
reported Fat Dong to get a bonus of 100,000 yuan, and the dough rolling party was on the hot search, and netizens kept making spicy comments

author:Gu Sheng explained


Who is the biggest beneficiary of dough rolling?

Seeing the heat of the past few days, there must be no doubt that Fat Donglai is coming. Although Fat Donglai spent 8.83 million to go out, this wave of advertising is really wonderful.

In China, there is no restaurant that can operate like Fat Donglai, and before waiting for the law enforcement bureau to come to the door, people have solved the problem themselves, and the whole network knows about it.

reported Fat Dong to get a bonus of 100,000 yuan, and the dough rolling party was on the hot search, and netizens kept making spicy comments

can reward 100,000 yuan to those who report themselves, and this open-mindedness is even more convincing. However, in contrast, the person who reported it was not so lucky!

Although some people envy him for his good luck and meet Fat Donglai, instead of other companies, otherwise he may not get 100,000 yuan, but be suppressed by the company.

But most people are still worried about his future, thinking that if he publicly exposes the boss like this, who will dare to admit him in the future?

reported Fat Dong to get a bonus of 100,000 yuan, and the dough rolling party was on the hot search, and netizens kept making spicy comments

In just two days, on June 28, 2024, the people involved ushered in the ending of ice and fire. He was fired from the company and lost his job for reporting the company.

But he reported meritorious, and the company rewarded him with another 100,000 yuan, and after deducting the tax rate, there was still 80,000 yuan. This part of the money can allow him to live carefree for two years.

After being fired and getting the bonus, the person who reported said that he did not regret it, and he would report it when he encountered this kind of poor hygiene, and he only hoped that the company would get better and better.

reported Fat Dong to get a bonus of 100,000 yuan, and the dough rolling party was on the hot search, and netizens kept making spicy comments

His voice has made netizens hotly discussed. Some netizens felt that he was cheap and obedient, and how many sheets did he have to roll out the dough in the store to get the 100,000 yuan.

Just because of a video, the company said that he would give money, and he accepted it with peace of mind, where are ordinary people embarrassed to take money.

From the perspective of ordinary people's thinking, this employee is a typical immorality, knowing that the company has problems, but not raising the problem with the company in private, but using such an extreme way, almost let the company fall into a credibility crisis.

If it weren't for Fat Donglai's hard confidence, he would have been pitted by this employee to the end.

reported Fat Dong to get a bonus of 100,000 yuan, and the dough rolling party was on the hot search, and netizens kept making spicy comments

In other words, if you work in another company, such an employee will inevitably not be reused, and he may not be able to do a job that is a little more confidential.

Being able to think about the masses selflessly is a good thing for the masses. But for the company, such employees staying in the company are hidden dangers, and they may give a king bomb at any time, so that the company will fall into some kind of crisis.

It can be said that except for companies like Fat Donglai who will use him, not many other companies dare to admit him. Is it worth it to get 100,000 yuan for a video and ruin your future at the same time?

reported Fat Dong to get a bonus of 100,000 yuan, and the dough rolling party was on the hot search, and netizens kept making spicy comments

The person who reported Fat Donglai delivered goods to the company, so it can be said that he was a partner. After he saw the living environment of the rolling shop, he felt very entangled for a while, whether to report or not to report?

Perhaps, it was the last little bit of affection that made him not take pictures to report to the relevant departments, but posted them on the Internet.

reported Fat Dong to get a bonus of 100,000 yuan, and the dough rolling party was on the hot search, and netizens kept making spicy comments

This employee personally feels that if he goes to the company, he may lose his job, the company will not be taken seriously, and the hygiene will be very dirty in the future.

And when he posts it directly on the web, it's different! The company will pay enough attention to it, and the law enforcement authorities have not received the complaint information and will not meddle in the matter.

reported Fat Dong to get a bonus of 100,000 yuan, and the dough rolling party was on the hot search, and netizens kept making spicy comments

In fact, this employee's idea is indeed a bit whimsical. But if the reported company is not Fat Donglai, according to the ideas of other companies, it will definitely be desperately suppressed, and it will not come forward to apologize when it is out of control.

At that time, the company's credibility was gone, and the employee would crush a company because of a video and be abandoned by people in the industry.

It's just lucky, this time he reported Fat Donglai, and the other party not only did not suppress him, but also gave him a bonus.

Although he said that he had no job, he could recuperate for two or three years, and wait until the turmoil passed, and then look for a job again, which would have little impact on him.

reported Fat Dong to get a bonus of 100,000 yuan, and the dough rolling party was on the hot search, and netizens kept making spicy comments

No wonder netizens expressed jealousy and hatred for this employee! Fat Donglai is such a good company, so good to employees, so tolerant of competitors, why use such a way to expose the recognized "secrets" in the industry.

Looking at the domestic catering enterprises, how many are qualified? Judging from the video, although it is a little messy, it is not littered, at least in terms of hygiene, it is better than many small restaurants.

reported Fat Dong to get a bonus of 100,000 yuan, and the dough rolling party was on the hot search, and netizens kept making spicy comments


In the process of development, various problems will arise in any enterprise. This is not that the company is not responsible, but that the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

No matter how powerful an entrepreneur is, he can only rely on the system to manage people, but employees may not be of the same mind and will treat the enterprise as their own home. It's just a matter of what kind of decision the company will make when it finds a problem.

reported Fat Dong to get a bonus of 100,000 yuan, and the dough rolling party was on the hot search, and netizens kept making spicy comments

Some companies are desperately trying to hide their problems, while others are taking responsibility and making rectifications. Just like Fat Donglai, they did not escape responsibility, but encouraged everyone to supervise together, such a company with a clear conscience, no wonder it can be recognized by everyone.

It can be said that this time Fat Donglai really spent 8.33 million yuan to play an advertisement that is known to the whole country, which is better than being on TV.