
Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

author:Huang Yi is here
Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

Text: Blue Rabbit

Editor|Huang Yi is here

It is said that wealth is not exposed, but it is difficult for the profession of star actor to let others know that he is rich.

It is well known that celebrities make a lot of money, and the 208ws of domestic entertainment close their eyes and grab a handful.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

Some celebrities are stupid and have a lot of money, and they will be targeted by scammers if they are not careful.

Today, let's take stock of the stars who have been deceived.

The deception of casting a wide net

2014 was the heyday of harassing calls, with 27 billion calls made that year.

This year, there are two celebrities who have been cheated of money by scam calls.

The first is Li Qin.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

Li Qin debuted in 2008, when she was just an adult.

Her debut novel, as we all know, is Li Shaohong's version of "Dream of Red Mansions".

She plays the role of the young Xue Baochai in the new version of "Dream of Red Mansions".

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

Li Qin spent four years on the Dream of Red Chambers project.

By the time she got the final payment, she was 22 years old.

But just a simple phone call made Li Qin cheat all the money he earned in four years.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

Here's the thing:

At that time, a girl suddenly called Li Qin.

On the phone, the girl cried heartbreakingly, and she said that she was an old friend of Li Qin.

The family is sick, and the money is not enough for treatment.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

So he could only be cheeky to borrow money from Li Qin.

The kind-hearted Li Qin was very sad when he heard the girl's situation on the phone.

Simply she transferred all the money in her bank account to the account provided by the girl at once.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

It wasn't until later that this "old friend" could no longer be contacted, and Li Qin realized that something was not quite right.

But it was too late, and in this way, Li Qin's four years of busyness came to naught.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

Later, on a program hosted by He Jiong and Li Xiang, Li Qin and Lin Yushen mentioned the matter again.

Even though it has been a long time, Li Qin's eyes still moisten unconsciously when he talks about being deceived.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

At that time, she was very depressed, and she was criticized by the police for being brainless.

Because in this case, the other victims are all elderly men and old ladies.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

The police have seen a young girl who has been cheated out of so much money, and it is the first time that the police have seen her.

Lin Yushen next to him also said:

"She really worked for nothing for four years, and none of her four years of hard work were gone."

Also suffering from phone fraud in 2014 is Tang Wei, who is famous for starring in "Lust and Caution" directed by Ang Lee.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

In January 2014, Tang Wei was filming a movie called "A Tale of Three Cities" in Shanghai.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

One day, she received a text message like this: I am Shanghai Public Security, and we have detected a problem with your deposit. You must deposit the money in such and such an account, otherwise you will be held criminally liable.

After Tang Wei saw the news, he obediently remitted 210,000 yuan to the scammer according to the content of the text message.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

As soon as Tang Wei finished making the money, he felt that something was wrong.

She rushed to the police, but the money was still not recovered.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

After Tang Wei called the police, the rest of the crew said that they had also seen the text message.

It turned out that the whole crew saw this information about telecom fraud, and everyone didn't take it seriously.

Only the simple Tang Wei took it seriously.

In 2015, Yu Xiaofan, the actor of the most beautiful Wanjun, the former Qiong Yao girl, also suffered from telephone fraud, and the amount was huge.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

At that time, she was filming in the same crew as Tang Wei.

The tricks of scammers are pretty much the same.

Scammers posing as "Shanghai police" scare Ms. Yu into saying she is now involved in a fraud case.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

The deposits in her account must be supervised by the police.

She needs to send all the money to the account provided by the police.

When the flow of her funds is clarified, the money will be returned to her.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

As a result, Yu Xiaofan was deceived of 8 million yuan, about 40 million Taiwan dollars.

And I didn't realize that something was wrong after six transfer operations.

After the operation was completed, Yu Xiaofan's spouse learned of the incident and informed Yu Xiaofan that this was a fraud at all.

And it's very old-fashioned.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

At this point, Yu Xiaofan was surprised to find out that he had been deceived.

She hurriedly called the police, and the scammer's account was frozen as soon as possible.

But it was too late, and the money was already withdrawn.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

Now that these scams have been known to many people, there is a high probability that they will not be able to deceive everyone.

But as scammers keep up with the trend of the times, they will update their scams.

Most of the current scams are online game fraud, college entrance examination enrollment fraud, education and training fraud, and so on.

Acquaintance scam

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

If most people are wary of the first kind of wide-net scam, then being deceived by so-called acquaintances and friends is even more "clever" scam.

Because these acquaintances know the life and character of the victim.

Such a one-to-one private customized scam is really impossible to prevent.

Previously, Zhu Dan talked about being deceived eight or nine years ago in a show called "Love's Study Trip".

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

A friend who has completely gained Zhu Dan's trust cheated her out of all her net worth and even went into debt.

But the friend's project had financial problems during filming.

When she borrowed money, she wanted to ask Zhu Dan to be a Witness.

Seeing his friend speak, Zhu Dan agreed without any hesitation.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

One day after that, a friend happily called Zhu Dan and said that the money could be repaid.

At present, Zhu Dan, a witness, is needed to witness the repayment.

But Zhu Dan could not be present in person at that time.

Because she was out of town, she couldn't return to Beijing immediately.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

But my friend immediately came up with a solution.

That is to ask Zhu Dan to sign a blank piece of paper, and then send this piece of paper to Beijing.

Zhu Dan is legally illiterate, and she doesn't know what it means for a person to sign a blank piece of paper.

That is, she fully acknowledges and agrees with everything on paper.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

In this way, Zhu Dan, who was a witness, became a guarantor.

The friend directly declared bankruptcy and told Zhu Dan that he had no money.

Then he took on all the debts that his friend had borrowed.

Many netizens realized that this was the reason why the stars refused to sign on white paper.

And that so-called close friend hasn't said a word of apology to Zhu Dan for so many years.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

Zhu Dan wrote this paragraph:

"I'm sorry, I know I won't forgive you, but if you can say sorry, maybe be willing to forget about it."

But fortunately, Zhu Dan's boyfriend Zhou Yiwei did not break up with Zhu Dan because of the huge debt he was going to carry.

Instead, he said that he would work together and was willing to help Zhu Dan repay his 20 million debts.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

Another person who was deceived by an acquaintance was Yin Xiaotian.

He suffered worse than Zhu Dan.

Because he was cheated not only out of money, but also out of feelings.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

At that time, Yin Xiaotian met a woman, Halena, through a friend.

This Halyna is not a vase, she studied at Tianjin Medical University and is a graduate student at the Central University of Finance and Economics.

Not only that, Yin Xiaotian also learned that this girl's family background is very good.

Halina's father is an executive in a state-owned enterprise, and her mother is also a strong woman.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

There are a lot of storefronts and properties.

In this way, Yin Xiaotian and Halyna quickly fell in love.

Marriage is also a matter of course.

In 2015, Halyna and Yin Xiaotian entered the palace of marriage.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

There were two weddings, namely the woman's hometown of Inner Mongolia and Beijing.

Yin Xiaotian was sure that he had found true love, so he spent 2 million yuan on the wedding alone.

And before getting married, Yin Xiaotian had already given the woman a bride price of 1.2 million.

Yin Xiaotian is so arrogant, and it is not entirely out of love for Halyna.

Because Halyna promised him more benefits before she married him.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

Halina told Yin Xiaotian that when she got married, she would bring a dowry of 1 million to the family.

Even more tempting, Harlina promised that her parents would buy them a house after marriage.

This house will be bought in Beijing, and the price is as high as 10 million.

Yin Xiaotian entered the marriage with such expectations.

It's just that after getting married, he gradually found that there were some problems with his wife.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

First of all, the most direct is that there has been no news about the bride price promised by Halina and the Beijing real estate worth 10 million.

Halyna's explanation of this is also inconsistent and full of loopholes.

Finally, under Yin Xiaotian's questioning, Halyna finally told the truth.

Her academic qualifications are fake, and she has not gone to graduate school at all.

The school from which the undergraduate graduated is also fake.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

What's more, Halyna admits that her family situation is also made up.

There is no father of a state-owned enterprise executive and a mother who has succeeded in business.

Her mother was just a breakfast shopkeeper.

Halyna's deception is destined to bring their marriage to an end.

Even in 2016, a year after getting married, Halyna gave birth to a son for Yin Xiaotian.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

But the husband and wife also quarreled constantly, and the relationship was very tense.

Just a few months after the birth of her son, Halyna ran away from home with her son.

At the same time, Halyna refused to let Yin Xiaotian see the child and decided to divorce Yin Xiaotian.

Not only that, but Halyna also kept asking for high child support.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

Yin Xiaotian was helpless and angry, so he could only sue for divorce.

As a result, the court agreed to the divorce of the two.

Not only did Halina not have any punishment for cheating on marriage and money, but Yin Xiaotian needed to pay compensation to Halina instead.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

The court ordered him to pay not only 3.5 million yuan as compensation, but also 15,000 yuan per month to Halyna as child support.

It's really empty of people and money in the end, and I lost my wife and soldiers.


Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

There are countless cases of celebrities being deceived, and there are many tricks.

While we ordinary people watch jokes, we should also raise our vigilance.

Don't feel like you can't be scammed.

You know, people who are sure that they won't be deceived are often more likely to be deceived.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

Nowadays, many scammers are becoming more sophisticated, and the application of AI technology has made sound and video unreliable.

In addition to being vigilant against the scams of casting a wide net, we should also be more vigilant about the scams of acquaintances.

Don't put too much faith in so-called acquaintances and be vigilant.

Is your IQ not enough, or is it impossible to prevent it? The 6 celebrities who were "miserable" by liars are sad and ridiculous

Some references:

Baidu Encyclopedia|Li Qin, "Dream of Red Mansions"

Zhihu|Yin Xiaotian's divorce incident, Yu Xiaofan

Weibo|Tang Wei, "Lust Caution"

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