
The 6 high-scoring movies that climaxed at the beginning, each of which made people sigh after watching it

author:Yaoyao Kan movie

1. 《启示》

I thought it would tell esoteric truths and bring revelations, but I didn't expect it to be a fugitive film (bu'shi), the scene is quite restored, the shooting technique is also very good, the plot is compact, and people can't help but be fascinated by it, but the escape is still a bit of a drama, chasing in the forest for a day and a night, can this really catch up, and the little girl's sudden prediction, I thought the male protagonist would kill all sides, and I chased for half an hour to win the battle of wits and courage.

The 6 high-scoring movies that climaxed at the beginning, each of which made people sigh after watching it

2, "Blood Diamond"

A movie with great intentions. Behind the diamond lies the history of Africa's blood and tears. The male protagonist is the real European emperor, and in the end he became the biggest winner. The piece of the little plum that died was shot very well. A shiny thing, but it is nothing more than a permutation of carbon, but it is endowed with infinite meaning. The hype of diamonds has long since cooled down, and this technology can be synthesized without so much sacrifice.

The 6 high-scoring movies that climaxed at the beginning, each of which made people sigh after watching it

3, "City of God"

The City of God, the Hong Kong translation title "Borderless City", this slum outside of law and order in Rio de Janeiro is blessed by no owner, the overlord boy and the type boy Nate are not gods, the former turns it into hell, and the latter seems to be the savior, but it is inevitable to cross the boundaries of the rule and kill innocents. Even if the two are killed, what will change? There will still be the next generation of trails, like drawing a circle for the city, casting a spell, and starting again.

The 6 high-scoring movies that climaxed at the beginning, each of which made people sigh after watching it

4, "Constantine"

DC's early hero films, although full of cliché audio-visual, clichéd plot design with little amount of information to wander in order to elicit spectacle, are still very suitable and self-consistent neat movies in 2005. Religious propaganda + smoking cessation and anti-cancer tablets. Keanu Reeves is really handsome, and the cinematography of the film is impeccable, but the plot is really nothing to say.

The 6 high-scoring movies that climaxed at the beginning, each of which made people sigh after watching it

5, "Fatal ID"

A suspense thriller movie that is not afraid of spoilers, with strict plot logic, layers of reversals, wave after wave of climaxes, and almost every set of shots and every line is foreshadowed; The cross-editing plays the finishing touch, which is addictive after reading, and many details are worth reviewing and savoring; The most unlikely people are often the most suspicious, and children are no exception.

The 6 high-scoring movies that climaxed at the beginning, each of which made people sigh after watching it

6, "Mad Max 4: Fury Road"

The best episode, if the protagonist is still middle-aged, Mel Gibson would be perfect, a good interpretation of what madness is, better than the old trilogy. No wonder they all say it's a cool film. It's just that there are still regrets, the male protagonist retreated, and the whitewashed battle boy died forever. It can only be said that love can deceive people's hearts the most.

The 6 high-scoring movies that climaxed at the beginning, each of which made people sigh after watching it

The 6 high-scoring movies that climaxed at the beginning, each of which was embarrassing after watching it!

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