because of their outstanding contributions.

A month after Gu Shunzhang's arrest, a female beggar broke into the contact point, and Li Kenong cried bitterly after hearing the news

Li Kenong has dedicated himself to the party all his life, sparing no effort to shine, even his own family members are ranked behind the party-state. Li Kenong will also feel ashamed of his family when he thinks of this, but he knows the great righteousness of the country, and with the country, there can be thousands of homes, so what is more important to his small family than thousands of homes?

The patriotism of martyrs is also like home. It is precisely with people like Mr. Li Kenong that we can have our peaceful and prosperous world today and pay tribute to the martyrs! #长文创作激励计划#


2020-07-27 20:35 Source: Study Times, Li Kenong: The founding general who walked out of the hidden front

A month after Gu Shunzhang's arrest, a female beggar broke into the contact point, and Li Kenong cried bitterly after hearing the news

2019-08-14 09:41 Source: People's Daily, Li Kenong: Hidden Front Legendary General

A month after Gu Shunzhang's arrest, a female beggar broke into the contact point, and Li Kenong cried bitterly after hearing the news

2014-04-30 14:21 Source: Jinan Daily, the special agent of the Central Union talked about Gu Shunzhang: After the mutiny, he wanted to return to the arms of the "enemy".

A month after Gu Shunzhang's arrest, a female beggar broke into the contact point, and Li Kenong cried bitterly after hearing the news

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