
"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

author:Look at the ups and downs of history
"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

Liu Antong.

At the beginning of the millennium, he was often an "inspirational model" in front of the lens of active media reporters.

But in 2009, she was sentenced to 10 years in prison by the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People's Court for fraud.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

Liu Antong

So what is the magic of this "girl" named Liu Antong that makes everyone flock to her?

And for what kind of fraud did she get jailed for?

In this article, we will reveal the story of Liu Antong, the "Tianshan Tong Grandma".

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

Pretending to be a minor attracts attention

In 2003, a singing "girl" in the Beijing underground passage set off a huge wave in Beijing Daily, Shanghai Daily and many other media.

This "girl" is Liu Antong.

At that time, she claimed to have just turned 15 years old, and she was a disabled girl who was terminally ill but still insisted on her musical dream.

And her biggest dream is to stand on the stage of The Voice of China.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

Liu Antong

Due to the rendering of many media, this disabled and determined music girl was sought after by the masses, and then many caring people donated money and materials to her.

But a few years later, Liu Antong was revealed that she was actually born in 1971, and she had been married once, but separated from her husband because she could not have children.

In 2003, her real age was actually 32.

The reason why she faked her age and experience was actually to commit fraud.

Liu Antong himself is small and exquisite, and he has a very childlike voice.

However, there is no one who has seen her who does not doubt her age.

Haggard face, unique temperament of a mature woman..... Do you really believe in these characteristics when you put them on her?

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

Liu Antong

However, Liu Antong explained that she was suffering from medication and illness that caused her to look like now.

Perhaps because they are accustomed to the stories of inspirational characters reported by the media, the people who eat melons actually believe it, and many people believe it.

And Liu Antong also took the opportunity to attract more melon-eating people and caring people.

Among these melon-eating people and caring people, the most noteworthy is Liu Ai.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

The media manager was moved and fueled by the fire

Liu Ai used to work for a large news media company and held the position of manager.

By chance, Liu Ai saw a report on Beijing TV about Liu Antong's story.

Liu Ai was extremely moved by many labels such as North Drift, Cancer, Girl, and Music Dream, and at the same time, the shrewd Liu Ai also saw Liu Antong's huge business potential.

Subsequently, Liu Ai found Liu Antong through his connections.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

Liu Antong

When Liu Ai saw Liu Antong at first sight, he suspected Liu Antong's age, but Liu Ai, who was in the spirit of hype, did not take this matter to heart.

Later, after seeing Liu Antong's simple life scene, the kind-hearted Liu Ai was moved by compassion.

Liu Ai was worried that Liu Antong would have no money, so he gave Liu Antong a sum of money.

No one expected that Liu Ai, who had no idea of Liu Antong's true face at the moment.

But in the future, it became a big push to expose Liu Antong's true face.

After an in-depth exchange between the two, Liu Ai put forward the idea of letting Liu Antong appear on TV so that more people could know her story.

Liu Antong thought that this would spread his reputation more widely, and immediately agreed.

Subsequently, Beijing TV did a program on Liu Antong and launched an exclusive interview with her.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

Liu Antong

In the interview, Liu Antong claimed that she was an illegitimate daughter and had been abandoned by her parents.

This also led to her growing up in a welfare home, and according to her, the teachers at the welfare home did not treat her well.

Later, her leg was injured due to her playfulness, and the ruthless welfare home did not treat her in time.

As a result, her leg has been disabled and she still needs crutches to stand fully.

But she has loved singing since she was a child, and she has not given up the pursuit of music.

In order to be able to stand on the stage of "Super Girl" one day, she taught herself to sing and learned to play the guitar and other musical devices.

At present, although she is a North Drifter, she can only sing in the underground passages of Beijing, and she is also driven away from time to time.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

Liu Antong

But she firmly believes that gold will always shine, and one day she will stand on the stage of "Super Girl".

Hearing this, the audience in the recording studio all cried for her.

On the spot, the masses gave her money, hoping to support this ordinary girl with big dreams.

There is also a commitment from the company to fund the expenses she needs in the process of chasing her dreams.

And one of the principals of an art school was in tears after hearing her pre-programmed touching story.

As a result, the principal promised on the spot that he would apply for her admission to the art school for free, and at the same time bear all the expenses of her study.

Liu Antong immediately expressed his gratitude and declared that he must come back to repay his alma mater and his benefactor after returning from his studies.

However, with Liu Antong's entry into Shijiazhuang Art School.

Her series of behaviors also let everyone see Liu Antong's true face!

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

Taste the sweetness, go against the original intention

In November 2003, after entering Shijiazhuang Art School, Liu Antong did not put his mind on studying, but on making friends.

Due to the donations received by many caring people, Liu Antong has accumulated a lot of money in his hands.

At this time, the poor "girl" who used to live only in the underground passage began to become more generous.

Later, a teacher at an art school once said to the police:

"Liu Antong is not at ease at school. She spends her money lavishly and spends money like water. When I didn't have money, I had already seen a doctor and asked the school for a bursary. The school didn't give it, so she asked her classmates to borrow it. ”

It turned out that Liu Antong once again used his tragic experience and petite appearance to win the sympathy of the art school students.

Later, Liu Antong not only met many older brothers and sisters at school, but also owed a bunch of debts.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

But such a deceptive behavior will naturally be seen through after a long time, and Liu Antong's hypocrisy will be slowly revealed.

When the truth was laid out in front of everyone's eyes, angry teachers and students began to denounce Liu Antong.

In fact, Liu Antong also knew that he couldn't stay here for long.

Less than three months into school, she left the school, citing poor health.

But Liu Antong's story did not end with her departure, and there were still people who were deceived by her at this time.

At the same time that Liu Antong left the art academy, several brothers and sisters who admired Liu Antong also followed her to Beipiao.

One of them still firmly believed in court later that Liu Antong did not lie to him, all because of the jealousy of others!

The character who defended Liu Antong and appeared as a key witness in the court is called Lan Tao.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

And at the same time as Lan Tao arrived, another key figure in the Liu Antong incident also appeared, he was Hou Yaohua (an ordinary maintenance officer, not a cross talk actor).

In 2006, Hou Yaohua was shocked when he saw a news report about Liu Antong on TV.

Later, Hou Yaohua said frankly that he was very encouraged when he saw Liu Antong's fate so bumpy, but he was still strong and sang in the underground passage, such an indomitable spirit of life.

So, Hou Yaohua, who works at the Beijing Railway Bureau, drove to the underpass, hoping to see the real thing.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

As soon as he came to the place, Hou Yaohua was infected by the atmosphere of the fans surrounding Liu Antong, and immediately decided to join Liu Antong's team and dedicate his love to her.

In this way, Lan Tao and Hou Yaohua began to take care of Liu Antong together.

Later, the three not only sang together, but also lived together.

However, soon after, Liu Antong showed his fox tail as before and began to frantically ask them for money.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

Pretending to be a "child" and pretending to be a ghost

One night in April 2006, Liu Antong, who was talking and laughing in the house one second, suddenly waved his hands incessantly the next second.

Where had the anxious Hou Yaohua seen such a scene, and immediately prepared to call 120.

Suddenly, Liu Antong sat up again as if nothing happened, and said to Hou Yaohua:

"I am now the daughter of the Seven Fairies."

Hou Yaohua, who looked incredulous, thought it was Liu Antong's prank and didn't take it seriously.

However, in the following days, Liu Antong showed this method to Lu Tao and Hou Yaohua from time to time.

In order to make Lan Tao and Hou Yaohua believe in her nonsense, she not only bought props, but also secretly hired people to perform with her.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

The police searched and found the props used by Liu Antong to cheat

Over time, Lan Tao and Hou Yaohua really believed that Liu Antong was the daughter of the Seven Fairies.

can be deceived by such a shoddy scam, in fact, most of the reason is because of the two people's concern for Liu Antong, but this move still seems ironic.

Later, Liu Antong regarded himself as a child, and often instructed the two to do this and that.

Not only that, Liu Antong also stepped on two boats and fell in love with two men at the same time.

Because Lan Tao is someone Liu Antong has known since he was in art school, the naïve Lan Tao regarded himself as Liu Antong's first boyfriend without thinking.

What's even more ridiculous is that even in the courtroom, Lan Tao is still dissatisfied with Hou Yaohua's arrival.

This shows how powerful Liu Antong's means of playing with people's hearts are.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

Liu Antong

Let's talk about the "feelings" of several people for the time being, and let's take a look at what Liu Antong, who has become the daughter of the Seven Fairies, will do in the future.

Then one day, Liu Antong began to perform her tricks again, and said that the amulet left to her by her mother, the Seven Fairies, had been broken, and she would die soon.

Several people who heard this were immediately frightened and asked how they could save her.

Liu Antong said categorically:

"If you want to save her, you have to put 10,000 yuan under her pillow."

At this time, several people were convinced of Liu Antong's identity as a child, and immediately took out the money on their bodies, because the money was not enough, and several people went to the bank to exchange the new 100 yuan bill.

Liu Antong, who tasted the sweetness, liked this feeling of getting something for nothing more and more.

In the days that followed, she continued to use the same tactics to defraud several people.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

Liu Antong

Later, Liu Ai gradually became suspicious due to the large amount of fraud he was defrauded, so he withdrew from the "team" in advance.

Later, Liu Antong once again began to defraud the rest of the people.

But Hou Yaohua had little money left, so he explained to Liu Antong that he had no money on him and would take a few days.

Hearing this, Liu Antong asked him to borrow money, and claimed that his amulet needed to be constantly recharged in order to be effective.

However, it was the word "recharge" that made Hou Yaohua suspicious, but he didn't make a fuss at the moment, but only verbally promised Liu Antong.

Later, the more Hou Yaohua thought about it, the more wrong it became, how the talisman was the same as playing a game, and it still needed to be recharged!

Hou Yaohua, who couldn't figure out the reason, went out to calm down.

After that, Hou Yaohua thought that as long as he was in contact with Liu Antong, he basically gave Liu Antong money.

It was not until this time that Hou Yaohua, who had been cheated out of money, finally realized.

Liu Antong is not a "child" and the daughter of the Seven Fairies at all, she is a complete liar.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

Suffering from conjecture, the court sells cuteness

Hou Yaohua, who was angry, revealed his thoughts to Liu Ai.

The two hit it off and reported the case to the Public Security Bureau in May 2007, after which the police arrested Liu Antong.

Later, the public security organs found in the investigation that this Liu Antong was not just an adult at all, and her identity was fake at all.

It was at this time that the person who was deceived by Liu Antong learned her real age from the police.

Liu Antong's name is fake, her real name should be "Liu Hongxia", and her real date of birth is 1971.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

Liu Antong's real name

This result once again caused an uproar in the society, and at the same time shocked Liu Ai and others, and also made them regret their confusion even more.

In the subsequent court trial against Liu Antong, Liu Antong held his head every time he heard about his fraud, and said to the judge:

"No, they lied to you about everything. My head hurts, I can't understand what you're saying. ”

Liu Antong, who was sprawling, not only did not realize his mistake, but instead sang to the judge:

"Judge, don't listen to their nonsense, our money is all used together, and I have never taken it alone. If you don't believe me, I'll sing you a song! ”

The serious courtroom, how can it be a place for Liu Antong to mess around, the judge immediately stopped Liu Antong's ridiculous behavior.

Hearing the judge's stop, Liu Antong began to pretend to cry again, putting on a pitiful look, hoping to win the judge's sympathy.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

Liu Antong

And the fine judge found that Liu Antong's behavior in court no longer looked like a normal person.

Therefore, the judge recommended that Liu Antong be given a comprehensive medical examination, which was later discovered in a psychiatric evaluation of Liu Antong.

Liu Antong suffers from paranoia and is an intermittent psychopath.

But every time Liu Antong committed a crime, there was evidence that her mental state was normal.

Therefore, she is also legally responsible for her fraud!

On 23 September 2009, the court handed down the verdict.

Liu Antong was sentenced to 10 years in prison for fraud.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

Liu Antong

Eventually, this farce of women in their 30s pretending to be underage girls came to an end.

In 2016, 45-year-old Liu Antong was released from prison with a reduced sentence, and I believe that after reform, she will not deceive people.

And Liu Antong's fraud story is also a reminder for all of us: don't trust others too much and always be vigilant.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court


If Liu Antong could have been down-to-earth, after having such a big reputation, even if he was a little wrong in age, he would not have been able to make achievements.

However, Liu Antong, who deviated from his original intention, thought about pie falling from the sky.

"Tianshan Tong's grandmother" Liu Antong: pretended to be a minor to defraud, and after being arrested, he was coquettish and cute in court

Liu Antong

Her story also gives us a warning: everything in life needs us to struggle for ourselves, and there will be no good results for nothing.

And we should also be wary of similar scams in our lives, and do not be deceived by others.


The 38-year-old "angel girl" deceived the capital ------ Hunan Daily

The distorted life of an orphaned and disabled girl ------CCTV video