
There are more and more gray hairs, you think you are old, but in fact, you lack these three nutrients, and you will benefit from it as soon as possible

author:Sister Yan talks about food

Hello everyone, I'm Sister Yan talking about food, as the years go by, the appearance of gray hair is often seen as a symbol of aging. However, many people don't realize that the increase in gray hair may not only be a sign of age, but also a warning of some kind of nutritional deficiency in the body. Don't think it's getting old because of the growing gray hair, in fact, it could also be that the body is telling you that it needs more copper, zinc and vitamin B12. Next time you're choosing ingredients, pay more attention to the content of these nutrients.

1. Soft-bottomed shrimp

There are more and more gray hairs, you think you are old, but in fact, you lack these three nutrients, and you will benefit from it as soon as possible

Ingredients: shrimp, eggs, cucumbers, carrots, corn kernels


1. First, wash the shrimp carefully and put them in a clean bowl. Next, add salt, cooking wine, pepper and starch and stir gently to ensure that the shrimp are evenly coated with the seasoning. Then, cover the bowl and marinate for about 15 minutes to allow the shrimp to fully absorb the flavor of the seasoning.

2. Next, we prepare the egg part. Take a few fresh eggs and gently crack them into a bowl. Then, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, then slowly pour in water, taking care that the ratio of water to eggs should be 1:1 to ensure that the steamed eggs taste tender.

3. Pour the prepared egg mixture into a dish suitable for steaming to ensure that the egg mixture is evenly distributed. Then, preheat the steamer until the water is boiling, place in a plate with the egg mixture, time from the water boiling, and steam for about 8 minutes until the egg wash at the bottom begins to set.

4. While steaming the eggs, we can prepare side dishes. Cook the cleaned shrimp in boiling water with the sliced cucumbers, carrots, and corn kernels. Remember to add a little oil and salt to the water during cooking, which will not only preserve the bright color of the ingredients, but also add some flavor to them.

5. When the bottom of the egg liquid begins to solidify, spread the boiled shrimp, cucumber, carrot and corn kernels evenly on the egg liquid. Then, continue steaming for about 2 minutes until the shrimp and garnish are fully cooked. Finally, sprinkle some fresh chopped shallots for garnish and serve.

2. Shredded pork in Beijing sauce

There are more and more gray hairs, you think you are old, but in fact, you lack these three nutrients, and you will benefit from it as soon as possible

1. First, carefully cut the tenderloin into even strips. Next, add light soy sauce, cooking wine and starch and gently mix until the shredded meat is completely starched. Subsequently, a small amount of vegetable oil is drizzled to lock in the moisture of the shredded meat and marinated for about 5 minutes to make it more tender.

2. When the pan starts to heat up, pour in a small amount of oil to keep the oil temperature low. Then, gently add the marinated shredded meat and gently slide it through with a spatula or chopsticks to make sure the shredded meat doesn't stick. When the shredded meat gradually changes color and turns from red to white, no additional seasoning is added, and we pour it directly into our special shredded pork sauce.

3. This Beijing sauce shredded pork sauce is a cooked sauce carefully boiled in advance, which can not only be used directly for cooking, but also mixed into noodles, and the taste is equally delicious. At this point, stir-fry slowly over low heat to allow the flavor of the sauce to gradually penetrate into the shredded meat.

4. Finally, sprinkle with some cooked sesame seeds to add aroma and taste. Wrapped in bean skin or spring cakes, this delicious shredded pork is full of sauce and tenderness intertwined with the tenderness of the shredded meat, which is simply unforgettable, and the deliciousness even surpasses that of roast duck.

3. Enoki mushroom chicken soup

There are more and more gray hairs, you think you are old, but in fact, you lack these three nutrients, and you will benefit from it as soon as possible

1. Choose chicken thighs or breasts and cut them into thin strips. Put it in a bowl, add an appropriate amount of salt, beat in an egg white, sprinkle with some starch, gently grasp and mix well with your hands, marinate for about 10 minutes, so that the shredded chicken fully absorbs the flavor.

2. Prepare a small handful of fresh enoki mushrooms, wash them and set aside. Chop some Shanghai greens, chopped green onions and shredded fungus as a side dish. The remaining half of the egg left in the shredded marinated chicken just now is beaten up for the subsequent egg drop making.

3. Put the marinated shredded chicken into boiling water and cook quickly. Pay attention to the heat to avoid overcooking and affecting the taste.

4. Stir-fry chopped chives in a pot and start making the soup base. Depending on personal taste and needs, add the right amount of water, and if possible, use chicken broth as a soup base to make the taste more delicious.

5. Put the cooked shredded chicken into the pot and add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken powder to taste. When the soup is boiling, put the enoki mushrooms, Shanghai greens and shredded fungus into the pot and stir gently to heat the garnish evenly.

6. Since these side dishes are easy to cook, just blanch them slightly. When the water in the pot is boiling, add an appropriate amount of water starch to thicken the soup and make it thicker. Next, slowly pour the beaten egg mixture into the pan and stir gently until the egg mixture forms a beautiful egg drop.

7. When all the eggs are floating and cooked through, pour the soup into a bowl and sprinkle with chopped green onions for garnish. This shredded chicken and vegetable soup is complete.

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