
Mu Qing Ulanshan obtained the secret treasure of the Pure Altar, and they died in the revolution (36)

author:Happy wild leek

Mu Qing Ulanshan obtained the secret treasure of the Pure Altar, and they sacrificed for the revolution one after another

When Mu Qing persuaded Wang Jialuo to give up working for the Qing Dynasty, he was very excited and decided to kill Mu Qing, but he was not Mu Qing's opponent at all, Wang Jialuo thought that Mu Qing couldn't get the seal, and Wang Jialuo kept saying God bless me Daqing before he was captured。。。。。 It wasn't until Mu Qing told Wang Jialuo that he was a seal that he seemed desperate and helpless.

Mu Qing Ulanshan obtained the secret treasure of the Pure Altar, and they died in the revolution (36)

When he woke up, he told him that he had imprinted the tattoo on his body, which symbolized the seal of Dharma. And once again persuaded Wang Dibao to join the revolution and change the country together. However, Wang Dibao remained loyal to the Qing Dynasty and would rather die than join the revolution and disobey the Qing court, and he finally fell into the sea after killing himself. Although Wang Dibao's choice seemed to be out of step with the trend of the times at the time, it was also a strong force for maintaining social order. After all, the essence of a revolution is destruction, and when it should be carried out is the least destructive is a profound science, and it is not subject to human will.

Mu Qing Ulanshan obtained the secret treasure of the Pure Altar, and they died in the revolution (36)

When Wu Lanshan went to send a telegram, Mu Qing went to the Japanese stronghold to hunt and kill Qingyi Trade Winds and his men, and before her death, she taught Mu Qing to learn how to use modern rifles, and he also shot Nogami Han and Qing Yi Trade Winds with a back gun.

Prince Qi led his subordinates to execute Zhong Haichao, who betrayed him, and recalled the history of cultivating him before his death, but he knew that Prince Qi was also because he had this ability, and Zhong Haichao's insistence on following his own path to Beiyang was to decide that Prince Qi did not trust him. Generally speaking, Zhong Haichao is a knowledgeable person, but in the eyes of Prince Qi and Beiyang, he is just a dog. It is worth mentioning that Wu Lanshan blocked and killed Zhong Haichao's mistress, which shows Wu Lanshan's broad mind and far-sighted vision.

Mu Qing Ulanshan obtained the secret treasure of the Pure Altar, and they died in the revolution (36)

Wu Lanshan told her father in mature language that she decided how to go in the future, and she did not need her father's permission to marry Mu Qing in the future. These words made Prince Qi lose face, and he completely understood that his daughter was truly honest in mind.

Mu Qing Ulanshan obtained the secret treasure of the Pure Altar, and they died in the revolution (36)

In the end, Men Sandao and Wu Lanshan and others came to the descendants of Prajna, gathered at the Huang Ji butcher shop, and solved the mystery of the secret treasure - in fact, the so-called four seals are the tattoos on the people of the four halls, and these patterns are grouped together in the order of "Xixuan", and their interweaving points are where the secret is hidden.

Mu Qing Ulanshan obtained the secret treasure of the Pure Altar, and they died in the revolution (36)

Along the way, Mu Qing Wulanshan and others went through many difficulties and dangers, lived up to expectations, obtained the secret treasure of the Pure Altar, and dedicated it to the revolution.

Mu Qing Ulanshan obtained the secret treasure of the Pure Altar, and they died in the revolution (36)

Wu Lanshan went to Hong Kong to supervise the delivery of the secret collection of the Pure Altar, and Mu Qing went to Wuhan to engage in revolutionary work according to her arrangement. Although they had a phone call, they never met again. Mu Qing died in Nanjing during the Second Revolution, and Wu Lanshan was wounded in Wuhan during the Northern Expedition, and died of a grief in Guangzhou the following year. The revolution may seem lofty, but in fact it comes at a high cost, both for the participants and for ordinary people.

Mu Qing Ulanshan obtained the secret treasure of the Pure Altar, and they died in the revolution (36)

Reform (reform and opening up) is the best medicine for a country and society to move forward! The results of China's development in 1978 are clear evidence.