
Canada is not installed, threatening to cross the Taiwan Strait three times a year, foreign media: 15 Aegis ships will be built

author:Beacon front station

The Royal Canadian Navy's tentacles have reached out into the Taiwan Strait, and Canadian officials have publicly threatened to use warships to cross the Taiwan Strait three times a year. In fact, the US Navy uses warships to cross the Taiwan Strait about 10 times a year, and Canada, which does not have much international presence, has jumped up and down, highlighting the essence of Canada's strong support for the US strategy, and it is also a rhythm of making a big bet that China will not do it. The US Navy's use of warships to cross the Taiwan Strait is an attempt to give the PLA eye medicine through military deterrence, and at the same time, it is also using actions to support the DPP authorities on Taiwan Island.

Canada is not installed, threatening to cross the Taiwan Strait three times a year, foreign media: 15 Aegis ships will be built

The US Navy's Seventh Fleet has frequently hyped up warships passing through the Taiwan Strait, and under the guidance of the United States, Canada, Australia, France, Turkey, and the Netherlands have also used warships to cross the Taiwan Strait. Canada is a hardcore ally of the United States and has close cooperation with the United States in the military field; in fact, Canada's national defense is tied to the United States, and it can be seen from the establishment of the North American Air Defense Command that Canada relies on the United States to achieve national defense, and for this reason it naturally has to provide services for the United States' strategy. At a time when Australia is buying attack nuclear submarines supplied by the United States and the United Kingdom, Canada has also begun a new operation, and according to Canadian media reports, Canada has begun construction of a new Aegis missile destroyer.

Canada is not installed, threatening to cross the Taiwan Strait three times a year, foreign media: 15 Aegis ships will be built

According to information released by the Canadian Ministry of National Defense, Canada plans to have 15 Aegis missile destroyers by 2050, thereby improving the comprehensive combat capability of Canada's surface combat ships. At present, Canada's main surface combat ships are Halifax-class missile frigates, which have a displacement of about 5,000 tons and are obviously unable to adapt to the existing maritime situation. Canada's guided missile destroyers, like the U.S. Navy, are equipped with the Aegis combat system and anti-aircraft missiles, including the Standard 3IIA series, allowing Canada's sea-based anti-missile defense system to merge with the U.S. ballistic missile defense system.

Canada is not installed, threatening to cross the Taiwan Strait three times a year, foreign media: 15 Aegis ships will be built

Originally, the equipment level of the Canadian Navy could not be the same as that of the US Navy, but with the deployment of Aegis missile destroyers in Canada, Canada will be able to further cooperate with the US strategy. The U.S. Navy is equipped with a large number of Aegis missile destroyers, and at the same time that the U.S. Navy is equipping, the United States is also exporting the Aegis combat system to a number of allies, Japan, South Korea, Norway, Spain and Australia already have Aegis combat ships, and from the perspective of equipment scale, Canada will be second only to the United States, and the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force currently has 8 Aegis missile destroyers, which may increase to 10 in the future, but it is still not as large as Canada.

Canada is not installed, threatening to cross the Taiwan Strait three times a year, foreign media: 15 Aegis ships will be built

At a time when the United States is actively encircling and containing China, Canada has rushed to the front line, and in fact there is no territorial and territorial dispute between Canada and Canada, and it is obvious that Canada is not building 15 Aegis missile destroyers for the defense of its homeland, but to cooperate with the global strategy of the United States, including the suppression of China. In fact, the comprehensive strength of the United States today is not as good as before, and with the decline of the United States' national strength, Canada will also be affected.

Canada is not installed, threatening to cross the Taiwan Strait three times a year, foreign media: 15 Aegis ships will be built

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