
The county's "two excellent and one first" commendation conference was held

author:Fengcheng Condenser
The county's "two excellent and one first" commendation conference was held

On June 29, the county's "two excellent and one first" commendation conference was held to warmly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, focusing on commending the outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations that have emerged on all fronts in the county, mobilizing and encouraging all levels of the county to further emancipate their minds, work hard, and write a new chapter in the construction of a modern and strong county in Tancheng. Wang Lijun, secretary of the county party committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, Yu Guangwei, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, presided over the meeting, Sun Jingbo, director of the Standing Committee of the county people's Congress, and Wang Fei and Jiang Lianyi, deputy secretaries of the county party committee, attended the meeting.

On behalf of the county party committee, Wang Lijun extended warm congratulations to the commended advanced individuals and grassroots party organizations, and extended holiday greetings to the majority of party members in the county. He pointed out that the advanced individuals and collectives that have been commended are all outstanding representatives of the grassroots frontline and all walks of life. The majority of party members and cadres should take the advanced as the benchmark and the typical as an example, overcome difficulties, take responsibility, and strive to become the leader and main force in promoting the high-quality development of the county.

Wang Lijun demanded that party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres should firmly grasp the general requirements of party building in the new era, actively strive to be pioneers and exemplars, and provide strong political guidance and organizational guarantee for the high-quality development of Tancheng. It is necessary to be a pioneer and an example in promoting development, serve existing enterprises attentively, attract foreign projects with affection, and strive to break the constraints of factors. It is necessary to be a pioneer and an example in reform and innovation, adhere to the problem-oriented reform, adhere to the departmental tackling and reform, and adhere to the normal and long-term reform. It is necessary to be the vanguard and set an example in serving the masses, solve the problems of having money to serve, to serve according to the law, and to serve responsibly, and truly strive to do a better job in every hotline that the masses call, every demand they reflect, and every benefit they deserve. It is necessary to be a pioneer and set an example in the courage to be the first, establish the concept of "failure to be first-class is dereliction of duty, and failure to be advanced is failure", and strive for policies, projects, funds, pilots, and honors, so as to cheer for the development of Tancheng. It is necessary to be a pioneer and an example in improving the style of work, clearly realize that "the construction of work style is always on the road", always benchmark against the table, and test the effectiveness of work style with actual work performance. It is necessary to be a pioneer and an example in the implementation, and strictly follow the requirements of "work projects, project lists, list responsibilities, and responsibility rewards and punishments", and set posts, responsibilities, people, and time limits to ensure implementation.

County leaders Yang Xiaoli, Liu Da, Wang Zhonghua, Liu Xuefeng, Nie Wenzhong, Tian Jingmin and others attended the meeting. (Hu Xiangzhen, Wang Wenhui)

The county's "two excellent and one first" commendation conference was held
The county's "two excellent and one first" commendation conference was held
The county's "two excellent and one first" commendation conference was held

Editor in charge: Du Zhiwu Yin Lina

Preliminary examination: Zheng Yi

Final review: Shen Yan

The county's "two excellent and one first" commendation conference was held