
has been scolded as a "junior professional household" for 15 years, and has been depressed several times and retired from the circle, and now it is finally her turn to explode?

author:Gu Sheng explained

Gao Haining's life is full of twists and turns, and the role she has played the most since her debut is "Little San", and the 15-year "Little Three Professional Household" has made her a charming woman in TVB.

has been scolded as a "junior professional household" for 15 years, and has been depressed several times and retired from the circle, and now it is finally her turn to explode?

has a good figure so that others can't see her talent, and it is also because her figure hides her talent, which makes her infinitely close to depression, and even wants to quit the circle.

But she showed her skills in the recent variety show, making countless netizens think that she is the one who should eat this bowl of rice, but as everyone knows, she has had difficulties along the way.

Gao Haining participated in the Miss Hong Kong beauty contest in 2008, and originally won the first place in this competition with Gao Haining's image and emotional intelligence, but she was picked up on a set of "sexy photos" she had taken during the competition.

has been scolded as a "junior professional household" for 15 years, and has been depressed several times and retired from the circle, and now it is finally her turn to explode?

Too many of her explanations are pale, and netizens only believe the truth they see, and they don't even care if it's the truth or not. Because of this turmoil, Gao Haining missed the championship. But at the same time, she also had a new opportunity, she successfully signed a contract with TVB and officially entered the film and television industry.

However, she didn't expect that the label that would follow her in the future would be "sexy", because this label gave her a fixed role in TVB and the title of "Little Three Professional". How many of them are ironic?

has been scolded as a "junior professional household" for 15 years, and has been depressed several times and retired from the circle, and now it is finally her turn to explode?

When she performed in the recent variety show "Infinite Transcendence Class", she was called a person who was born to eat this bowl of rice. At that time, Ji Lingchen angered Mentor Hao Lei because he couldn't cry, and even his words were very extreme. At this time, Gao Haining, as Ji Lingchen's partner, stepped forward to care, and only asked Ji Lingchen, "Who brought you up?" And let him cry.

Gao Haining can grasp the vulnerable side of others deep in her heart at once, not because she is a talented player, but because of the experience accumulated over the years. She didn't achieve her current state in one go, it took decades of tempering to create this person who seemed to be able to reach the top without effort.

has been scolded as a "junior professional household" for 15 years, and has been depressed several times and retired from the circle, and now it is finally her turn to explode?

You must know that Gao Haining was not born in Hong Kong, she lived with her grandmother when she was a child. It wasn't until she was 13 years old that she moved to Hong Kong with her parents, and it was because of her mother that she began to enter the film and television industry. But he didn't expect that an untrue turmoil would bring a lifetime of pain to Gao Haining.

No matter how hard Gao Haining tries, there are still a succession of media who will deliberately smear her and make up some false news. As soon as she stepped into the film and television industry, she faced such pressure, which made her on the verge of collapse for a while, and she also suffered from depression. And because of her emotions, she overate to the point of growing 30 pounds, and during that time was what she thought was the darkest moment.

has been scolded as a "junior professional household" for 15 years, and has been depressed several times and retired from the circle, and now it is finally her turn to explode?

Gao Haining didn't have a good start, but she still persevered on this path. With the help of her family, she stepped out of what she thought was her comfort zone and began to stop being afraid of seeing people and start living again. Her image in the film and television industry has been fixed, and the scripts she connects to are all "sexy" routes. She didn't resist, she had survived those dark times, and Gao Haining would not be afraid after being reborn.

Later, in 2010, she played a small role in "Mind Reader", but she was also a despisable courtesan. For 15 years, she was either playing a junior or a courtesan with a lot of charm. Some directors even said that her appearance was not suitable for being the protagonist, and Gao Haining withstood all kinds of infamy, and still continued to work this road.

has been scolded as a "junior professional household" for 15 years, and has been depressed several times and retired from the circle, and now it is finally her turn to explode?

Finally, during a period when Gao Haining had been in a period of self-doubt, she met Charmaine Sheh. It was Charmaine Sheh who freed Gao Haining from countless abuses and self-doubt, and Charmaine Sheh told Gao Haining that every actor is an important role in every scene, and there is no supporting role. In addition, Charmaine Sheh will also introduce some contacts to Gao Haining.

Fortunately, Gao Haining met Charmaine Sheh, who helped her, on the road of perseverance alone, so that she was no longer lonely. Gao Haining also broke a layer of realm with the help of Charmaine Sheh. Since then, Gao Haining's acting career has become smoother and smoother.

has been scolded as a "junior professional household" for 15 years, and has been depressed several times and retired from the circle, and now it is finally her turn to explode?

In the past, Gao Haining received roles with some scantily clad characters, all of which were "tailor-made" for her by the director. Now Gao Haining is no longer the "vase" she was at the beginning, she precipitated her acting skills, so that her strength was seen by the director before her figure and traffic.

In "Thirty Only", she opened up the world of the mainland and successfully gained many fans of the mainland. Over the years, most of the roles Gao Haining has received are supporting roles, and even many villains. When interviewed, Gao Haining just said indifferently that he enjoyed the process of acting more.

has been scolded as a "junior professional household" for 15 years, and has been depressed several times and retired from the circle, and now it is finally her turn to explode?

Gao Haining has no reason not to succeed, her current mentality and acting skills, after accumulated training, are different from the previous Gao Haining who would only be abused. In 2023, the ratings of the broadcast "News Queen" continue to rise. And Gao Haining also won the Best Supporting Actress award for this, and it turns out that God will not disappoint a hard-working person.

Gao Haining's character is a visible change to the naked eye, and now she has become a woman with knowledge, which makes people see more of an inexperienced girl transforming perfectly. Since his debut, he has experienced ups and downs in the past 15 years, and every step he takes is not useless, he will turn into experience and possess Gao Haining's body, becoming the light emitted behind Gao Haining.

has been scolded as a "junior professional household" for 15 years, and has been depressed several times and retired from the circle, and now it is finally her turn to explode?

Now Gao Haining is a stronger, gentler woman. She used to be in the rain, and she had to hold an umbrella for others. In her eyes, her helping Ji Lingchen is just helping herself who was once weak and helpless, in the eyes of others, her acting skills are innate, and the traits she has are given by God.

Only Gao Haining herself understands how much suffering and torture she has gone through to get to where she is now. We saw Gao Haining, who is now glamorous, but we didn't know that she had stepped on the thorny road before coming to us.

has been scolded as a "junior professional household" for 15 years, and has been depressed several times and retired from the circle, and now it is finally her turn to explode?

She deserves to win the award, and sex appeal used to be an area she didn't want to touch, but now she not only shows it generously, but also uses it very cleverly. It's not her means, it's her more than ten years of hard work that has made her successful.

Many people's lives will be bumpy, and Gao Haining will not escape. In the first few years of her debut, she experienced all kinds of negative emotions, but she failed to knock her down, but she turned into a sharp weapon and made a comeback. Her road has never been smooth sailing, she came against the wind and appeared in the public eye with a new look.

has been scolded as a "junior professional household" for 15 years, and has been depressed several times and retired from the circle, and now it is finally her turn to explode?

We should cheer for Gao Haining, it is she who shows us the endless power of women, as well as the sympathy between women. Finally, I hope that Gao Haining will get better and better, and the future can be expected, and he will always take the flower road.