
She coveted his warm embrace, so be it, whatever purpose he married herself.

author:Sunshine sheets
She coveted his warm embrace, so be it, whatever purpose he married herself.

The picture comes from the Internet

It's finally time to go to work.

Lu Si was nervous all the way, but when she arrived at the company, she found that the actual situation was better than she expected.

No one pointed a finger at her, and no one talked about her.

On the contrary, everything went well.

Originally, Amy had some of the work to take over temporarily, but now she took the initiative to take it back when she returned.

Unexpectedly, Amy smiled and said that it didn't matter, it was all a trivial matter, and I would leave it to her in the future.

Lu Si was dumbfounded.

The conference room was full on Monday, but Lu Si helped Xu Xinghai book the conference room very smoothly. When there was a conflict in the meeting time, she took the initiative to communicate with the other party to change the time, and the other party agreed in seconds.

Just, how to put it, Lu Si had a feeling of unreality.

After lunch at noon, Lu Si went for a walk around the neighborhood alone, and met a management trainee who joined the company at the same time, including Wang Yang.

Lu Sigang wanted to come forward to greet everyone, the other management trainees looked embarrassed and found an excuse to leave quickly, Wang Yang wanted to stay and talk to her more, but was pulled away by others.

Lu Si felt that the situation was serious.

Although her colleagues will not embarrass her on the surface, they must have talked about her behind her back.

After a while, the phone in the pocket vibrates.

Lu Si opened her phone and found that it was Wang Yang who sent her WeChat.

"I'm sorry, I beg your pardon. But that incident still shocked us quite a lot. ”

"Everyone is rumored that you are the president's 'lover', I wonder if the rumors are true?"

Lu Si stared at the two sentences of the WeChat interface with a trace of grievance in his heart, but he still pressed it in his heart.

She really wanted to reply that she was Xu Xinghai's legal wife, but she was no longer impulsive when she thought of the agreement with Xu Xinghai before marriage.

just silently deleted Wang Yang's news.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Due to the long hours of working from home last week, the company piled up too many things.

Xu Xinghai was busy with meetings, and before getting off work, he reported to Lu Si on WeChat.

"I'm going to work late tonight, please let Mrs. Xu go home first, I'll help you call a good car."

Lu Si immediately told him to cancel the car. She still prefers to take the subway.

Then Lu Si asked him how he would eat dinner?

"Mrs. Xu, do you care about me?"

The haze in Lu Si's heart was swept away, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise, "Yes, I care about you." Need me to help you order? ”

It took several minutes for Xu Xinghai to reply, "Thank you, Mrs. Xu, for your concern." But no, Xu Jiang has already ordered the meal. ”

Realizing that he was busy, Lu Si didn't dare to disturb him anymore, and only replied with a brief "yes" and turned off the phone.

Obviously, it was time to get off work, but when Lu Si packed up her things and got up, she found that she was the only one in the entire office who got off work.

Xu Qing pointed to Xu Jiang's seat, meaning that she had to wait for Xu Jiang.

As for the others, they looked up at Lu Si, and then immediately lowered their heads.

Regardless of what others thought, Lu Si took the elevator straight to the first floor.

She walked along the path towards the subway.

The green locust is high and the willow swallows the new cicada, and the smoke wind is beginning to enter the string.

Summer in Jiangcheng is so beautiful.

Seeing the small flowers and trees he had never seen, Lu Si couldn't help but take out his mobile phone to record them.

I was walking around and enjoying the scenery, but I came across a car around the corner.

People parked and parked.

A dark figure stepped out of the car.

The man was wearing a black suit and silver-rimmed glasses, and he looked polite, but his eyes were unusually cold.

But Lu Si suddenly straightened his spine and became a little alert.

"Xu Xiangdi, why are you following me?"

Xu Xiangdi frowned and came to her, "I didn't follow you." ”

"It's just that we haven't seen each other for a long time, let's have dinner together."

Lu Si clenched his hands and unconsciously took a step back, "No, I'll go home for dinner." ”

Her defensive posture made Xu Xiangdi's eyes red for a moment, and she felt hurt.

He took a few steps forward and asked, "Our relationship has reached a point where we can't even eat a meal?" ”

"Or are you more worried that Xu Xinghai will misunderstand you?"

His clenched bones turned white, and he silently prayed in his heart that it must not be the second answer.

But Lu Si's words completely crushed his psychological defense.

"That's right, as you know, I am already married to Xu Xinghai, and I am Mrs. Xu. So I can't just go out to eat with other men, it will make my husband feel uncomfortable. “

"Xu Xiangdi, I'm different from you, I know that there must be boundaries between men and women."

"You are also engaged, and you will be someone else's husband in the future, I hope you understand this in advance."

Xu Xiangdi was dumbfounded by her words.

used to be a well-behaved and lovely little girl, but now she has become this sharp mouth.

He really doubted that Xu Xinghai had given her ecstasy, and even her nature had changed.

"I really just want to have a meal with you, nothing else."

Why can't she just trust him?

Since the last time the two broke up unhappily, Xu Xiangdi has been gnawed away by thoughts every day, and today he really couldn't help it, so he asked Ah Cheng to drive over.

He was lucky enough to meet Xu Xinghai who was not by Lu Si's side.

But Lu Si was bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of the well rope, and she insisted on her bottom line.

"Say something now."

Xu Xiangdi looked at her face like frost, and felt a pain in his heart.

"I heard you were injured a while ago."

He was emotional, "Isn't washing Xinghai good to you?" Why didn't he protect you? ”

"Is a man like him worthy of your love?!"

Lu Si's eyes were fixed on him, without any warmth.

Xu Xinghai is not worthy of her love, is he Xu Xiangdi worthy of it?


Ten years of friendship is still abandoned by him.

No matter how deep the feelings are, how can they be better than the interests of the family.

"Xu Xiangdi, you are not qualified to say such things to me. In addition, Xu Xinghai is very good to me, whether he is worthy of my love or not is up to me. ”

Xu Xinghai's hands were bruised, "Impossible!" You can't fall in love with him in such a short time! ”

"You must have lied to me!"

Lu Si looked into his eyes, revealing obvious impatience.

"Xu Xiangdi, are you so idle all day? I love who doesn't care about you. ”

"There's nothing impossible, I'm just in love with Xu Xinghai."

Xu Xiangdi only felt a pain in his heart, and the blood in his whole body flowed backwards, and the sentence 'I am in love with Xu Xinghai' made him feel particularly harsh.

He couldn't help but step forward and grab Lu Si's hand, shouting loudly: "Do you think Xu Xinghai loves you?" He only married you to get revenge on me. ”

"I'm afraid you don't know, since my junior year, Xu Xinghai has had inexplicable hostility towards me."

"He's jealous of me, so he's going to snatch you away and get revenge on me, and he doesn't love you at all!"

"Also, Xu's Group's entry into the pharmaceutical industry is also to take revenge on me!"

The man's strong hand grabbed Lu Si's tender arm, and Lu Si only felt a pain in his heart.

For a moment, I thought of the time when there was a conflict in the orphanage.

She shook off Xu Xiangdi vigorously, and then slowly took several steps back until the two sides were at a safe distance.

"No matter what Xu Xinghai's purpose is for marrying me, I am now his legal wife."

After saying that, he ran in the direction of the subway without looking back.

Xu Xiangdi looked at Qianying and felt that his heart was empty, and he wanted to chase but didn't dare to chase further.

The lonely figure was stretched by the sunset.

He returned to the car half a day later and asked Ah Cheng to drive him back to the Xu family's old house.

Xu Xinghai arrived home at nearly half past ten in the evening, but his little wife had not fallen asleep yet.

He asked softly, "What's the matter, Mrs. Xu is losing sleep again?" ”

Lu Si sat at the desk in a daze with 'Peach' in his arms, and suddenly came back to his senses when he heard his voice.

"No insomnia."

"Just finished feeding Sanhua."

Silence spilled between the two.

Xu Xinghai keenly sensed that something was wrong with his little wife today, and frowned slightly, "Today... Are you okay in the company? ”

At today's meeting, I have already greeted all the executives, but there are thousands of people in the Xu Group, and I don't know if there will be people talking nonsense.

Lu Si nodded, and there was an unknown emotion in his black and white eyes.

But she understands better than anyone else that this emotion has nothing to do with work.

"It's good, it's the same as before."

Xu Xinghai glanced at the watch on his wrist: "It's not early, go to bed early." ”

As he turned around, Lu Si suddenly stopped him.

"Xu Xinghai"


Lu Si took a step forward, leaned closer to his body, and then slowly hugged his waist firmly.

Xu Xinghai looked at Lu Si buried in his arms, and his heart was soft and warm.

The fatigue of working overtime is gone.

This is the first time that his wife Xu has taken the initiative to hug him.

Xu Xinghai's generous palm was placed on Lu Si's waist, and the more he hugged it, the tighter he became.

"Xu Xinghai~"

Luth poked his head out of his arms and called his name again.

Xu Xinghai let out a low "um" sound.

"What's wrong?"

The doubts in my heart were forced to be suppressed.

She was still too cowardly to have the courage.

Lu Si buried his head in his arms again and muttered, "It's nothing. ”

That's it, no matter what purpose Xu Xinghai marries herself, she doesn't want to care.

Only at this moment did she know that she was so greedy for Xu Xinghai's warm embrace.

In just a few minutes, every bit of the two getting along with each other popped into her mind.

The next morning, Lu Si didn't see Xu Xinghai after washing, and sat at the dining table looking at his mobile phone to know that he had gone to the company for a multinational meeting early in the morning.

Yesterday, I heard that the cross-border acquisition case has been negotiated, and the two parties are going through the final contract signing process.

Lu Si also knew that Xu Xinghai had been busy for a long time for this matter, and he couldn't be distracted at a critical moment, so he immediately replied to him to reassure him.

In the next few days, Xu Xinghai went out early and returned late as always, busy and busy.

On the contrary, it sets off Deluth more leisurely.

During this period, she met Xu Xiangdi twice, but fortunately, the other party just looked at her from a distance and didn't come forward to say some nonsense.

Lu Si just didn't see it, and walked away quickly.

During work hours on Friday, she received a prompt from a stranger to add her WeChat.

By checking the addition method, it is known that it is a search for a mobile phone number to be added.

Out of an abundance of caution, she didn't dare to agree.

After a while, the stranger added her again.

This time, Lu Si clicked "agree".

But strangely, after agreeing, the stranger didn't say a word.

Even if Lu Si took the initiative to ask him who he was, he would not answer.

This man is so weird.

Lu Si checked on the Internet and saw the news that some netizens were defrauded because of this, and he was immediately scared into a cold sweat, and he was about to delete it, but the stranger suddenly "cheated the corpse" and sent her a series of pictures.

Lu Si clicked curiously, but found that it was a screenshot of the forum.

She enlarged the picture with two fingers, and the upper right corner read "Jiangda BBS", which was also several years ago.

Looking at the content of the screenshot carefully, it is that Jiang University students were discussing why Xu Xinghai and Xu Xiangdi suddenly had a stiffness.

It turned out that the relationship between Xu Xinghai and Xu Xiangdi was really bad all of a sudden.

As for the reason, she also did not know.

At that time, Lu Si had already gone to study in country M.

She continued to look at other screenshots, all of which were discussions by Jiang University students.

In the end, everyone agreed that the incompatibility between the two should be because of a certain girl.

Some people speculated that it was the school flower of Jiang University, but it was denied.

Because Jiang University's school flower is already famous.

As for the others, they were denied one by one.

That's it for the screenshots.

Lu Si watched it with relish.

Xu Xinghai didn't tell her about the past, but she suddenly learned in this unexpected way that she had a sense of taboo of eavesdropping.

Lu Si typed out the next line, "Anything else?" I love to watch it, pass it on more. ”

The person on the other side may have been speechless about her actions, and they didn't react for most of the day.

It wasn't until almost the end of the day that a few more pictures came.

This time, someone asked Xu Xiangdi the reason for his bad relationship with Xu Xinghai and Xu Xiangdi's explanation.

Seeing this, Lu Si also knew who was the person who added her to WeChat and sent her pictures again.

It's a lot of work.

She laughed angrily, typing the words and crackling, and people who didn't know thought she was arguing with the person on the other end of WeChat.

"Xu Xiangdi, you're really boring! Actually pretending to be someone else to add me on WeChat, don't you think it's too low?! ”

Xu Xiangdi was not angry, and sent her a large text when he changed his hand.

The words were densely packed between them, and they seemed to be all disciplined words, and Lu Si was dizzy when he saw it.

But it's a lot of talking.

"Xu Xinghai doesn't love you at all."

"Xu Xinghai married you just to get revenge on me."

"Divorce him and go back to Xu's house."

Lu Si couldn't help but be angry in his heart, and he typed the words harder, "Why did Xu Xinghai take revenge on you?" What did you do to be sorry for him? ”

Xu Xiangdi didn't reply again because he didn't know either.

Lu Si continued to increase his firepower: "No matter what happens to me and Xu Xinghai, it is impossible for me to return to the Xu family." I hope that your Xu family will live your own life well and interfere less in other people's lives. ”

"In the end, if you come to harass me again, I'll go directly to Liang Jin."

After typing these few words, she suddenly felt refreshed.

Without waiting for a reply from the other side, Lu Simali nodded 'delete'.

The Xu family was bent on getting along with the Liang family, and Xu Xiangdi was humble to Liang Jin in every way.

If Liang Jin finds out that Xu Xiangdi is still entangled in his old love, I am afraid that the marriage of the two families will have to be said separately.

Therefore, Lu Si was sure that Xu Xiangdi would not come to entangle himself again.

When the mood completely calmed down, it was close to the end of work, and for some reason, Lu Si especially wanted to see Xu Xinghai at this moment.

She sent him a WeChat message, "Are you still working overtime today?" ”

Xu Xinghai quickly replied to her, "Work overtime." But it's not too late, and I'll be home before 8pm. ”

Lu Si felt a trace of loss in his heart, but he still understood him, "Okay, I'll help you keep dinner at night." ”

Xu Xinghai replied to her with an emoji: "I love my wife!" ”

Lu Si smiled dumbly, she really couldn't imagine how the serious, serious and cold Mr. Xu issued this emoji under the public's attention.

She long-pressed the emoji and found that this emoji was a series, and when she slid to the same "big love husband" emoji, she silently clicked 'add'.

It's always going to be useful in the future.

After arriving home, Aunt Wu had already prepared a meal and asked her if she wanted to eat now, but Lu Si hesitated and refused.

She wanted to wait for Xu Xinghai.

The two have been missing all kinds of things in the past week, and they haven't seen each other at the dinner table.

Lu Si first went to the balcony to feed Sanhua and shovel feces, and then went to the bathroom to take a bath and wash his hair.

After everything was cleaned up, Xu Xinghai also arrived home.

Lu Si, who had just taken a shower, didn't have time to dry her hair, her black hair was wet and draped over her shoulders, her little white face was exposed, and with her bright eyes, the whole person looked beautiful and bright.

Xu Xinghai took her into his arms after changing his shoes, and asked gently, "Wash up so early?" ”

Lu Si's eyes flashed slightly, "Hmm." I read it on the Internet today, saying that I should take a shower when I get home from work, so that I can have more time for myself. ”

This is a strange statement.

"Mrs. Xu, this statement is probably for procrastination, but you are not."

Lu Si: "Anyway, I think it's worth trying, so I'll ......"

Xu Xinghai's eyebrows moved slightly, "Okay." Mrs. Xu, who is full of curiosity, is right in everything she says. Ha ha. ”

While Xu Xinghai went to the bathroom to wash his hands, Lu Si trotted to the kitchen to bring the meals and dishes cooked by Aunt Wu to the table.

The four dishes and one soup are very hearty.

Then she thought that there were still a few bottles of drinks in the refrigerator, and trotted all the way over to get them.

Xu Xinghai looked at the two pairs of chopsticks and two bowls of rice on the table, and pressed his eyebrows.

"You haven't eaten dinner yet?"

Lu Si lowered his head weakly and said softly, "I want to wait for you to come back and eat together." ”

Xu Xinghai pulled out a chair and sat down, looking at the little girl with her head hanging on the opposite side, her lips raised.

"It turns out that Mrs. Xu cares about me so much."

I had long expected that Xu Xinghai would definitely take the opportunity to laugh at her, so Lu Si's heart was terrifyingly strong at the moment.

The complexion is as usual, calmly picking up vegetables.

Xu Xinghai ate this meal very happily, and even forgot about going back to Xu's house tomorrow.

It was Lu Si who asked him what time he would leave tomorrow that he remembered.

"It's not the first time I've been there, so I don't need to go too early."

"Besides, we are just newly married, we get up late, and our grandparents understand."

He deliberately emphasized the words "get up late", which made Lu Si's face red.

In terms of cheekiness, Xu Xinghai is really better.

"Okay, then I don't have an alarm clock."

Thinking that he could sleep until he woke up naturally tomorrow, Lu Si was in a good mood.

"That's right," Lu Sigang wanted to go back to the bedroom and then thought of one thing.

"I'm going to play the role of a lobbyist tomorrow, well, help Xu Qing persuade Aunt not to arrange a blind date for her again."

"How do you think I should cut in?"

Xu Xinghai also suddenly woke up, "It turns out that this is what the two of you talked about last time you went out shopping. ”

He pulled Lu Si to sit down, looking at her deeply with dark eyes, "Do you know why Xu Qing asked you to be a lobbyist?" ”

Lu Si nodded, "I know, she told me." ”

"Mrs. Xu, it will be tiring to be involved in other people's cause and effect, are you sure you want to be a lobbyist?"

In fact, he selfishly didn't want Lu Si to help.

But Luth clearly didn't think so.

"First, Xu Qing is my friend, and second, she is still your sister. I had to help from every point of view. ”

This is said by Xu Xinghai very ironing.

"I also played a very important role in this."

Lu Si looked down at him, this man really knew how to get to the point.

Xu Xinghai chuckled, "Okay, then I'll be a lobbyist with you tomorrow." ”

The next day, Lu Si woke up naturally from a sleep, and walked to the living room to find Xu Xinghai busy with work again.

With the drowsiness of waking up in the morning, she wondered, "Why are you working again?" It's Saturday! ”

Xu Xinghai looked up from the tablet and explained with a chuckle: "I have been busy with meetings a few days ago, and some processes have been stuck, so I will take advantage of the weekend time to deal with them intensively." ”

Lu thought about the past week, and immediately felt sorry.

It turns out that the reason why she can live a quiet life is because Xu Xinghai is carrying the weight for her.

Seeing her dazed appearance, Xu Xinghai suspended his office and touched the top of her hair.

My wife is so cute.

"Good complexion, looks like I slept well last night."

"Not like me, alas......"

Lu Si sighed heavily when he heard his aggrieved tone, looked up, and sure enough, he saw two big dark circles under his eyes.

She wanted to comfort him, but her brain was drowsy and unconscious, so she blurted out: "But you are more handsome, you have the handsomeness of a mature man." ”

Xu Xinghai was stunned, and then the corners of his mouth rose wildly.

"It turns out that Mrs. Xu likes to be mature~"

Only then did Lu Si realize what he had said, and hurried to the bathroom with his face half-covered.

While walking, he told Xu Xinghai: "The body is the capital of the revolution, pay attention to health." ”

But after washing his face and seeing that Xu Xinghai was still immersed in work, Lu Si knew that he definitely didn't take his words to heart.

She sighed softly, then turned on her phone to log in to the commonly used online shopping platform.

The two of them finished breakfast and then drove back to Xu's house.

Once born and twice matured, this time Lu Si completely lost the restraint of last time, and saw that the Xu family members were all calling people sweetly one by one, but Xu Xinghai stood aside like an outsider.

After the two of them arrived on the second floor, Xu Xinghai pinched Lu Si's palm, "Mrs. Xu is awesome!" The second time I came to the house, I remembered all the relatives at home. ”

Lu Si thought that she could afford this praise, and she nunu pouted and boasted, "That is, we pay the most attention to detail when we learn to paint." ”

Seeing her smile and beaming, Xu Xinghai's throat rolled, and his eyes were full of smiles.

"Mrs. Xu, grandpa recently transplanted some new flowers and trees from the south, I'll accompany you to take a look."

The broad palm stretched out, and Lu Si naturally put it on.

The two went to the garden to admire the flowers for a while, and it wasn't long before it was lunchtime.

At the dinner table, Lu Si and Xu Xinghai sat together. Xu Qing sat across from them.

Halfway through eating, Xu Qing began to give Lu Si a look and motioned for her to act as soon as possible.

After receiving the signal, Lu Si turned slightly sideways to look at Xu Xinghai beside him.

Xu Xinghai, who was at the bottom of the food chain, did not hurry to pick up the dishes for his own Mrs. Xu, and then glared at Xu Qing opposite.

Dare to threaten his wife, bold!

Seeing that lunch was about to end, Lu Si, who remembered the entrustment, patted Xu Xinghai's thigh, and a pair of fawn eyes looked at him stupidly.

Xu Xinghai lowered his eyes, and under the dining table that no one saw, Mrs. Xu's soft white little hand was on his solid thigh.

He took a deep breath and was glad that he was wearing baggy sweatpants today.

The soft white little hand shook his leg again, and Xu Xinghai moved his gaze up and saw a beautiful face wrinkled into buns.

He opened his eyes, and a languid voice followed.

"Auntie, I heard that you like to collect paintings the most? Sisi happened to learn to paint, and used to study in country M for a few years. ”

Lu Si, who was cue, then continued: "I have been learning to draw since I was a child, and I studied jewelry design in M country when I was in college. ”

When Su Jianmei heard this, she immediately became interested.

After reaching middle age, her scholarly blood awakened, and she actually fell in love with the calligraphy and painting that she had disdained the most, especially Chinese painting.

"Sisi is really amazing, we can learn from each other when we have time."

Lu Si smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll be free today." ”

Before Su Jianmei could react, Xu Qing had already come down from upstairs, "Mom, I took down all the painting tools." ”

"There is just a shady place in the octagonal pavilion in the courtyard, I asked Aunt Wu to clean it up and paint for you."

Xu Qing's enthusiasm took the initiative to surprise Su Jianmei.

As her own mother, she has a poisonous mouth but is not merciful.

"Are you possessed today? I've never seen you so proactive! ”

Xu Qing's eyes bent, pretending to be aggrieved, "Mom, I am actually this image in your heart?" ”

Su Jianmei hadn't spoken yet, but Grandma Xu couldn't sit still.

"Amei, Xu Qing, this girl is usually not in tune, but she did a good job today. We all want to see your and Sisi's masterpieces. ”

Su Jianmei saw that her mother-in-law had spoken, and she no longer taught Xu Qing a lesson, so she turned around and took Lu Si's hand and said softly: "Auntie, I have a high heart, you have to let me." ”

Lu Si laughed out loud all of a sudden, "Auntie, we're just painting, not a competition. ”

Su Jianmei waved her hand, "No, you promise your aunt first." ”

Lu Si had no choice but to nod, "Okay." Auntie, I haven't painted ink painting before, so why don't we learn about ink painting? ”

Su Jianmei smiled, "Okay! ”

That's what she does best.

Today's sunny sky and light breeze are very refreshing. A few people walked and chatted before coming to the octagonal pavilion.

The gazebo is built on the lake, and there are willow trees on it, and the shade is very cool.

There are koi fish swimming around in the lake, and the shadow of lotus flowers can be seen in the distance.

Lu Si sighed in her heart, the area she had browsed was not even one-tenth the size of the Xu Mansion.

Xu Qing put the painting tools on one by one, and then carefully spread the paper and adjusted the paint.

When it was all ready, she waved her sleeve and took Lu Si's hand. From an angle that outsiders couldn't see, she whispered, "I'll leave everything to my sister-in-law." ”

Walking to the side of the octagonal pavilion, Xu Qing made a comparison to Xu Xinghai again.

Remember to be a good assistant to your wife!

Seeing that Xu Xinghai was indifferent, she gritted her teeth and dropped a sentence of "don't mess up", and then left in a hurry.

On the other side, Su Jianmei picked up the pen with great interest to conceive the painting. didn't care about her daughter's every move, just as if she was possessed today.

On the other hand, Lu Si first lowered his head and pondered, and then looked at the beautiful scenery in the distance, and after having an idea in his heart, he was ready to write.

Xu Xinghai dared to approach her when he saw her writing.

"What are you going to draw?"

Lu Si smiled slyly, his eyes rolling, "I won't tell you." ”

Her delicate and charming appearance made Xu Xinghai stunned for a moment, and his heart was ape.

Su Jianmei, who was on the other side, was painting, and suddenly saw the little couple flirting and scolding, and she felt very uncomfortable.

So he immediately stopped his paintbrush, picked up the mobile phone on the table and called Xu Xinghai's uncle.

"Where are you dead, why don't you come back and grind ink for me quickly!"

Luth :!!

Xu Xinghai: ......

Su Jianmei hung up the phone, and her face was full of smiles.

"You two have such a good relationship!"

"If Xu Qing is half well-behaved, I will be Amitabha."

Since the aunt had already mentioned this topic, Lu Si also put down the paintbrush in his hand and said with a smile: "I still envy Xu Qing." ”

Su Jianmei sneered, "What do you envy her?" She knew all day long that she was doing something improper. ”

Lu Si: "What did she do that was not serious?" ”

Su Jianmei was stunned, and she patronized and scolded her daughter all day long, but she really didn't pay attention to what she did. After thinking about it for a long time, I only think about small things like shopping, shopping, and partying.

Seeing this, Lu Si took the opportunity to add, "Xu Qing is brilliant, has a sassy personality, is bold but careful. ”

"Although she is the eldest lady, she is kind, honest and sincere."

"You and your uncle raised her well."

Every time Lu Si said a word, the smile in Su Jianmei's eyes increased by one point.

"As for the relationship, it's not in a hurry, she... She's still young. ”

It was rare to hear Mrs. Xu's tirade, Xu Xinghai saw her stop and immediately handed her a water cup, which was very intimate.

Su Jianmei: "Oh, I'm just too envious of my brother and sister-in-law, so I thought about introducing Xu Qing to a blind date." ”

"It would be better if she could get married as soon as you do."

I see.

This is the reason why the aunt was in a hurry to introduce Xu Qing to the blind date.

Even this one compares ......

Lu Si couldn't cry or laugh, and didn't know how to answer for a while, so he looked at Xu Xinghai with a blank eye.

Seeing this, Xu Xinghai grabbed Lu Si's shoulder, and his voice was clear.

"Auntie, Sisi and I... We're different. ”

Su Jianmei was puzzled, "What's the difference?" ”

Lu Si reacted very quickly, "Xinghai and I have known each other for a long time, and we are... It's a long-term love. Right? ”

Her eyes blinked and looked at Xu Xinghai.

Xu Xinghai's eyes were deep, and the emotions in his eyes were dark and unclear.

After a moment, he tightened his hand slightly and nodded slowly, "Yes, we... We met very early, I fell in love with her at first sight, and she never forgot me. So after returning home, we got married directly. ”

Although he knew that Xu Xinghai was just cooperating with her to make it up casually, Lu Si's heart was still pounding.

People like him are really fatal when they talk about love.

Lu Si looked away a little unnaturally and nodded carelessly, "Yes, yes." ”

It was the first time Su Jianmei had heard the details of the love between the young couple, and when she heard that it was a childhood sweetheart and a story of two lovers, she was even more amazed.

"It's really the same as in the novel."

Then she grabbed Lu Si's hand excitedly and begged to talk more, she has been reading this kind of romance novel lately.

Lu Si was afraid that it would be wrong to say more, after all, she and Xu Xinghai were casually compiled, so she turned back to the main line of the topic.

"Auntie, so I'm not in a hurry to introduce Xu Qing to a blind date, maybe she has a similar childhood sweetheart."

When Lu Si said this, it could be regarded as a side probe to listen to his uncle and aunt's attitude towards Xu Jiang.

Su Jianmei is a smart person, and when she heard Lu Si mention the same topic twice, she made a judgment in her heart.

She deliberately kept a straight face, "What? Xu Qing asked you to be a lobbyist? ”

Lu Si's face suddenly panicked, "Auntie, I, I didn't." ”

Nervous and embarrassed, Lu Si didn't know how to explain for a while.

When she came to the door for the second time, she was misunderstood by Xu Xinghai's elders, this was not the situation she wanted to see.

When she was helpless, the man next to her took her hand and patted the back of her hand.

It was just a simple action, and Lu Si's flustered heart suddenly calmed down.

He was always able to save himself from fire and water at critical moments.

Xu Xinghai half-jokingly said in a deep voice: "Auntie, my Sisi belongs to rabbits, don't scare her." ”

"As for Xu Qing, she is indeed young and playful now, and she is not interested in you introducing her to a boyfriend. But don't worry, I'm my brother, I'll help her keep an eye on the people around her at any time, and be sure to find you an excellent son-in-law. ”

Su Jianmei smiled and pulled Lu Si's arm, "Auntie is joking with you." But Xinghai's words spoke to my heart. ”

She sighed lightly and shook her head with a smile, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about her, and I'm still happy." ”

The two glanced at each other and smiled lightly.

After speaking, Lu Si and Su Jianmei continued their unfinished paintings.

By the time Uncle Xu wiped his sweat and rushed to the octagonal pavilion, the paintings of the two were almost finished.

Lu Si painted a lotus flower, although it was the first time to paint, but it was both realistic and freehand.

Xu Xinghai looked at his wife's masterpiece, and couldn't help but take the brush on the side and inscribe a poem: Only the green lotus and red lotus are innocent.

His words are elegant and chic, and at first glance he is a practitioner.

Xu Xinghai said frankly, "When I was a child, I practiced calligraphy for ten years under the compulsion of my grandfather. It's a pity that I couldn't stick to it after I went to high school. ”

The more Lu Si looked at it, the more he liked it, "I haven't written for so many years and still writes so well, if I persist until now, I won't be a calligrapher!" ”

Xu someone, who was praised by his wife, raised his eyebrows, "Mrs. Xu is really good at coaxing people." ”

Lu Si's face was hot, "I didn't coax people, I was telling the truth." ”

Xu was even happier, and no one could ignore the upward arc of the corners of his mouth.

Su Jianmei frowned, and her elbow hit the wooden lump beside her, "You have something to say!" ”

Uncle Xu woke up from a big dream and said loudly: "Ah, my wife is so good at drawing!" ”

Xu Xinghai and Lu Si also looked over when they heard the voice.

The two watched in silence for three seconds, then fell silent.

Xu Xinghai: "What is this painted by my aunt?" ”

Uncle Xu didn't think about it, and immediately replied, "It's a duck that is drawn." ”

Sister Su Mei was furious and slapped the back of his head: "I drew a mandarin duck!" ”

Uncle Xu: ??!

Xu Xinghai: ......

Luth: ......

In the afternoon, Xu Xinghai was called by Grandpa Xu to play chess, and Lu Si took the opportunity to find Xu Qing to tell her the good news.

Xu Qing jumped up excitedly after hearing this, "Sister-in-law, you are really a good wife!" I love you~"

Lu Si didn't take all the credit on himself, and also told Xu Qing what Xu Xinghai said.

Xu Qing was silent for a few seconds after hearing this, and then raised his eyes to look at Lu Si, "Sister-in-law, have you and my brother known each other for a long time?" ”

Lu Si nodded, "Yes, we met when I was in high school. ”

Xu Qing also nodded, the same as she guessed.

Seeing that there was no one around, she approached Lu Si and smiled like a little fox.

"Sister-in-law, in order to express my heart, I will tell you a secret."

Lu Si's eyes widened and he asked curiously, "What secret?" ”

Xu Qing: "The secret is in my brother's room. The lowest drawer of the table. Find the key yourself, I'm sure you can find it. ”

The last time she went to Langyi, she found that her cousin and Lu Si were still sleeping in separate rooms, and she immediately understood that Xu Qing didn't know her cousin's intentions.

This can't be done, her CP must he!

The cousin is grinding, and her side can only assist.

Xu Qingshen's mysterious appearance made Lu Si's curiosity rise all of a sudden.

At the same time, I was a little nervous.

The long-standing questions seem to be finally being answered.

After the two separated, she went to the second-floor bedroom.

The process of finding the drawer and key was so smooth that Lu Si had to wonder if Xu Qing was lying to her.

The drawer opens to reveal a stack of airline tickets.

All of them are direct tickets from Jiangcheng to country M.

Lu Si picked up the ticket and looked at it carefully, it was the ticket stub that Xu Xinghai flew to country M in recent years.

Xu Xinghai once said that he went on a business trip to country M, which is not a secret.

At most, there are unexpectedly many air tickets, and it seems that he has been traveling frequently for a while.

While thinking about it, Lu Si had already flipped to the end of the ticket, one, two, three, four...... More than a dozen of them actually flew to country M in a continuous time.

Could it be that something happened to the Xu Group this year?

No, this vintage......

Lu Si only felt that his breathing was stagnant, and his hands trembled slightly.

This is the year she first went abroad.


No, Lu Si immediately denied his conjecture, impossible!

It is impossible for Xu Xinghai to fly to country M frequently because of her!

Although she was a little flustered, she still had her senses, and she found many questions when she thought about it.

She had never met Xu Xinghai during her college years, and Xu Xinghai had personally said that he had never been to her alma mater.

The mood slowly calmed down, and Lu Si put the tickets back one by one.

But I saw a piece of paper next to the ticket.

Curiosity drove her to open.

This is a medical bill, and the text is from Country M. But the charger is......

Lu Si's eyes condensed slightly.

The payer is the school hospital of her alma mater.

In other words, Xu Xinghai has been to her alma mater, but why did he lie and say that he hadn't been?

Lu Si, who has always been gentle and quiet, was rarely irritable, and after locking the drawer, she went straight downstairs and trotted all the way to find Xu Xinghai.

but stopped a meter away from him.

The breeze lifted the corner of the man's white shirt, and the three-dimensional silhouette and sword eyebrows softened in the breeze.

chatted with Grandpa Xu until he was happy, the corners of his mouth rose, and his face became more and more like a crown of jade.

As if feeling the scorching gaze in the distance, Xu Xinghai turned his head and saw his little wife standing stupidly in the distance.

The chess pieces he picked up were put down again, Xu Xinghai and his grandfather whispered, "Grandpa, wait a minute", and then got up and walked towards Lu Si.

"Mrs. Xu, do you miss me after three minutes?"

Lu Si's face was slightly red, and he didn't know if he was sunburned or shy.


"None? Okay, then I think Mrs. Xu~"

In the past, Lu Si had already scolded him for being immodest when she heard this, but today she looked at him directly.


Xu Xinghai subconsciously came up with this idea.

When did Mrs. Xu ever have such a bold and passionate look?

"What's wrong?" Xu Xinghai grabbed her hand and asked softly.

Lu Si's black and white eyes looked at him fixedly, "It's okay, I just want to see you." ”

She shook his slender hand back, soft and firm.

Xu Xinghai frowned slightly, "Is it really okay?" Don't keep anything in your heart, tell me in time. ”


Lu Si nodded slightly, "Grandpa is waiting for you." ”

The two held hands and went to the shade of the tree, and Grandpa Xu quipped: "This stinky boy, I haven't seen him so interested in anyone." ”

Lu Si hung his head, his ears so red that he could drip blood.

While Xu Xinghai was not paying attention, she secretly raised her head to look at him, but was caught by Xu Xinghai, and Lu Si's eyes immediately moved away.

After a few seconds, she couldn't help but look at him again, but she was caught by Xu Xinghai again.

went back and forth several times, Xu Xinghai couldn't sit still, revealed his true strength, and killed Grandpa Xu's sunspot without leaving a piece of armor.

Grandpa Xu blew his beard and glared, and there were words in his mouth, "Stinky boy, don't let me get old, hum!" Then he threw the pieces and left.

Xu Xinghai touched his nose, and then threw the pot to the little girl next to him.

"Hey, it's all Mrs. Xu~"

Lu Si was stunned and raised his chin slightly, "What do you blame me?" ”

Xu Xinghai raised his eyebrows, and his tone was ambiguous: "It's strange that Mrs. Xu has been looking at me, and she can see that I am ape and want to be wrong." ”

Luth: ......

She got up and left, ignoring him.

Xu Xinghai squinted his eyes, only to feel that Lu Si's performance at this time was really weird.

The idea came to a head after dinner.

Learning the lesson of the last time, this time when he returned to Xu Zhai, Lu Si specially brought pajamas and slippers from Langyi.

failed to see the pink sundress reappear in the rivers and lakes, and Xu Xinghai had a trace of disappointment in his eyes.

He suspected that the dress had been beaten into the cold palace by Lu Si and would never be seen again.

He took a shower, and Lu Si had already finished blowing his hair and was lying on the bed.

This time it wasn't so restrained, at least it didn't wrap itself in silkworm chrysalis again.

Xu Xinghai dried his hair, his eyes fell on the quilt on the bed, and after thinking for a second, he gently lifted the quilt and hugged Lu Si in his arms.

With a "snap", the lights were extinguished.

Lu Si hadn't fallen asleep in the first place, and it was even more difficult to fall asleep when he was held in Xu Xinghai's arms. She gently moved the man's arm and slowly moved away from his embrace, but as soon as she was a centimeter away, she was caught back by the man.

"Awake?" The man's low, sultry voice was evident in the darkness.

Lu Si was stunned for a while before replying to him.

"Immersion clothes."

Xu Xinghai: "That's right, I didn't fall asleep either." ”

After saying that, he turned on the light again, and his dark eyes stared at Lu Si intently, vowing to see her through.


to be continued

If it is invaded and deleted