
Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

author:Look at the ups and downs of history
Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body
"The entry is crying, and the young son is dying of hunger. I would rather mourn, and the alleys also whimpered. He is ashamed to be a father, and he died without food. ”

is also a father, Du Fu was extremely guilty after his youngest son starved to death, and washed his face with tears all day long;

And Wang Yi's father was unwilling to claim his daughter's body after learning that his daughter had starved to death in a foreign land.

Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body
Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

Wang Yi's obituary after his death

It is said that "father's love is like a mountain", is Wang Yi's father really so cold-blooded?

Or is there something else behind this?

Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

starved to death in a foreign land, netizens said he deserved it

"Help, Wang Yi is actually dead?!"

One day in 2023, many netizens who were surfing in the front row swiped such a Weibo.

Weibo is initiated by a well-known media creator, and the popularity is usually very high, and he often publishes some articles to express his views on various things.

This Weibo exploded in an instant:

"Dead? Who died? ”

"Wang Yi."

"Who is Wang Yi?"

After searching their memories for most of the day, netizens didn't remember who Wang Yi was.

Then everyone urged the blogger in the comment area to hurry up and finish speaking, don't hang people's appetites.

Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

Wang Yi's speech on the Internet

Before the blogger could reply, some netizens took the lead in answering everyone's doubts.

"It's this one."

After finishing speaking, this netizen threw out an account on a foreign social platform.

Things have developed to this point, and many netizens have poured into Wang Yi's social account.

Since the blog posts are arranged in chronological order, the first thing netizens see is Wang Yi's recent message.

On August 22, some netizens left a message in Wang Yi's comment area, saying that he owed a large amount of debt, and Wang Yi comforted him as well.

On Aug. 21, Wang Yi reposted an ad for a hamburger that looked delicious.

On August 11, Wang Yi only sent one sentence: "Seeing that school is about to start, I am so sad." I can't lie down, I have to crawl to school, worry, worry about tuition."

Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

Wang Yi's speech on the Internet

On July 20, Wang Yi installed something by himself, but he felt that it was very difficult to even raise his hand.

On July 18, Wang Yi claimed that she had eaten frozen cauliflower for four days.

Seeing this, most netizens were a little distressed.

From the information published by Wang Yi on the platform, it can be seen that Wang Yi is so poor that he can only eat cauliflower for a few days in a row, and he cannot afford to pay for tuition.

In this case, Wang Yi still wants to go to school and study.

The image of a child who is eager to read and comes from a poor family suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

Wang Yi's speech on the Internet

Many netizens felt sorry for Wang Yilai, saying that if they had known earlier, they would have funded her.

The month before Wang Yi's death was indeed very painful.

She simply didn't have the money to buy anything to eat, and could only post messages on social media every day, indicating that she was poor and couldn't afford to eat.

Occasionally, well-wishers would sponsor her to eat, but more often than not, Wang Yi needed to endure hunger on her own.

In this case, her body has long been starved to the bone, and anyone who sees it will feel very pitiful.

But many people are very puzzled, Wang Yi uses a media account from a foreign platform, and the IP is also in Japan.

How did a poor student come to study in Japan? And where did her family go? Can't you watch your daughter starve to death?

Just as netizens were discussing indignantly, a group of netizens suddenly poured into the comment area, which also stopped the netizens' thinking and continued to diverge.

"She deserved to starve to death."
Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

Wang Yi's speech on the Internet

"Go and see what she used to post. I now understand why she would rather starve to death in Japan than return home. ”

At this point, the wind direction in the comment area changed instantly.

Everyone hurriedly flipped Wang Yi's account forward, but the information they saw made them stunned.

When people read it, no one would sympathize with Wang Yi at this time.

Wang Yi has relied on his own "hard work" step by step to get to where he is today.

She was willing to fall into this swamp, and now starving to death was only self-inflicted.

As netizens continue to excavate, Wang Yi's experience is even more surprising to them.

What kind of person is this?

Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

In the name of a prodigy, he should have served the country

Wang Yi, born in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, is the only daughter in the family.

Her parents were just ordinary workers, so Wang Yi's family was not wealthy.

But for this daughter, the royal father and queen mother still cared for her and presented all the good things to Wang Yi.

Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

Wang Yi's speech on the Internet

And Wang Yi did not disappoint his parents, showing an amazing talent for learning since he was a child.

At the age of 16, he was admitted to the Department of Materials of Jilin University.

At that time, she was much younger than her classmates, and she could be described as a "prodigy, a young genius".

And Wang Yi's pace is far more than that, she has also maintained excellent grades during her college years.

But gradually, Wang Yi found that he was not interested in materials, but preferred news media and the like.

Therefore, when Wang Yi was admitted to graduate school, he chose to take the journalism major of Wuhan University.

This professional span can be described as very large.

Coupled with the fact that Wuhan University's journalism major is quite famous in the country, Wang Yi will face competitive pressure can be imagined.

But Wang Yi walked out of his own way in this way, successfully admitted to the target major, and became the only one in the class who succeeded in intermajoring.

Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

Wang Yi

This also made Wang Yi's reputation gradually go out.

But God opened the door of IQ for Wang Yi, but closed the window of EQ for her.

It is said that "genius is lonely", and Wang Yi's existence undoubtedly interprets this truth.

Maybe it's because of his young age, or maybe because of his talent, Wang Yi has always been out of place with the classmates around him, and he hasn't made a close friend.

This made Wang Yi gradually become silent, and even his mood changed slightly.

"Am I not good enough? Everybody doesn't like me. ”

"But I'm so smart, it's definitely not me who is the problem."

"They must be jealous of my talent. Why are they like this? Only jealousy of others. ”

Wang Yi's inner thoughts gradually became a little distorted.

Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

Wang Yi

At that time, she was still able to control herself, but in the new media industry, it was essential to deal with various social platforms and all kinds of online information.

Wang Yi even searched on the Internet for questions such as "I am very powerful, why don't others like me", and the answers he got coincided with Wang Yi's thoughts.

Therefore, Wang Yi was even more convinced that his idea was right.

Sure enough, everyone else was jealous of me. Is this education in China? That's all these students can do. ”

Wang Yi directly pushed all the problems on other people, but never thought about it, could it be that he was too pretentious?

At this time, Wang Yi had already embarked on the wrong path, but she would never tell her father and mother what she thought.

Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

Wang Yi

Therefore, the royal father and the queen mother did not know that such a big problem had arisen in the daughter's mind.

And the next website that Wang Yi encountered directly put Wang Yi on the road of no return.

Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

The prodigy was completely lost and openly insulted the country

After graduating with a master's degree, the arrogant Wang Yi was not satisfied with the job recruited by the school at all.

She thinks that her ability should be able to break into a broader world.

Therefore, Wang Yi came to the capital, where opportunities and risks coexist, but even so, she did not find a satisfactory job.

Later, while surfing the Internet, she came across a website by chance.

After flipping through the website, Wang Yi was surprised to find that he could be a behind-the-scenes writer, not only did he not have to go out to run the news, but he could also get high profits by submitting articles to this website.

With a vision for the future, Wang Yi began to continue to browse the website.

At that time, many of the posts on this site were submitted by foreigners, with all kinds of wonderful pictures.

From this website, Wang Yi saw the beauty of foreign towns and felt the fun of Western festivals.

This made Wang Yi yearn for foreign countries.

Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

Wang Yi's speech on the Internet

She recalls how successful she was, but how failed her life at home was.

At this time, Wang Yi suddenly had an idea: China is not worthy of a genius like me here, no wonder I can't fit into such a life!

With this in mind, Wang Yi registered and joined the website in accordance with the process on the website.

After learning more about life abroad, Wang Yi became more and more disgusted with his motherland.

At the suggestion of other group members, Wang Yi began to look for black material in China, consciously or unconsciously.

"A college student was jealous of his roommate and killed him."

All kinds of negative information were all in Wang Yi's eyes.

Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

Wang Yi's speech on the Internet

At this time, the website pretended to inadvertently share a lot of positive information about foreign countries with Wang Yi.

At this point, Wang Yi, a high-achieving student, has been completely brainwashed.

She is paranoid that it is China's badness that causes talents like her to have nowhere to go.

Wang Yi began compiling articles based on negative information about China and publishing them on various websites.

While receiving the high heat, Wang Yi also secretly congratulated himself, believing that what he did was right.

At the same time, Wang Yi also began to get tired of life at home and wanted to settle abroad.

She then set her sights on Japan, where the climate is perfect and the environment is beautiful.

But she didn't have that much money to settle in Japan.

Therefore, Wang Yi went home and found his parents, and said proudly:

"Mom, Dad, give me some money, I want to live in Japan."
Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

Wang Yi's speech on the Internet

Wang Yi has been pampered since she was a child, and her father and mother are responsive to her needs.

I thought that this time, the royal father and queen mother would also agree as quickly as before, and raise money for her to go to Japan.

But the royal father rejected her outright.

"What are you doing in Japan? Not enough for you to live in the country? ”


Wang Yi exclaimed in surprise and hurriedly continued:

"Do you know how good the environment is in Japan? How good is the folk customs? It's a pleasure to find a place to stay there. ”

Hearing Wang Yi's words, the royal father and queen mother couldn't help but look at this daughter who had not been seen for a long time.

Wang Yi's words are all about saying that Japan is better than China everywhere.

Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

As a pure Chinese citizen, Father Wang held back his inner worries and tried to correct Wang Yi's thoughts:

"What are you talking about? Could it be that we can't compare to Japan? Do you know what Japan has done to us before? ”

"It's really old and stubborn, and it will become like this after living in China for a long time."

Wang Yi muttered silently in her heart, but on the surface, she still perfunctorily revealed the matter:

"Okay, okay, if you don't go, you can't go."

Subsequently, Wang Yi left home again.

When the royal father and queen mother heard the news about their daughter again, it was the time when the creditor came to the door.

Most of these creditors were relatives of the royal father and queen mother, so they did not press on step by step.

"Lao Wang, when will you pay us back the money you owe?"
Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

Wang Yi

The royal father and queen mother were shocked, when did they go to borrow money.

Seeing that the royal father and queen mother were puzzled, relatives also explained that Wang Yi borrowed 200,000 yuan from them in the name of the royal father and queen mother.

The royal father and queen mother suddenly remembered that Wang Yi said that he was going to settle in Japan, and they called Wang Yi's phone angrily, but no one answered.

The heart-wrenched father and queen mother can only repay the debts while tracking down their daughter's traces.

Coming to Wang Yi's side, after she arrived in Japan, she first rented a house, and then with the help of an agent, she entered a university to continue her studies.

Wang Yi thought that if he left China, everything would go smoothly.

But reality soon crushed her.

What the intermediary introduced to Wang Yi was just a pheasant university, and Wang Yi's high education in China is nothing here.

Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

Image source network

She couldn't find a job, so she could only gnaw on the 200,000 she had been cheated to live.

But when she first came to Japan, she regarded money as dung, and she had already spent almost all of the 200,000 yuan.

Therefore, Wang Yi can only live a life of begging online.

In this case, Wang Yi still writes articles attacking his homeland.

All kinds of bad language have reduced their motherland to dust, and they have made the great Western countries above China.

At this time, Wang Yi was completely stunned, and there was nothing else in his heart except his disgust for the motherland.

She doesn't even care about her parents in China, she only cares about how she continues to study at a Japanese university.

Although this is a pheasant university, it cannot be compared with Jilin University and Wuhan University, where Wang Yi once studied.

But Wang Yi still believes that everything in Japan is better than at home.

Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

Wang Yi's speech on the Internet

At first, there were netizens who didn't know the truth and supported her after seeing her begging application.

But more netizens condemned her behavior of worshipping foreigners.

Wang Yi was not ashamed, but proud, and even shortly before she starved to death, she was still speaking out insulting her motherland.

A master's degree from 985 actually embarked on this path, and netizens are also extremely embarrassed.

When they learned that the royal father and queen mother did not claim Wang Yi's body, everyone applauded.

For those who claimed to be Wang Yi's friends and wanted to remember them, netizens all spewed them angrily.

Wang Yi, a female master of Wuhan University: After graduating and smearing the motherland and starving to death in Japan, her father gave up identifying the body

Wang Yi's speech on the Internet

Wang Yi is completely to blame for coming to this day, and no one forced her to stay in Japan, and no one prevented her from returning to China.

As a Chinese, if you fail to love the country and the people, you are standing on the opposite side of the nation.

Not to mention that Wang Yi has repeatedly posted false information on the Internet, trying to attract more people to worship foreign countries, which is completely unforgivable.

We should take this as a warning, bear in mind the bottom line of being Chinese, love the motherland, and strive for the motherland.


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