
Give the dummy? When a Philippine fishing boat had a sudden accident and a patrol boat forcibly entered Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard was on standby

author:Beacon front station

The Philippine Coast Guard released a video claiming that a Philippine fishing boat had an accident on June 29 and tried to force its way into the waters near Scarborough Shoal. The Philippine Coast Guard patrol vessel left the Philippines on June 26 to begin a patrol mission in the South China Sea, according to AIS signal data from the ship, and happened to encounter an explosion of a Philippine fishing boat on June 29. When the Philippine fishing boat suddenly had an accident, the Philippine Coast Guard tried to force its way into Scarborough Shoal, for which the Chinese coast guard issued a warning, so the Philippines has quite a rhythm of "striking the east and attacking the west". For a long time, China has given the Philippines the greatest goodwill, and although the Philippines has launched a provocation at Scarborough Shoal, China still allows Filipino fishermen to fish nearby, but the Philippines will still use fishermen to carry out provocative actions of "selling dog meat on sheep's heads".

Give the dummy? When a Philippine fishing boat had a sudden accident and a patrol boat forcibly entered Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard was on standby

In the past, the Philippines used fishing boats to approach the waters near Scarborough Shoal on the mainland and tried to destroy our blocking devices through divers, in addition to destroying the production facilities of mainland fishermen. The Philippines has tried to deal with the Chinese coast guard through the "crowd tactics", and for this reason it has organized the so-called "100 ships operation" in an attempt to forcibly enter Scarborough Shoal. Many of the so-called fishing boats in the Philippines are actually official Philippine vests, mainly engaged in provocative actions against the Chinese coast guard.

Give the dummy? When a Philippine fishing boat had a sudden accident and a patrol boat forcibly entered Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard was on standby

When the Philippine Coast Guard patrol ship arrived in the waters near Scarborough Shoal, it happened to encounter a Philippine fishing boat that exploded and caught fire and was about to sink. The Philippine Coast Guard tried to break into the waters near Scarborough Shoal without warning, so the Philippine Coast Guard has already had a rhythm of touching porcelain. The Philippine Navy's Amphibious Dock Landing Ship USS Sierra Madre had previously tried to permanently occupy Ren'ai Jiao on the mainland by running aground on Ren'ai Jiao, but the Philippines has not towed the landing ship so far, and has also tried to reinforce the stranded landing ship. On June 17, the Philippines mobilized 80 naval special forces to try to forcibly resupply the landing ships, but was ultimately thwarted by the Chinese coast guard.

Give the dummy? When a Philippine fishing boat had a sudden accident and a patrol boat forcibly entered Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard was on standby

The Philippine Coast Guard forced its way into Scarborough Shoal to no avail, and eventually had to radio the Chinese Coast Guard, allowing it to enter the waters near Scarborough Shoal and begin rescue of the accident fishing boat. According to the photos released by the Philippines, the fishermen of the accident boat were injured and were eventually transferred to the Philippine Coast Guard vessel for treatment. It is very likely that the Philippine fishing boat is carrying explosives, because if it is diesel and other fuel oil, it is difficult to explode, so it is not ruled out that the Philippines acted deliberately.

Give the dummy? When a Philippine fishing boat had a sudden accident and a patrol boat forcibly entered Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard was on standby

The Philippine stance has been very tough in recent times, and Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos has publicly threatened that the Philippines will do more than just protest to China. Judging from the Philippine Coast Guard's use of patrol ships to approach the mainland's Scarborough Shoal, the Philippines has not given up on the failure of the provocation on June 17, so it cannot relax its vigilance against the Philippines, and the Chinese coast guard is on standby at Scarborough Shoal to respond to provocations from the Philippines at any time.

Give the dummy? When a Philippine fishing boat had a sudden accident and a patrol boat forcibly entered Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard was on standby

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