
A 26-year-old working girl married a Belgian prince and became the first Asian princess in Europe, what happened to her 13 years later?

author:Writing Senior Sister Yuyu
A 26-year-old working girl married a Belgian prince and became the first Asian princess in Europe, what happened to her 13 years later?

It is said that the story of the prince and Cinderella only exists in fairy tales, but I didn't expect that in reality, a civilian girl from a small town in Guangdong married a Belgian prince and became the first post-80s Asian princess.

Her name is Li Ran, and on the wedding day, she wore a princess crown and a red dress to hold a wedding with the prince in the ancient castle.

What is the magic of this Guangdong migrant girl that fascinates the prince?

A 26-year-old working girl married a Belgian prince and became the first Asian princess in Europe, what happened to her 13 years later?


Li Ran's life experience is not simple, it seems that what she did in the first 25 years was to prepare for marrying into the royal family.

In 1984, Li Ran landed in Wuhua County, Meizhou, Guangdong, and was born and raised in Hakka.

Her parents were not high-ranking officials, nor wealthy businessmen, but ordinary office workers.

But her parents taught her to study hard since she was a child, so her grades have always been very good when she went to school.

She also entered the key class with excellent grades, and not only that, but her EQ and IQ are both high.

Obviously, she has gained a lot of love letters from male classmates, but she broke off her love and only focused on studying.

In her spare time, her mother gritted her teeth and signed up for a piano interest class for her daughter, and after years of practice, Li Ran's piano reached level ten.

A 26-year-old working girl married a Belgian prince and became the first Asian princess in Europe, what happened to her 13 years later?

The investment was the right one, learning piano is definitely a plus, although it is not a necessity in life.

Later, Li Ran was admitted to Beijing Language and Culture University, majoring in finance, and also obtained a degree in economics.

During college, she was still the top student and was fluent in three Chinese.

After graduating, she went on to study French and Chinese at the Sorbonne University in Paris, and then obtained an MBA in Luxury Marketing and Management.

After graduating, she worked in luxury sales, joining Balenciaga and Fendi.

A 26-year-old working girl married a Belgian prince and became the first Asian princess in Europe, what happened to her 13 years later?

Perhaps, in front of such a hard-working and pursuing girl, fate favored her, and soon the arrow of Cupid, the goddess of love, was shot at her.

One day in May 2009, Li Ran greeted him as usual when a handsome young man walked into the store and called himself Charles, a designer who came here in search of inspiration.

Li Ran knows luxury and art design well, and Charles also has a unique insight into design.

Since then, the two have always had endless conversations, and it is even more difficult to separate, and it didn't take long for the two young people to walk together.

A 26-year-old working girl married a Belgian prince and became the first Asian princess in Europe, what happened to her 13 years later?


Subsequently, Charles told Li Ran about his life experience, it turned out that he was a Belgian nobleman and a prince of the Ligne family.

Although Charles has endless money and status, he is not greedy for comfort, not only as a designer, but also in partnership with his brother to start a company; At the same time, it is also involved in the real estate business...

Although the two young people are in love with each other, the Ligne family has never married a foreign girl, and it is still a civilian family, and the family background is too different.

However, when the prince's family met Li then, her excellent conversation and knowledge, down-to-earth and generous manners, and gentle and touching artistic temperament won their approval.

The two have only been in love for a year and a half, and they both entered into marriage, and they held a castle wedding, which was quite romantic.

In this way, Li Ran became the first Asian princess of Belgium!

In 2012, Li Ran gave birth to a mixed-race prince, he inherited his mother's language talent, and learned Chinese, English and French from an early age to prepare for the future crown prince of Belgium.

A 26-year-old working girl married a Belgian prince and became the first Asian princess in Europe, what happened to her 13 years later?


After Li Ran became the princess, she did not become an idle rich wife, nor did she give up her career development, but was still low-key and active in the luxury management industry.

She also successfully joined Dior as an executive, and they settled in France and Shanghai, and the princess flew around for work like an ordinary migrant worker.

But he is low-key and down-to-earth, and never shows his life.

Prince Charles also doted on Li Ran, who needed to return to China for work, and he often accompanied him.

Prince Charles also fell in love with the Wuwu and the vast and profound food culture of China.

The two are usually very easy-going and low-key, completely dressed as commoners, and they can't tell that they are royals and nobles.

A 26-year-old working girl married a Belgian prince and became the first Asian princess in Europe, what happened to her 13 years later?

On every anniversary, the prince does not forget to show his affection and express his love to his wife, which can be called an exemplary couple.

Someone once asked the prince, why was he fascinated by Li Ran?

The prince said that when he was a child, he watched his parents quarrel every day, but then he still couldn't hold back, and he divorced when he was 22 years old, so he would find a Chinese woman.

In addition, Li Ran is proficient in Chinese, English and French Chinese, has a high EQ IQ, and more importantly, she has a gentle personality, gentle and generous, and a sober and wise mind that makes her even more charming.

Perhaps, a person like Li Ran can't tell what's good, but no one can replace him, and the Belgian prince is fascinated like this.

A 26-year-old working girl married a Belgian prince and became the first Asian princess in Europe, what happened to her 13 years later?


Opportunities are always given to those who are prepared, and Li Ran's princess's life seems to be accidental, but it is inevitable.

She fell in love and married an ordinary luxury store clerk and an upper-class person, crossed classes through marriage, changed her fate, and rose from an ordinary person to the upper class.

If Li Ran didn't learn and was a complete scumbag, then she wouldn't know English and French, let alone study abroad and meet the Belgian prince.

After all, she has been a scholar since she was a child, this is not an ordinary person, 99% of women do not have her qualifications, and she is also an excellent woman who matches herself to be favored by the prince.

Therefore, Li Ran's turnaround and counterattack are not accidental.

May every girl work hard enough to become the one chosen by the god of fate.

Author|Caviar · Eva


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