
The fried skewer shop is too busy, the baby is taken care of by the delivery rider in turn, netizens: There is still great love in the world

author:Gu Sheng explained


When people get along with each other, will they be-for-tat, or will they be like relatives?

In fact, it all depends on the individual's attitude, if your heart is full of love, you will be full of kindness to others, and the atmosphere will be warm.

Just like the fried skewer shop in the article, the husband and wife are busy, and the baby is left unattended, and the delivery rider acts as a "temporary parent" to help take care of the baby.

Seeing such a loving picture, netizens were also moved.

The fried skewer shop is too busy, the baby is taken care of by the delivery rider in turn, netizens: There is still great love in the world

On June 27, 2024, in a fried skewer shop in Henan, delivery riders were busy, some took the takeaway and left, and some hurriedly ran to the store, sitting next to the stroller and teasing the baby.

The delivery riders don't know the baby at all, but when they see the baby crying and the proprietress is too busy to take care of the baby, they act as a temporary family member to help take care of the baby.

The baby was in the stroller, teased by the delivery rider, shaking with his hands, from the initial crying to the giggling laughter, the proprietress of the fried skewer shop was full of smiles.

The fried skewer shop is too busy, the baby is taken care of by the delivery rider in turn, netizens: There is still great love in the world

Usually, the fried skewer shop is not so busy, and the owner will guard the store alone, while the proprietress takes the children home to rest. Before the child's grandmother did not return to her hometown, there were always two people in the family with the child, and this situation did not occur. That night, the child's grandmother went back to her hometown to visit relatives, and it happened that the business was booming again, and the boss was busy alone, so the proprietress did not go home to rest.

Unexpectedly, after a while, there were too many orders, and the proprietress had to join the fried skewers team, and there was no time to take care of the baby. They can only put the stroller next to the skewer table, and the proprietress will shake the stroller with her hand to tease the baby when she has time.

The fried skewer shop is too busy, the baby is taken care of by the delivery rider in turn, netizens: There is still great love in the world

But the baby seems to feel that the parents are very busy, and the mood is a little unhappy, and they keep crying.

When the rider on the side saw this, he pushed the stroller a little further away from the skewer workbench to let the owner of the skewer shop feel at ease and help tease the children.

After getting his order, the delivery rider outside walked in to help with the children.

The fried skewer shop is too busy, the baby is taken care of by the delivery rider in turn, netizens: There is still great love in the world

Later, when a delivery rider walks, another person will walk in and continue to coax the baby. Within half an hour, there were more than a dozen delivery riders, taking turns to take care of the children.

From crying and crying at the beginning, to giggling later, it can be seen that the baby is very happy. The store felt inexplicably sour when he saw the delivery rider so enthusiastic.

They are very grateful for the help of these riders, in such a hot temperature, they rarely have a break, and they have to help take care of the children, which is really hard.

The fried skewer shop is too busy, the baby is taken care of by the delivery rider in turn, netizens: There is still great love in the world

Many people think that the big riders can do anything, but they don't know that they can encounter any situation, so they will keep learning new skills, so that they can be a little more and help those who need help.

After many netizens saw it, they felt that these rider brothers were very skilled, and it didn't seem that they did such things once or twice.

The fried skewer shop is too busy, the baby is taken care of by the delivery rider in turn, netizens: There is still great love in the world

They are really caring, more loving than some customers, and when they see that the baby is unattended, they can take the initiative to help, and this heart also makes people feel that there is still great love in the world.

Indeed, when it comes to such a thing, the rider can stand outside and ignore it, they just need to take their own food and deliver it to the customer!

They don't need to be kind to help at all, but they don't care what others think, but help spontaneously. This kind of warm picture can be photographed by people and make people feel deeply warm.

The fried skewer shop is too busy, the baby is taken care of by the delivery rider in turn, netizens: There is still great love in the world

The store owner said that they have a good relationship with these rider brothers. Many riders have children at home, and they usually bring their children to eat fried skewers, perhaps because they usually get along with each other, so they can't help but help watch the children.

For riders, the shop is the basis of their survival, and being able to get more orders means higher wages. For stores, more orders are received by riders, which means better business and more profits.

The fried skewer shop is too busy, the baby is taken care of by the delivery rider in turn, netizens: There is still great love in the world

Although there is a relationship of interest between each other, in addition to interests, there is more human affection. For example, the rider's eldest brother can take a break in the store during the time to pick up food and relieve his fatigue.

The store will also communicate with the rider's brother to roughly know whether the customer likes his food or not, so that he can make adjustments.

The fried skewer shop is too busy, the baby is taken care of by the delivery rider in turn, netizens: There is still great love in the world


Netizens were moved when they saw this scene. Some netizens said that the riders are really caring, they are afraid of the baby's heat, and they take the initiative to fan the wind.

It turns out that the rider brothers, who are usually busy, still have such a cute and caring side.

I don't know why, when I see such a picture, I always feel that this society is still very warm, not as cold-blooded and ruthless as complained on the Internet.

The fried skewer shop is too busy, the baby is taken care of by the delivery rider in turn, netizens: There is still great love in the world

Maybe in some things, people are not willing to bear the end of the destruction of their families, so they are not willing to help.

But not everything is as serious as "helping the elderly", like the situation in the article, after the rider's eldest brother helped, the shop owner was also very grateful and treated them as his own family.

It can be seen that in this world, there are still more good people and more heart-warming things.

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