
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School

author:Suqian Classical Education

Ink pen Danqing

Brilliant brushstrokes

The scorching heat of June means that the study life of the school year is coming to an end. Recently, we have collected excellent art works from students. In the process of creating the works, the students used their brushes to depict the beautiful world in their hearts, and used calligraphy to express their love and blessings for life.

Van Gogh devoted all his energy to the pursuit of one of the simplest and most ordinary things in the world - the sun and the starry sky. That touch of blue and yellow, in his opinion, symbolizes a passion and the eternity of life.

The members of the painting club of Siyang Zhiyuan Middle School are all painting enthusiasts from all classes, and everyone gets together because of their common hobby, swims in the world of art with their own brushes, and depicts a beautiful imagination of the world. In the club class once a week, students take their interests as a link, seek common ground while reserving differences, make progress in communication, and grow in learning. Even the children in the graduating class are insisting on recording the beauty of life with their brushes. We will slowly find that the artistic literacy of students is constantly improving, and the rich campus cultural life makes the children of Zhiyuan confident and sunny......

Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School

Color Painting Instructor: Liu Changying

Nourish your heart with beauty and walk towards beauty. The beauty of art comes from the discovery of nature. In the creation of paintings, he expresses his love for nature, his yearning for a better life, the pursuit of individuality and the formation of differences. Independent thinking and unique style in creation are the directions that art teachers of Siyang Zhiyuan Middle School generally pursue and encourage. In the interweaving of colorful brushstrokes and brilliant colors, he depicts the unique scenery in his heart, so that art and nature become close partners in the growth of students.

Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School

Color is an indispensable part of the teaching content of art practice, and it is an effective means to cultivate students' core literacy in art by selecting excellent works for color copying, and feeling the artistic ingenuity of painters in color through overall and detailed observation, analysis and comparison.

Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School

Finding inspiration in excellent works, you can see endless colors, and each work has a clear relationship between hue and color use. Excellent works use strong, heavy, subjective colors and shapes, as well as writhing brushstrokes, to express inner emotions. The unique color style gives the work a strong expressiveness and appeal, and provides an excellent model for students to copy the color.

Sketch Instructor: Zhang Zhaolan

In order to cultivate students' interest in learning sketching, improve the professional level of art students, and enrich campus life, so that students' personality and specialties can be fully exerted here, so that students who love art can enjoy the brushes in their hands in their spare time, freely let go of their dreams, and sketch a colorful picture scroll, adding brilliance to our campus life! Siyang Zhiyuan Middle School has set up a sketch club, which plays an important role in cultivating sentiment, enlightening wisdom and promoting the all-round development of students.

Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School

In the process of exploring the cognition of the world, painting is the most primitive and direct way of human beings, and it is almost human instinct.

In the depiction of objective things, the language of sketching starts from the old internal order of people, things and things, and carries out a new exploration through people's perspectives and emotions.

Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School

The long-term creation cultivates students' delicate observation of still life that is easily overlooked in daily life, and under the guidance of teachers, they deconstruct, reorganize, and give life to things. Silk satin, shiny metal, silent plaster cast...... A touch of softness, a piece of light or a trace of dust are captured by them, and the paintings become a witness of full life, which is the result of basic training and the result of integrating the concept of art education into Zhiyuan.

Each of these works embodies the students' painstaking wisdom and dedication to art, showing solid basic skills, rich creativity and elegant aesthetic taste.

Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School

Although the level of technical performance is uneven, and even the colors in some works are very different from the copying templates, the students carefully observed and understood with their hearts in practice, actively mobilized what they learned in class, and while imitating the color expression and emotional expression of the painter, they also painted their own unique understanding and feelings of color, forming the color coordination and balance in their own pictures, which can be described as a unique style. No matter what color you see in your eyes, it's unique!

The heart of art is beautiful, waiting for the flowers to bloom. Everything you see can be painted, and everything you think can be put into writing. Fine art is not just a skill, but a way of looking at the world. This exhibition fully reflects the exploration and harvest of the beauty of life by the students of Siyang Zhiyuan Middle School, and shares the beauty of life. Siyang Zhiyuan Middle School will, as always, firmly promote the development of aesthetic education in the school, build different display platforms for students, enrich the cultural life of the campus, art and romance, and never end.

Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School
Ink pen Danqing wonderful pen flowers | Exhibition of outstanding works of the painting club of Zhiyuan Middle School

The school conscientiously implements the educational concept of "five educations at the same time", especially in aesthetic education, as much as possible to closely link the content of art courses with students' life experience, and constantly emphasizes the role of knowledge and skills in helping them create life, so that students have the ability to perceive beauty and be able to experience the unique value of beauty in real life.

Source: Siyang Zhiyuan Middle School

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