
What is the difference between Huawei and Honor today, buy a Huawei phone or an Honor phone?

author:Every word is you

Glory has been operating independently since 2020, and it has been three or four years now, in the past few years, Huawei was more difficult, and it has not released any mobile phones worth buying, so many people will not deliberately pay attention to it, and the return of Kirin chips since last year has also brought a number of black technologies, which has rekindled many people's enthusiasm for Huawei mobile phones, but the price of Huawei mobile phones is very high, basically set at more than 6,000 yuan, and there has been no price reduction because of the short supply, so many people will retreat and consider buying Honor mobile phones.

What is the difference between Huawei and Honor today, buy a Huawei phone or an Honor phone?

Glory used to be a Huawei sub-brand, it still has a high degree of recognition in the hearts of many people, and it retains the previous core technology, even the system has many similarities, it is actually okay to choose a glory mobile phone, but many people still have such a question, what is the difference between Huawei and Glory, what is the difference between the two brands, when buying a mobile phone, should you choose an honor mobile phone or a Huawei mobile phone, the following will be analyzed and analyzed for you, friends will have a general understanding after reading it.

What is the difference between Huawei and Honor today, buy a Huawei phone or an Honor phone?

1. What is the difference between today's Huawei and Honor?

Since Huawei and Honor are already two different brands, there are still big differences in many places, first of all, the uniqueness is different, Huawei's powerful self-developed technology, in all Android mobile phones belong to the existence of a unique file, there are unique Kirin chips and Hongmeng systems, and new XMAGE images have been added later, Kunlun glass, Lingxi communication, etc., all have more unique advantages, and Honor mobile phones adopt the same strategy as other brands, and improve the advantages of product power through heap configuration.

What is the difference between Huawei and Honor today, buy a Huawei phone or an Honor phone?

At present, the mobile phone brand that can achieve a high self-development rate, that is, Huawei mobile phones, Glory does not belong to Huawei after independence, and naturally these are not needed, the system is based on the Android system for the underlying optimization of the magic OS operating system, and the processor uses Snapdragon processor, like other domestic manufacturers, there is no great self-development rate, but the glory mobile phone has achieved better performance in the configuration after the progress of the past few years, such as the oasis eye protection screen, Qinghai Lake ultra-thin large battery, which improves the screen eye protection and battery life, At the same time, a multi-chip solution is used to make the integrity stronger.

What is the difference between Huawei and Honor today, buy a Huawei phone or an Honor phone?

The second is after-sales service, Huawei and Glory are separated in terms of after-sales, Huawei and Glory have exclusive stores, long before there is no independent operation, many offline stores have been opened, although the two are separated from after-sales, but they also have excellent performance, after-sales service online stores are all over the country, which can efficiently help users solve problems, and there are some preferential activities from time to time to improve the user's after-sales experience.

What is the difference between Huawei and Honor today, buy a Huawei phone or an Honor phone?

Finally, the product positioning is different, after Huawei returned to the Kirin chip, the new machine released is the Mate series mobile phone, but the price is very expensive, it takes more than 6,000 yuan, Huawei's current mobile phones are worth buying, basically the price is relatively expensive, and the low-end entry 1,000 yuan machine, basically there is no Kirin chip or very good configuration, you can't experience those black technologies, the overall cost performance is not very high, but the high-end image is better, using a double high-end strategy, the Mate series and the PURA series are high-end machines, It is more popular with business people or industry elites.

What is the difference between Huawei and Honor today, buy a Huawei phone or an Honor phone?

Although Honor also has high-end products, but the high-end image is not as good as Huawei, and there is no co-branded brand for images, but it does a better job in the screen, battery life and other places, and achieves a higher cost performance, many of its series of products, Play series, X series, digital series and Mamgic series, there are many models worth starting, and there are even some cost-effective products, if you want to buy a high-configuration mobile phone at a low price, it will be more appropriate to choose a model of glory.

What is the difference between Huawei and Honor today, buy a Huawei phone or an Honor phone?

2. Buy a Huawei phone or an Honor phone?

Through the analysis of Huawei mobile phones and Honor mobile phones, we can better choose the right mobile phone, if you want to buy a mobile phone below 4,000 yuan, it is more recommended to choose an honor mobile phone, x series of x50, x50GT price is within 2,000 yuan, low price has high configuration and high-end design, digital series of glory 90GT, glory 100 pro, glory 200, glory 200 pro configuration strong photo is good, the price covers two thousand yuan to three thousand five, the use experience is very comprehensive.

What is the difference between Huawei and Honor today, buy a Huawei phone or an Honor phone?

If you want to buy a high-end mobile phone, in fact, Honor mobile phones can also be the first choice, because Glory's high-end phones are cheaper, and many functions are very similar to Huawei's, which can be used as a replacement, such as Glory AMGIC 6 series, the standard version is about 4,000 yuan, and the Pro version is in the early 5000s, especially the Pro version, which is more than 1,000 yuan cheaper than Huawei's high-end machine, but the battery capacity is 5600mAh, and it also supports satellite communication functions, as well as Snapdragon 8Gen 3 top processor, 180 million pixel telephoto lens, C1+RF enhancement chip, green eye protection curved screen, etc., the overall configuration is very powerful, and the comprehensive experience is also good.

What is the difference between Huawei and Honor today, buy a Huawei phone or an Honor phone?

And Huawei mobile phones are more prominent in the sense of experience,The high-end machine configuration is very good,At the same time, there is a very strong actual experience,There is not much trouble to use,The signal is the leading level in the industry,The only drawback is that the price is more expensive,For friends who pursue cost performance,You may need to consider carefully,But if the budget is sufficient, it is recommended to choose Huawei mobile phones directly,Mate60 series mobile phones and pura 70 series mobile phones are worth buying。

What is the difference between Huawei and Honor today, buy a Huawei phone or an Honor phone?

Final summary

Whether you choose Huawei mobile phone or glory mobile phone, you have to choose according to your actual situation, the budget is not high enough, then choose the glory mobile phone, which retains Huawei's core technology, the system operation will not be too bad, and there is a stronger configuration and lower price, and Huawei mobile phone has a more high-end image, and it also brings a lot of unique black technology, for friends with higher budgets and want to experience high-tech friends, Huawei is a good choice, just choose according to your needs.

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