
The U.S. media sings about Biden, so let's withdraw from the election for the sake of the United States! The American people can't sleep at night

author:Professor Zhang Ji

There is no successor in the American political arena, forcing Biden to abdicate quickly.

The first two days, the debate between Biden and Trump was indeed wonderful.

The U.S. media sings about Biden, so let's withdraw from the election for the sake of the United States! The American people can't sleep at night

During the whole debate, the two either attacked and abused each other, or talked about him left and right, and couldn't say a word on time.

One nicknamed felon, the other nicknamed Alzheimer's.

The American people feel so painful at the thought that they have to choose one of two people to be president.

However, it is Biden who is more problematic.

Although Trump often likes to talk big, at least he looks good and healthy.

Then Biden will be different, the whole debate, speaking clearly for a while, and confused for a while.

Sometimes it's trembling.

This state makes people very skeptical that Biden can continue to be president.

The American "New York Times" directly began to bombard Biden.

Saying that Biden should withdraw from the election, and not being president is his greatest contribution to the United States.

The US media have publicly called for Biden to withdraw from the election, and the Republican Party will naturally not let go of this opportunity.

immediately impeached Biden, saying that not only should Biden not be elected president, but he should not even be president now, quickly remove Biden and let the vice president take over the United States.

The Republican Party sang and harmonized with the New York Times, putting tremendous pressure on Biden and the Democratic Party.

The U.S. media sings about Biden, so let's withdraw from the election for the sake of the United States! The American people can't sleep at night

Now, the public opinion in the United States that says that Biden is not good and cannot be president is too loud.

The American people were devastated, and they couldn't sleep all night.

Although, Biden hurriedly said that he was in good health and could work for another four years.

But it's useless, everyone doesn't trust Biden.

If you have friends, you wonder, why does the Democratic Party only praise Biden, who looks like Alzheimer's, and not replace him with a healthy young man?

The Democrats are also helpless to praise Biden, because the Democrats really have no successor.

Previously, the Democratic Party praised Hillary, a strong woman, who was quite popular in the United States at that time.

However, Hillary Clinton could not beat Trump and became a loser.

The Democrats have no choice but to push out the older Biden.

After Biden became president, the Democratic Party also praised Vice President Harris, who is very young, only 60 this year.

The U.S. media sings about Biden, so let's withdraw from the election for the sake of the United States! The American people can't sleep at night

However, Harris really can't be praised, and she has been vice president for several years, but she has not done any outstanding political achievements.

Therefore, even if Biden is not in good health, the Democrats can only do their best to protect Biden.

Now it's starting to get worse than bad, and it's not a good thing for the Democrats to scold Trump every day.

The main one, no one should think about it.

Moreover, Biden and Trump have another debate in September, so let's stay tuned.

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