
Do you have to pay for an infusion while sitting? Netizens exploded, and the Medical Insurance Bureau responded: In line with the policy

author:Gu Sheng explained


As long as you go to the hospital, you need to spend money anywhere.

In the past, everyone thought that only when they went to the hospital, they would be charged a certain amount of bed fees.

Unexpectedly, a careful netizen found that after going to the hospital for infusion, there would be a "seat fee" in the bill of expenses given by the hospital.

Do you have to pay for an infusion while sitting? Netizens exploded, and the Medical Insurance Bureau responded: In line with the policy

In other words, going to the hospital for an infusion, even if it is sitting on a chair in the public area outside, there is a charge. Netizens who know the truth, the mood is not wonderful in an instant!

When a video is posted on the Internet, it makes countless netizens feel as bitter as eating Coptis chinensis. The money is not much, but it is too responsive, and I always feel that the hospital is trying its best to charge.

Do you have to pay for an infusion while sitting? Netizens exploded, and the Medical Insurance Bureau responded: In line with the policy

On June 25, in a hospital in Ningxia, a netizen posted a hospital fee, including a seat fee of 5 yuan.

Netizens feel that this fee is not very reasonable, but when they enter the hospital for treatment, they can only pay the fee according to their wishes, unless they do not enter the hospital for treatment.

Perhaps because they were unwilling, netizens posted it directly on the Internet, wanting everyone to see if all hospitals are charged like this?

Or is it the only local children's hospital that charges like this?

Do you have to pay for an infusion while sitting? Netizens exploded, and the Medical Insurance Bureau responded: In line with the policy

After netizens saw it, they felt incredible. Could it be that the hospital is so short of money that it has to charge for even sitting on a chair? If you go to the hospital by yourself, won't you add a temporary seat fee in the future?

Judging from the list that has been posted, the cost of a group of seats is not low, with 5 yuan and 10 yuan respectively. For everyone, if it is when you are hospitalized, you will be charged for a bed, which must be a normal situation.

But this is only to enter the hospital for infusion, how long can it last! Why does the hospital charge for seats? Could it be that at your own expense, you can still take the seat away?

Do you have to pay for an infusion while sitting? Netizens exploded, and the Medical Insurance Bureau responded: In line with the policy

If you can't take it away, wouldn't the hospital be a huge profit? A chair can do thousands of infusions a year, and the cost is not low!

Not to mention buying a chair, just buy a set of sofas! This incident was quickly understood by some local reporters, and they also responded to the Medical Insurance Bureau, and a staff member said that it was reasonable for the hospital to charge a fee of 5 yuan at a time. If the hospital only provides infusion seats, the price charged can be reduced, generally between 2.5 yuan and 5 yuan. In other words, hospital charges are normal behavior, and there is no illegal operation.

Do you have to pay for an infusion while sitting? Netizens exploded, and the Medical Insurance Bureau responded: In line with the policy

As for how much is charged? Then this depends on the hospital's own wishes, as long as it is within the relevant regulations of the Health Insurance Bureau, it is okay.

However, if it exceeds too much, such as charging 10 yuan or 20 yuan at one time, it must be unreasonable, and the hospital will be punished accordingly.

Seeing the response of the Medical Insurance Bureau, the comment area can be regarded as exploding.

Do you have to pay for an infusion while sitting? Netizens exploded, and the Medical Insurance Bureau responded: In line with the policy

Some netizens directly said that the hospital should still not be called a hospital, but a medical company. There is a charge for the bed, even the seat, and it is not a disposable seat, so why should the hospital use it thousands of times, and everyone has to charge?

Some netizens ridiculed angrily:

I want to ask the hospital, can I bring my own small stool? I sit on my own stool during the infusion, so don't you charge me?

Do you have to pay for an infusion while sitting? Netizens exploded, and the Medical Insurance Bureau responded: In line with the policy

I have to say that as soon as netizens make such a fuss, it is estimated that hospitals across the country will follow suit in the future.

Some people who didn't charge the masses in the first place, seeing such a charging project, they must feel that it is very cost-effective, and charging 1 yuan at a time is also very profitable!

In fact, this amount of money is not too big a problem for any one of the masses. But for those patients who have no money, the 10 yuan charged is the day's food money.

Do you have to pay for an infusion while sitting? Netizens exploded, and the Medical Insurance Bureau responded: In line with the policy

Everyone is not against the project of charging for seats, but they feel that any hospital does not inform consumers in advance, but directly charges this fee, and consumers will feel very uncomfortable when they pay this fee for no reason.

Seating service is the same as going to a restaurant, how many restaurants will charge for seating? Tableware has to be charged, just like infusion tubes have to be charged, but if you sit down, you have to charge, then who will go to eat?

In the final analysis, patients can only go to the hospital for treatment when they are sick, which binds patients to consumption. The service that should have been there has become a paid item, which makes people feel that they have lost their human touch.

Do you have to pay for an infusion while sitting? Netizens exploded, and the Medical Insurance Bureau responded: In line with the policy


For large hospitals, the fee may be charged because the staff is used more, the replacement is more frequent, and the hospital expenses are too large, so a certain fee will be charged from the patient.

But small hospitals don't have many patients and equipment consumption is not so frequent, so why do they need to charge such a high fee?

Do you have to pay for an infusion while sitting? Netizens exploded, and the Medical Insurance Bureau responded: In line with the policy

What's more, the project can be charged in accordance with the regulations of the Health Insurance Bureau, but this project must also be established under the condition that everyone can accept! is like the netizen in the article, who feels that he has been infusion for a few days and has paid dozens of yuan in vain, which is really wronged.

Maybe when there are a lot of people, they don't enjoy the seats at all, and they just stand on the side for the infusion, and they are also charged this fee, can they not be angry?